I'm not stalking, I'm watching

257 20 31

DAY 29 Wednesday

I brush my hair up then tied it into a neat ponytail just like I always do.

(Phone notification SFX)

I smooth en my sweater as I stood in front of a mirror.

(Phone notification SFX)  

Glaring at my phone I continued to finish up-

(Phone notification SFX)  

We don't have classes today because... I have no idea why they cancelled school today so yea -_-
Anyway since we don't have classes I called up my boss and told him I'd be working today and it just so happens that my co-worker overheard it and had been excited ever since. He kept texting me if I'm there yet every minute 9_9 

I slipped on my coat and swung my bag over my shoulder.

I picked up my phone from the table and opened all his 22 messages.

Him: Are you on your way yet?? :D

Him: Are you almost here?

Him: I think I see you! <3 <3

Him: Wait, no that wasn't you

Him: Why ain't you answering my text? </3

Him: Don't you have load?

Him: Let me get you some load :)

Load: ## load has been sent to your phone.

Him: Did you get it? :)

Him: Are you busy?

Him: Are you just not answering me??? :( :( </3 </3

Him: INO!!!!

Him: Did you get kidnapped???

Him: No no no no no, please be alright!

Him: I just wanted to apologize for panicking too much, I guess I over reacted hahaha

Him: don't be so mean Ino!! T_T T_T

Him: You're probably just busy :) :) text me when you're done :) or would you like me to pick you up? ;)

Him: Be careful on your way here and don't forget your coat. It's freezing out there.

Him: Got to go, customers are here, I'll see you in a bit okay? :) :) xoxo

Him: I'll call in to check on you later.

Him: Or would you prefer if I call you now?

Him: Do you want me to call you know????

My eyes completely twitched. What the??? I was typing a reply to him as I slip my shoes on when my phone rang. This guy just can't wait can he? Sorry if I took too long to reply mom -_-

I answered the phone "don't worry I'm already on my way out. I wasn't able to reply to your text cause I was busy getting ready but it wasn't necessary for you to panic like that" I told him as I slip my shoes on.

"On your way to what?" a woman's voice rang through the phone and I completely froze. This isn't him. This isn't him. This isn't him.

"It's very rude to answer the phone assuming it's someone else. Didn't you check the name of the caller before you picked it up? Seriously Ino. didn't I already teach you better manners" she spoke with such authority "or did you delete my number?"

This isn't him this isn't him this isn't him!

"S-sorry..." I replied in a whisper.

"You stuttered Ino. It's very rude to stutter. Where has that confidence that I gave you gone to?" her voice was as sharp as ever "sorry what?"

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