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DAY 37: October 8 (Saturday)

I yawn out as I walk reluctantly back to the classroom. Sasori and the others went off to see what the other classes has in store.

"Kinda sad how all our pictures of Sasuke went to waste," Temari speaks out. Both her hands behind her head.

I smiled at her, "it wasn't really right for us to just sell it without consent."

"What are you talking about? Stars and idols get their picture sold everyday without their consent."

"That's different I guess."

We enter the classroom to see the class still in high spirits.

I see Hinata wave us over. "Over here!"

As Temari and I step inside, Uchiha shoves pass us from behind.

"Watch it!" Temari and I call out.

He stops to give us a glance before continuing his way towards Sakura and Shikamaru who were talking.

"Tsk, is he still mad about the photos? That was like... This morning ago!" Temari huffs before pulling me over to Hinata.

I didn't expect to see that kind of expression on him... Instead of that hard glare he always sends my way his eyes were softer. His face was red and his lips wavered. The glare that he was trying to portray didn't look as threatening as he wanted. Instead it looked....

"Cute," I whisper out looking down to the floor. A small smile subconsciously formed on my lips.

Temari hit me on the head, "Earth to Ino!!! Paging! Yamanaka Ino! You still here on Earth or what?"

"Huh?! Sorry Temari I wasn't paying attention."

"I noticed."

"Is everything alright?" Hinata tilts her head.

I nod waving my hand in front of my face. "Yea it's all fine."

"There you guys are!" Naruto walks over. Patting my head in the process. "You guys wanna get some snacks? I heard from Kiba that there's this resto on the third floor. He gave me some coupons to use."

Naruto puts up a bright smile.

Temari takes the coupon he was waving around. "Eh?! You mean that couple resto?" Then she pulled up a sly smile. "Shouldn't you take Sakura with you instead?"

Naruto's face fell. He looks away pulling up a sad smile. "Well I kinda already asked her but she didn't wanna go with me."

I patted his back in sympathy as he force out a chuckle.

"Did she rather go with Sasuke?" Hinata asks. We all glance over to Sakura who was smiling from ear to ear as she talks with Uchiha...

I couldn't help but pout at the scene.

Naruto's mood becomes gloom.

"Ah!" Hinata expresses, "sorry! I-I d-didn't mean to- mean to say it so so-"

"She pretty much did." He waves off. Not letting Hinata finish her apology. "So I gave her the other coupon for her to use. She's asking him now actually." Naruto looks away. An annoyed look visible on his face.

"T-then I'm sure we'll all love to- love to go with- with you." Hinata smiles as she plays with her fingers.

Naruto brigthens up a little grabbing both of Hinata's hands. "Seriously?! You really are the best Hinata!"

Hinata turns red but her smile didn't fade as she looks Naruto in the eyes. "N-no pro-problem!"

Man her tone sounded weird and she even went too far to pull up a thumbs-up with that nervous smile.

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