Part 10

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You went downstairs to get your jacket, tonight you were going to another party, it was a small one. Well you wouldn't call it small but that's what Gracie had said it was. There were supposed to be only her friends, but she had tons of them, and she allowed them to bring a plus one so it was still going to be a big party although she denied it.
You wondered if Yoongi would be there, you hadn't asked. You kept rolling that kiss in your head. What could have possibly gone through his mind? It was so soft and tender, and those were words you usually didn't associate with him. That was the last time you had properly spoken to him, he hadn't even replied to your text. You thought he would respond immediately after seeing that picture of your legs wide open for him. You were pretty proud of yourself, you thought it looked pretty descent for a shot you had taken in the bathroom. But he left you on "read", and it has been almost two weeks and no booty call. Something was off, he wouldn't ignore you after such a picture, and he would at least send you a couple of teasing glances. It had come to the point where you wondered if you had done something wrong, you didn't want to confront him about it though. You were to afraid of the outcome, what if he had moved on to someone else? Yo couldn't bare to see him around Emma once more.
The doorbell rang. "Y/N! It's Hobi!" your mum called and you made your way to the door. Hoseok and you left the house and you took the bus to Gracie's house.
"I can't believe my parents didn't let me take the car." he groaned when walking to the bus stop.
You just laughed "Hobi last time you went out partying with their car you almost hit a lamppost."
"It wouldn't have happened if Namjoon hadn't yelled to look at some girls "fine ass" were the words if I remember correctly."
You both laughed heartily, at least Hobi was there to make you forget about your worry.

Gracie came back with a large glass of booze that you took without hesitation, you hated parties so the alcohol would help. You were here just in case Yoongi would be here too. It was stupid but you just had to see his face. Maybe tonight he would stop ignoring you, you always had a habit of setting your hopes too high.
You were soon to be disappointed. A familiar face appeared by Namjoon's side when they entered the house. Yoongi was there and even when he saw you he ignored you, your heart sunk with the rest of the hope you had. If anything were to happen it sure wouldn't be tonight. But that was your luck wasn't it? You shouldn't have expected so much of him. Gracie's girlfriend, Eva, who sat with you around the low table noticed you staring at him.
"So Y/N do have a crush on him?" she chirped taking you away from your daze you turned your head her way, she was obviously talking about Yoongi.
"A crush on who?" you asked trying to sound as clueless as possible.
"Don't play dumb." Gracie said with a smug grin.
You paused for a second how should you respond? You pursed your lips in search for the right words. You knew it wouldn't be of any use lying to Gracie so you just jumped right into what actually interested you.
"How do you know?" you questioned, but they ignored you as if it had become a regular tendency for everyone. Their faces were overtaken by big smiles and they high fived each other with a laugh, "Well done dear friend." Gracie joked when their hands made contact.
"Shut up," you chuckled "just tell me how you know."
You couldn't stop yourself from thinking they might know about the sex thing going on between you both (at least used to be going on) and you were slowly becoming a nervous train wreck.
"I think we know you well enough to know." Gracie replied as if it was an evident thing.
"But you're mostly just plain obvious about it." Eva stated teasingly.
"Am I really?" God, how could you let this happen? You couldn't believe yourself, you couldn't' even hide that small secret.
"Oh come on Y/N!" Gracie almost spat her drink all over the two of you as she exploded in laughter, "You keep gawking at him!"
"Oh fuck." you sighed, you thought you had done a good job at staring discreetly but apparently not. You really needed to step up your staring game.
"Constantly." Eva added as she sipped on her beer.
You slumped into the leather couch with a huff and a pout. You were crap at keeping secrets. Eva chuckled, "He does look at you too sometimes."
You grinned, if only she knew why he was really staring. All he ever thought about was your pussy, well that's what you thought until last time. When he kissed you so sweetly his warm hands cupping your face you thought maybe he was going to open up to you a bit more, and maybe just maybe this wasn't so one-sided after all. But your hopes were soon cut off again when he began to ignore you. He was only in it for sex, you thought he might have found someone else to have fun with but you had made a pinky promise. He looked sincere when he made that promise but maybe it was foolish of you to believe in such a childish pact. That only thought tore your heart apart. Last time after that tender kiss you really thought you were in for a fuck, but instead, he pulled away before shrugging and shuffling awkwardly away. It would have been kind of funny if you actually understood what had gone through him.
Taehyung spotted the three of you and walked over. He really was handsome with his gold hair swaying as he strode towards you. You observed him as he approached, only he could rock such an extravagant Hawaiian shirt, you had to admit you found him hot, like most girls at school really.
"So! What are you ladies chatting about?" he asked with a wiggle of his brows before sitting next to you not so delicately.
"Oh please shut up!" Gracie snarled.
"What have done?" he asked in shock.
"Nothing," Eva laughed, "you just piss her off."
He dropped his mouth open with a slump of his shoulders and you couldn't retain your laughter. Gracie glared at him with an evil smile her hand creeping onto Eva's leg. Taehyung had wanted to bang Eva for a while now which was possibly why Gracie acted the way she was. He didn't mean to piss her off, he didn't know at first that they were together, at least not until Gracie threw a fit in the middle of the school hall.
"Let's just change the subject before poor Taehyung starts crying. " you suggested smiling at the sight. Taehyung had always been the dramatic type.
"We were just talking about Yoongi and Y/N." Eva revealed and you tensed at those words. Was she really going to be talking about that to Taehyung? Your eyes shot daggers her way when she leaned forward to murmur in his ear as if anyone could hear, "She has a crush on him."
He said with a simper, "I already knew that." and he threw one of his overthetop winks your way.
Fuck did everyone in this goddamn house know about it?
"It's pretty obvious." he added as he sat back and threw his arm over the top of the couch. His hand was just behind your shoulder but you didn't pay it any attention you were too involved in the conversation. What else did they know? You hoped people didn't know about your fucking adventures with him. You looked at the tiles beneath your feet as you imagined all the worst scenarios possible. What would people think of you?
"Don't worry." Taehyung reassured, "I think he fancies you as well." he muttered as he leaned towards your ear.
You didn't really believe him, if that statement was based on the same arguments as Eva, aka. the long stares, then it was bullshit.
"I have never seen him like this, you sure have a way of fucking him up." he laughed, "Yoongi never keeps his eyes on the same girl for so long, and trust me I know."
Those words ringed in your head and a spark of hope burned your chest. You were happy such a close friend of his told you that, it made it a bit more believable. At least you fucked him up as much as he did you. Your heart suddenly grew warmer, as you were reassured. This whole ignoring could possibly be just a phase and a side effect of you fucking him up as Taehyung just said.
Gracie coughed, "I think we're going to leave for a bit." she said looking at her girlfriend. Their hands were intertwined and it was written all over their faces that they were about to fuck. You could tell by their dilated pupils, their lingering fingers on each other's skin, and the way Eva bit her lip when Gracie pulled her from her bean bag. It was a situation you had been in with Yoongi before except you never left or came back with him holding your hand like that, and a stupid part of yourself always wished it would happen someday. They left in a hurry and Taehyung sighed, "Fuck I wish I was Gracie."
You knew exactly what he meant by that. "God you just think about sex don't you."
"Don't we all?" he asked and the suggestive look he threw your way almost made you choke. He was on with it again, last time he was hitting on you, you were too preoccupied with your problems to notice. But just now you would have been dumb if you didn't understand by the look on his face, he wanted to fuck you. Possibly because you were at hand and seeing Gracie and Eva leave got him in the mood or whatever strange reason.
"No." you laughed.
"What?" he asked naively.
"It's not happening." you told him, there was no way he would get into your pants.
"What's not happening?" a familiar voice asked from behind you, you recognized it straight away and a thin grin was now plastered on your face.
"I have no idea you ask her!" Taehyung exclaimed his gaze following the person who walked around the couch and sat on the bean bag.
"Then Y/N, tell me then what's not happening?" Namjoon asked with a chuckle.
You began to explain what Taehyung had knowingly suggested, and it was no surprise to him. Taehyung denied it but you both knew what he actually meant when those words left his mouth. You engaged in a large debate and it was honestly the most fun you had had in awhile. They were both funny in their own way and the two of them combined was just hilarious. You continued to have fun with the two boys and emptied the couple of bottles by your side. You were so engulfed in the conversation you didn't even notice that two eyes were observing you from across the room.
Taehyung's arm was still behind you and the further the discussion went the more his hand was slipping close to your shoulder, you supposed it was a more subtle way of getting you in his bed. It was flattering but there was no way it would happen. You continued talking and ignored his arm, and just laughed at Namjoon's dumb joke.
Taehyung hadn't even touched you yet but a figure appeared on your side and cut off the fun. You hadn't noticed until you saw that Namjoon and Taehyung were both staring at someone in silence. They seemed confused and a bit scared it was only when you looked at what draw their attention that you understood what was going on. Yoongi was standing there his jaw clenched and knuckles whiter than ever, what the heck was he doing here? He didn't even look at you, he was sending his deadly stares towards the two boys. Suddenly he pushed Taehyung's arm away from you which made him protest, "Ouch, hey what the fuck dude?!"
He grabbed you and pulled you from the couch before dragging forcefully you away. You couldn't even react you were so overwhelmed by what was happening. You looked at the back of his head as he pulled on your arm and your head was flooding with questions. What on earth was he doing? He hadn't spoken to you in almost two weeks, why was he turning up now? He was pissed but you couldn't really fathom what you had done.
He pulled you upstairs and you ended up both locked up in Gracie's bathroom. You faced him and just as you were about to ask to ask what the heck was going on he cut you off.
"So you're fucking Taehyung too now?" he asked his eyes piercing right through you.
"What?" You couldn't believe he was actually asking this. You wanted to further your response but he was not in the mood to listen to you.
"Namjoon and I weren't enough weren't we?" he spat.
Your mind was boiling up, you didn't understand what was going on. He hadn't even acknowledged your presence before and now he was just accusing you of sleeping with three people at once. You had even started to believe he had broken his promise, how could he just barge in your life so violently with no reason?
"I don't know what the fuck you're talking about." you said plainly.
"Oh shut up," he backfired before taking a large step before you. He was now towering over you and you felt slightly unstable."I saw you flirt with them just now. Did you think I wouldn't notice?"
"We weren't flirting." you muttered in the small space separating your two bodies.
"I don't believe you." he snapped "How could I? You were sat with two men that obviously want to fuck the brains out of you and you played along with their poor attempts to flirt."
He rubs his forehead with an annoyed sigh you had never seen him so angry before. You couldn't believe that he was the one annoyed when he had cut you off for so long. His tantrum was starting to anger you.
"At least for once I was having fun because these last two weeks have been horrible thanks to you!" you started to yell and you were surprised you had the nerve to speak up to him. You closed the space between you and your chest was almost pressed against his as you eyes shot fire at him. "How about you huh? I hope Emma's pussy feels good!" at this point you didn't even care if people could hear your yelling in the corridor, the anger and frustration were finally pouring out of you and it felt so good.
He looked at you in shock and you couldn't blame him, who would have thought you would ever act like this? You were far from your usual shy self. "You just abandoned me for two weeks and you just expect to barge in like this without no problem?! I had to get off with only my fingers and that nude of yours! Two fucking weeks and not a word from you! I hope you had fun fucking the brains out of that stupid bitch!"
You were almost out of breath and you realised you were on your tip toes as Yoongi just smirked at you. "What's making you smile?!" you barked.
"Out of all the things you could have masturbated to you got yourself off with my picture." he said smugly.
You cursed under your breath you shouldn't have let that slip, it was certain he would get cocky about it.
"That is not the point." you groaned as you furthered yourself from him, but every step back you took was closed in by Yoongi.
"Kind of." he hummed, getting closer and closer. His hands were now on your hips and you didn't have the strength to move away, you had missed the warmth of his touch too much. Two weeks without him, seemed quite worryingly painful you knew you had fell for him but it was always a chock when you realised just how much you were wrapped around his finger.
You exchanged a long stare and it was impossible to read what was going on in his head. If only you could understand what he wanted. But instead of speaking like you had intended to, to tell him to back off and leave you alone, you did the complete opposite. There you were, your arms were thrown around his neck and your hands pushing his head further against your lips as you finally got a taste of the man you had missed so much. He answered your eager kiss with the same hunger and a small smile slipping in whenever you moaned softly. His hands roaming around your body set fire to every inch of your skin, it was worse than usual, being separated for the first time since the agreement made you even more sensitive. Although you were happy to finally touch him again you were still angry at him making every action a bit more aggressive on both sides, he was probably still mad you had been talking to Namjoon and Taehyung. To be honest knowing that he got jealous reassured you and warmed your heart a bit.
He abruptly lifted you from you from the ground, his hands taking full grasp of your ass and being too distracted by his lips you hardly realised what was happening. At least until he dropped you on the sink, he was still angry, but like you, he had other things to worry about, like slipping his hand in between your legs. You immediately reacted to his action by squeezing your thighs together as your lips made their way down to his neck carefully leaving wet traces upon his skin.
"Fuck I can't believe how much you've missed me." he hissed as you bit down harshly on his neck, you were still pissed and that comment annoyed you, even more so because you both knew he was right.
Despite your teeth digging into his skin, he continued in a smug voice, "First you get yourself off to a pic of my cock and now that I've barely touched you you're already squeezing your legs together."
You bit again and sucked as hard as you could, making him clench his jaw in an attempt to keep back a whine. Hopefully, the marks you made would remind other girls he wasn't theirs. So long as the pact went on, he was yours. You had the privilege of being the only girl to fuck Min Yoongi and you intended to keep it that way for as long as you could, you couldn't imagine how broken you would be when he finally got tired of you but you preferred not to think about that.
"Oh," he chuckled "you don't like admitting it do you?" he rubbed your heat harder and faster to get a reaction out of you as he spread your legs wider stopping you from squeezing them. You couldn't keep the sound in, so you moaned quietly in the crook of his neck trying to keep your composure. "You know you love my cock baby girl." he said and you hated how right he was about everything.
"Shut up." you muttered as you took a hold of his rock hard dick. He let out a small gasp and you knew very well you weren't the only eager one here and you surely intended to make the most of it, "It looks like I'm not the only needy one here." you teased with your hand still groping the jean tent and you felt him flinch under your hand only making the smile on your face grow bigger and your pantie grow damper.
His head rolled back as you touched him just how you knew he liked it, for once you were in control, but it wasn't for long. His hand left your pit before he slapped your fingers away from his bulge and pushed it against your centre and attacking your mouth with his own. The sudden contact made his name suddenly slip out of your lips unwillingly. It had kind of become a competition in which you tried to make the other admit how much they had missed them, and you knew for sure you would soon break. Your fluids were already flooding your underwear there was no way you would make it through the whole thing without crying out his name. It was already a surprise you had made it until now with only minor reactions.
He proceeded to tear your tee shirt off with his warm hands sending sparks down your spine with each contact. Soon your bra and shirt were crumpled in the empty bath beside you and your chest was bare. Yoongi immediately took a hold of them while still pushing his hard dick against your blazing core. He pinched and flicked your hard sensitive nipples and you couldn't help but whine at the slight sting. It hurt but the pain soon rippled through your body as pleasure and you were surprised by the effect it had on you.
While that hand was on your breasts the other gripped onto your hip to hold you in place when his hips bucked into your to get some release and with each slide against you, you flinched, it was too much. You could have sworn you were ready to take him the moment he put his hands on you. Having only had your own hands to get off with for two weeks while craving the same person's presence meant that now that you finally got him so close you were more vulnerable than ever, you had missed him too much. It was only two weeks, but the whole time you lived in fear he had replaced you and now you got him back you were melting with every single graze of his skin.
Your nails clawed on his back in need of more "Fuck me." you whimpered. His head lifted slightly and he looked at you happy you finally said the words.
"I am sorry what do you want?" he asked as if he didn't understand just so he could see all your resistance fall and you hated you were actually going to let him get what he wanted but you couldn't wait any longer.
"Fuck, just get your cock inside me already." you cried hoping that that would satisfy him enough to get what you wanted. Luckily it did, and he was already undoing his jean's buttons, so you let your fingers fumble to your own shorts off. Soon enough his length was on full display and you couldn't help but stare at it, all you had lately was the small screen of your phone to see it, but now it was actually in front of you, you remembered how the real thing was so much better. He noticed you were gawking at him but you didn't care what he thought anymore, he could get cocky as much as he wanted so long as he entered your pit.
He pushed your panties aside and even the slight brush of his fingers made your walls clench in impatience. His tip was now teasing your entrance and he was taking way too much pleasure in this game. You knew it was all because of tonight, seeing you with the boys made him want to show you how much better he could fuck you than them, even though you never doubted that fact.
You tried pushing him inside of you by thrusting your hips into him but all he did was back away with an annoying simper before slamming himself inside of you. You moaned loudly in pain and pleasure both feelings lacing together when his name tumbled once more from your blood stained lips as he grunted by your ear.
He immediately started to rock his hips into you not even giving you time to adjust to him, that was your punishment, you probably wouldn't be able to walk to the bus stop correctly tomorrow.
"Fuck your walls are so tight." he groaned with another deep inside you pit. You wanted to tell him that was because his thick cock hadn't stretched you in two weeks, that you hadn't fucked anyone else but all you managed to get out was a broken cry when his fingers found your clit.
"You know I can't fuck you as good as Namjoon." he said in a hoarse voice, and the only sound of it sent shivers down your spine. You couldn't answer, not when his cock was filling you up and hitting in all the right places, not when his digits were playing with your lit, all you were capable of was whining his name softly as you gripped on his shirt to keep yourself together. However Yoongi wasn't having it, he slapped your thigh and demanded "Say it. Tell me how much you love my cock you slut."
If you were in your normal state you might not have like the use of that word, slut, but when it came to Yoongi you were never in your normal state. He hit the same spot again with a violent hit of his dick at the back of your heat waiting for an answer. "Say it." he grunted, and you could feel all his anger and jealousy pouring into his words.
"You fuck me so good Yoongi." you managed to muster between moans when arching your back under the pressure of desire crashing over you. You had missed this sight, Yoongi breathing heavily as he fucked you. His jaw slightly clenched and sweat pearling on his forehead and upper lip giving him a beautiful glow in the bathroom light. His groans sometimes forming the sound of your name as he touched your sore skin softly to show how pleased he was with your answer. You had missed everything about him and fuck, it had hardly been two weeks.
"I do don't I." he hummed in agreement to your whine, "Taehyung couldn't fuck you as good either." he continued as if to reassure himself more than anything else. He pulled you further in his frame to get the angle he wanted and found your soft spot. When he saw your reaction he knew what he had left to do. He sped up slightly is already fast speed and kneaded brutally your bundle of nerves, he was determined to make you come, to show you how better he was than anyone else.
You wrapped your legs around him and clutched his shirt to not to fall apart in his embrace. The fire blazing in the bottom of your stomach was about to flood the rest of your body and you trembled as your orgasm built up.
"Only my cock can make you come this hard baby." he whispered in your ear and you could sense that it would soon be his turn to hit his high. A quiet "yes" was all you managed to say in between the moans growing louder and louder, soon people downstairs might be able to hear you over the music, but being controlled by a frenzy it didn't matter.
You clawed at his back surely leaving scratches through the thin fabric covering his skin. A wave of electricity travelled from your stomach across your body making your toes curl and eyes roll to the back of your head. You shuddered as the burst of pleasure rippled out of your mouth in moans and broken cries. Your walls tightened around Yoongi and each time made him flinch, "Fuck baby." he sighed as you slowly recovered from your orgasm. Now you had to take care of Yoongi, so you clenched around his thick length as hard as your weakened walls could and moaned his name quietly in his ear along with the dirty words he loved. He started to go harder in yo and you did your best to take the pain, as he made himself come. Quickly he pulled out and you watched his hand fastly pump his dick glistening in the sheen of your juices, you had never seen a view more pleasing than this. He let out a moan and spread coated your pussy in his semen. A few more skilled strokes and he had finished, when you looked down at the sticky mess between your legs you sighed realising how much was flowing down your thighs and stuck in the lace of your panties.
Yoongi looked pleased of himself and let his lips travel along your thighs his tongue cleaning the few drips of juices while staring confidently in your eyes, and for the first time in a while, he managed to make you blush. His mouth kissed your core a wiped all the liquid velvet before swallowing it and kissing you hungrily giving you a taste of his bitter cum and your own sweet fluids. He grabbed your cheek like last time and the tender gesture made your heart tingle. After the strangely intimate kiss, he let go and threw you your clothes before sitting on the edge of the bathtub.
He watched you intently while you dressed up again struggling slightly to strap your bra back up.
"You know," he spoke while you slipped into your tee shirt. "I haven't really forgiven you for flirting with them." he cocked his head to the side waiting for your reaction. You just sighed in frustration knowing that whatever you'd say wouldn't change his mind. "You'll have to prove me you deserve my trust."
"What?" you huffed, he couldn't be serious, but he was.
"If you don't maybe I'll actually go fuck Emma this time." he smirked knowing very well he hit the right spot.
"Fuck you're such an ass sometimes." you cursed before heading for the door as he stared at your ass in your tight shorts.
"So is that a yes?" he chuckled before you walked out, and you turned around to see his usual smug face looking your way from the bathtub.
You thought about it and decided you couldn't risk him going to Emma, "Yes." you spat before leaving him in the bathroom.

Later that night you thought about what he had said, when he threatened to replace you by Emma the words "this time" had been used, he hadn't fucked her. In that case why had he been so distant, what if he found someone else. I couldn't be hard to comeby when the whole school was drooling over you. The ding of your phone distracted you from your train of thought, it was Yoongi, the first text since the nude you sent.
-Joint image- [4:00]
You clicked on the picture and you stared at it a couple of seconds trying to digest what he had just sent. Another text followed,
Wear these at the school dance for me. [4:02]
He had to be joking, how could you wear a pair of these at the school dance? But if you wanted to keep him away from Emma there was no way you could say no.
Yes. [4:02]
It was a dry answer but that was all he didn't deserve any sympathy after his threat.
Good girl. [4:04]
You sighed slumping back in your soft sheets. You looked again at the picture of underwear he had sent you. You were going to wear vibrating underwear for a night, surrounded by the whole school. Fucking asshole Min Yoongi, why did you have to fall for him?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2017 ⏰

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