-Chapter 5-

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It was a lazy afternoon, having the sun go down with the weather having a slight warm approach then usual. Well, at least in there living area, it was getting less chilly, because of the seasons changing. for the two friends though, there were actually separated from each other. For there reasons though, they were off working at there new found jobs. Gary was working at the grocery store, with Larry being a guy that actually works inside the local gaming story, the same place one of his neighbor's work at.

Larry was inside, stalking up the shelves with a box of games. He was looking on what type of consoles they ran by, with the idea that having the more pricey ones get notices while the more cheaper ones would be more wide spread. He placed then, puting one set of the concole on to the shelf. After setting up what was placed in the box, he picked it up by the flaps and walked over to the .99 cent area. He looked in the box and set up some games that were below the dollar range, having noticed that it was games released from a few years back.

On one side was one brand while the other was the same games, bur it ran on a different system. It wasn't long until he set up all the games into there locations. As he picked up his box, he went to the back room of the store, placing the cardboard on the stack they had in the corner. The reason is for possible packaging for used products or when they need to move something to another location.

Larry checked his phone and noticed that it was closing time, which was around 4 o'clock. He walked out of the room and noticed Adam was cleaning up his work area. He counted up the money and walked pass Larry, putting it in somewhere safe. After walking out, he was looking on his phone, which seems like a usual thing.

Adam turned the screen off and slid it back into is pocket, looking at Larry. "Alright, are we ready to go?" Larry did a look and a quick pat down on himself, mumbling words to wonder what he has on. "I got my phone, my keys, water cante- water canteen!" He spoke out as he walked in the back room. He soon came out with his water canteen on his paw. "Now were ready to go."

After they made sure everything was needed was on them, they went out the door and Adam took out his bundle of keys. He held one up and locked up the store, making sure the front door wouldn't open easily. As he slid them in his pocket, he started to walk off to his home, with Larry following him right behind. There walk back was something usual, being involved with discussions on video games and other assortments in the world. 

Ot was only about a few minutes until they came onto a curve. A few cars were driving pass, having many others that live in the neighborhood walk around, exploring the different shops and other assortments that was placed near there homes. It wasn't long until there was a path opened for them to walk across the street. There feet was placed on the pavement and they walked across, giving some speed to hurry themselves on the other side.

They slowed themselves down, looking at each other as they waited til they could end there discussion. "So, your going to meet up with Gary?" Adam mentioned, taking a look on his phone, which was a guess that he needed to know the time. "Yaa, I promise to go take him somewhere for dinner." Adam chuckled as he thinks of the reason why.


Larry was walking down the hallway, giving some type of speed as he zoomed down. He went into the kitchen area and opened the fridge, looking for himself a drink. he looked around and noticed the case of special coffee drinks that were placed in the door. With curiosity, by never trying one, He picked one up with the tips of his paw, feeling the plastic that was wrapped around the bottle cap to keep it sealed. HE soon sat up and closed the door, giving himself a quick rush back down the hallway. But, before he could even get out of the kitchen area, he bumped into his friend, which was behind him as he was walking by.

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