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You were late for your first day at school. It just had to happen to you didn't it, you always had been a hot mess. You ran outside the front door. On your way to school you pushed everyone and could feel your pocket vibrating, someone was calling you , probably Hoseok. You didn't stop to pick up nonetheless you didn't have time. When you arrived everyone had already gone into class. You asked at the reception where your class was and left running down the corridors. When you saw your classroom you just stormed in and slammed the door open, then you realized what you had just done. Everyone was staring and your cheeks went bright red. The teacher looked astonished by your behavior, you apologized quietly and went to sit at the back of the classroom as the teacher continued his lesson. As you sat down the student next to you eyed you up and down with a big smirk on his face and then went back to scribbling on his textbook.
You could already tell that he was a fuckboy for sure, and you didn't like him one bit. But even so you couldn't stop yourself from admiring his beautiful features. He had shiny hair, and his school uniform fitted him in a way that you could see the outline of his thin sharp body. When it was time for the break you headed out to find your friend. You were walking down the corridor and you immediately spotted him. He was waving at you with his usual giant grin, when you approached him he hugged you lightly, "So how was your first day to school? You were late weren't you?" he giggled.
"Yeah, I was and everybody just stared at me when I entered it was probably one of the most awkward experiences in my life!"
"You literally say that everytime something awkward happens to you ." he teased.
"Yeah but this time it was even worse hobi!" You both laughed about what had happened and talked about your holidays. While you two were talking you caught the same guy than the one in your history class staring at you. You didn't mention it to Hoseok because he would get the  wrong idea.
Later on you found out his name was Yoongi.

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