Part 7

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It was monday morning you were lying in bed not wanting to come out and face the day. Not after what had happened. Not after that text Yoongi had sent, "We're having a talk monday".
What did he want? There was nothing to talk about, he had fucked with you like any other girl and you were sure Hobi wasn't the first guy to get pissed at him. He probably got in trouble with boyfriends or girlfriends or whatever from time to time since he literally fucked anyone.
You sighed still under the covers, you were tempted to just pretend to be sick but you knew very well that even if you didn't go today Yoongi would find a way to get what he wanted. You got all the courage in you and got out of bed to go and get ready, one look at the time and you were rushing around the house. You had spent too much time wondering whether you should go and now you were late. Again.
You hurried out the door and run down the streets pushing anyone that got in the way without even saying sorry, you had no time for apologies. Plus you didn't want to have to explain your young foolishness to an old grumpy grandma she should have gotten out the way instead of walking in a straight line assuming that she had all rights on the pavement and that everyone would make way for her. You would have maybe been more polite on a different day, but today you had other problems than angry grandmas. You finally saw the school and made a sprint you arrived just on time the bell started ringing for students to go to class as you stepped inside. You sighed in relief and made your way to your classroom, at least you wouldn't have time to see Yoongi this morning. You walked down the corridors without stopping by your locker you didn't want to give Yoongi an opportunity to talk to you, you would just tell your maths teacher you forgot your book at home.
But you were never that lucky. A hand gripped your arm and tugged you into an empty classroom and you didn't even have time to let out a small shriek that you were already face to face with the one person you were avoiding.
He was stood in front of you his arms crossed looking at you without a word but you weren't in the mood for his fun and games.
You turned towards the door with a mumble "I don't have time for this Yoongi."
Your hand was on the doorknob and you tugged the door to exit the room but he had blocked it with his arm above you. He wouldn't let you out before he had talked to you about whatever he wanted to talk about.
"What the hell do you want?" you sighed.
"I told you I wanted to talk." he said without removing his hand from the door trapping you inside the empty room.
"And I told you I didn't have time for this." you backfired already annoyed by his stubbornness. You hated being alone with him, you felt vulnerable as if all your will to resist handsome Yoongi could falter at any moment. He ignored what you said completely and continued with the conversation he wanted to have.
"Have I hurt your feelings?" he asked seriously looking straight into your eyes his face closing in slightly and you didn't dare move.
"No." you lied, he had hurt your feelings but you knew it was only the result of your own mistakes. You shouldn't have allowed yourself to sleep with him in the first place. You looked down at your feet feeling bashful under his stare as he examined your face searching for the obvious lie.
"Liar" he breathed and the hardly audible word brushed against your skin at how close he was now. You should probably have backed away but you couldn't bring yourself to, his presence was drawing you in.
"Hoseok is my friend he would never hit me unless I harmed someone precious to him. The only person I know who means that much to him is you." He paused, and you could feel that he was hesitating and searching for his words. He let his mouth hang open a couple of seconds and you couldn't stop yourself from staring at his lips.
"I can tell you're hurt by the way you look at me..I'm sorry." you looked at him in disbelief. Had the proud cocky Yoongi just apologised for something? Your surprise soon turned into anger, he probably just apologised to get into your pants again or something stupid a fuckboy would do.
You scoffed, "Yeah right." you had shuffled away slightly disgusted by his actions. How could he be like this?
He looked confused "Why don't you believe me?"
"Do you really want me to list the reasons? Or is you being a fuckboy enough?" you were annoyed and your sassiness was proof. He was not amused, his face scrunched up as if what you said was hurting him. As if a guy like that had emotions.
"Are you really just like everyone else?" he questioned pain tainting his words and growing in his eyes. You were taken aback by his question. What did he mean?
"I thought you would see me differently."
You didn't know what to answer all this was confusing you. One day he would act like he actually liked you and the other he would ignore you completely as if you had never existed and now he looked like he actually had feelings.
If you stayed here any longer you would be really late and that seemed like a good enough excuse to get out of this mess. So you tried scooting past him "I'm late for maths." you grumbled but his hand settled on your shoulder and pushed you back away from the door. His warm touch sent electricity in your body, you had missed touching him.
"Listen," he sighed, and you tried preparing yourself to whatever he was going to say. Your had were clutching tightly the straps on your bag and a shiver went down your spine. You weren't sure you wanted to hear what he had to say. "I don't know if you realise but you have some kind of effect on me." You didn't understand what he was saying.
"An effect?" what the fuck was that supposed to mean?
He cursed at himself and rubbed his neck. For once it looked like he was the nervous one but it wasn't the type of attitude he had used you to.
"I mean, I can't stay away from you. I wasn't lying when I told you that you drove me crazy you know?" a faint smile drew on his face and honestly the further this conversation the less you knew how to react, you had no idea what was going on.
"I know you can't resist me either, I can see it in your eyes. Even now you're doing your best to not leap at my neck, and to be fair so am I." he smirked, the cocky side of him never seemed to fade away.
"How the fuck do you know how I feel?" you scoffed, even though he was right, but you tried not showing him, you didn't want to give him that pleasure.
"Come on you can't say I don't do anything to you when just a while ago we were having phone sex,...and without being completely drunk." He sure had a point, and it looked like there was no escaping, you stayed silent.
"I just thought we could find some type of arrangement."
"What type of arrangement?" you interrogated even though you had a slight idea of what he meant, it probably had something to do with sex, as always.
"Since we can't keep ourselves away from one another, I thought that maybe.." he bit down on his lip and for the first time you could have sworn he was embarrassed. "We could stop having sex with anyone else, and only with each other..." What? "No feelings attached. I'm not into those kinds of relationships."
"So basically you want us to be some type of sex buddies?" You weren't sure if that was a good idea at all, in fact, your first response was no, but come to think of it, you were slightly tempted. But could you trust a person like Yoongi? He was so used to fucking everyone that you weren't really sure he would be able to keep a promise like that.
"Yeah, you could call it something like that." he said a bit more relaxed now that he saw that you were thinking about it.
It wasn't your type to do those things. Your feelings would probably never leave if you got into such an arrangement, and your heart could end up broken. But on the other hand, you wouldn't have to stand to see him with other girls anymore, that is if he kept his promise of course.
"I'm not sure Yoongi..All this fucking around has gotten me messed up already." you mumbled your feet shuffling on the floor as you thought about all the possible outcomes, this couldn't really go very well. "I'm not like you Yoongi, I don't do fuck buddies.."
His eyebrows furrowed, as if he was scared of you saying no, which was the answer you were leaning towards. "How do I know you can keep a promise like that when you were all over Emma the other night?" you wondered, he was so used to getting anyone he wanted into his bed, how could he just stop overnight.
"How can I trust you when the other time I heard you whine Namjoon's name? It wasn't very pleasant." he chuckled but you could tell he was very serious. You almost facepalmed, he was the one to enter the bathroom that day. After all that's what you wanted to happen at the time, did it really get him that jealous? That time was just to get to him, but how could he know?
"I-" you tried to think of an argument but he had a point he couldn't really trust you after that.
"We'll just have to trust each other." he said softly.
You didn't know what to answer, he was asking a lot of you right now. Trust Min Yoongi the fuckboy, that sounded impossible, but you were still thinking about it.
His confidence left for a split second but he soon regained his usual composure and put a hand on your shoulder "Just think about it.." and he turned around and left.
You were left in the empty classroom alone with your thoughts and his head suddenly popped through the door "I have a match this afternoon, come."
After that conversation, you were so late that you didn't even bother going to maths in the end and just sat in the corridors waiting to go into your next lesson. You thought long and wide about his suggestion but you couldn't find an answer. It was so tempting yet so dangerous. Your feelings would be fucked up you were sure of it but the experience excited you. You decided to go to his match just to help you make your mind.
When you got there, you sat on the benches at the top to not make your presence to noticeable. The school sports hall was full of students, ready to see the match between the two rival schools of the city. It was supposed to be a friendly match but everyone knew very well it meant a big deal to the two schools especially when most teachers came to encourage the teams.
After a while, the teams walked onto the pitch and the whole place resonated with screams and applause. Quite a few fuckboys were part of the team, including Taehyung and Yoongi who both got masses of squeals -or cheers whatever they were- from the girls. Yoongi looked more handsome than ever in the red school team's wear. He hadn't seen you yet, and if you weren't mistaken he was looking for you his eyes travelling from one end of the crowd to the other but you were in the back and he couldn't find you. He looked disappointed and you smiled at the sight of his slight pout when he thought you hadn't come.
The referee blew the whistle and the game started under the cheers of the crowd booming in your ears.
The match wasn't going very well for your school team, Yoongi didn't look like himself, something was wrong. He kept on doing bad shoots when everyone knew that he never missed his aim. The game had been going on for 10 minutes and the 2-minute break had started, the points were at 6 to 0 -your school being the losing team so far-. Yoongi was biting on the inside of his cheek and Taehyung had approached him in concern and it looked like he was asking what was wrong, you felt a bit sorry for him, but it made you smile. He got so worked up because he thought you weren't there, ha! that will calm his ego down.
Soon the match continued, and the pressure was real. Nobody could understand how it was possible for your team to do so badly when they were one of the best teams out there.
The opponents had the ball again and were making a run for the hoop, they shooted and even you couldn't hold back a gasp as you stood up in fright of the ball going through the net. As you stood up Yoongi finally spotted you and his gummy smile appeared when your eyes met from across the hall. You blushed slightly and looked away as you quickly sat back down trying to act indifferent but he could see right through you. His frown was now replaced by a smug grin, he was himself again.
He caught the ball and with his trusty teammate Taehyung they made their way to go and get their first points, and try to win this game -or at least keep a minimum of dignity-. They approached Yoongi dribbled his way through the defenders and the closer he came to the hoop the faster your heart beat. Everyone cheered and looked as his feet in disbelief, was he really going to do it? You stood up, you had to see this. One, two steps and his feet pushed him off the ground and your mouth dropped. How was it possible? Everyone gasped and for a second the whole room was silent as you all watched Yoongi fly in slow motion towards the hoop the ball gripped firmly between his two hands. Then the crowd broke into cheers and screams, he had done it, he had made a dunk, it happened rarely for school teams but he had just did it. All the crowd was standing up and Yoongi's name resonated across the hall.
You chuckled, it was a typical teenage cringeworthy movie scene but you didn't mind you were too wrapped up into it by now and his dunk was spectacular. You clapped your hands and when you looked at Yoongi you could have sworn he threw a wink your way that turned you into a flustered mess. You should have expected it really, it was a Yoongi type thing to do.
The game went on, and the more Yoongi's skills unravelled the more the group of fangirls on your left shrieked. You glared at them each time they squealed, who did they think they were?
Emma was there of course, and each time you looked her way all you could see was her lips and hands on Yoongi and you hated her ten times more. She just couldn't stop her squealing, and she kept giggling and all you wanted to do was shove a basketball in her mouth to stop Yoongi's name coming out from it.
What if you said no to his agreement? Would you have to see her wrapped around Yoongi's arm in the hallways? You didn't want to see her hickeys in his neck, or his stares down her breasts, not again. You wouldn't stand to see him with someone like her. You hated her with every inch of your soul. Although you could get too attached if you said yes, at least you wouldn't have to stand seeing them two together. And anyways, by the looks of it you were already completely whipped for this boy, it couldn't get any worse, right?
You got distracted in your train of thought once again by her horrible voice echoing in the room "Go on Yoongi! You can do it babe!" You almost choked. Babe? Was she serious? You could've punched that smile right off her face that second. That was it you had to keep Yoongi away from her at all cost. It was very selfish of you but you couldn't bear this any longer.
The final whistle blew, the game was over. They had won, the cheers were like nothing you had ever heard, your school name was the only word on people's lips as they celebrated their victory.
On the other side of the room the rivals were all frowning and looked absolutely disgusted by their loss. You made your way through the screaming bodies, you had to get to him before Emma threw herself around his neck. When you got by the court, Emma was already ready to go by his side whenever the opportunity occurred. Yoongi saw you and smiled, but you weren't in the mood for smiles you had to get to him before Emma. You were acting ridiculously immature but you felt insecure with the competition to be Yoongi's "girl". Even though you hated Emma you had to admit she was stunning, and that made you doubt yourself in being able to keep Yoongi, so you had to act fast. When he made his way to the supporters you caught him by the hand and dragged him along with you. The look of shock on Emma's face made you grin, you had beat her to it. You took him along not quite sure of where you were going, and Yoongi called your name wondering what was going on. The team was going to stay up there and make the most of their fangirls and then their coach would brief the team before going to the changing room. If you counted well that would give you about fifteen minutes before they would start searching for him. You headed straight for the team's changing room you had to make him understand, you had seen his glances Emma's way, he was yours now he had to stop the whole Emma thing.
You took him with you and you shoved him inside the shower at least in here no one would walk in on you. You locked the door and you stared at him,
"What's the matter?" he asked confused.
"Yes." You had decided you agreed to his suggestion, you would be sex buddies or whatever so long as that meant he would stop sleeping with Emma.
"Yes what?"
You sighed was he really that dumb? Instead of answering you just attacked his lips. You hadn't realised but seeing him play basketball like that hadn't left you indifferent, and you were dying for his touch now.
"Oh.." he gasped with a smile a he understood what this meant. "Really?" he breathed as you devoured his lips and your hands pressed against his chest.
"Yes." That was all you could say right now, you needed him more than ever. He smiled and now he let his hands find your ass and he pressed you up against him. You grinned and his tongue made it's way into your mouth, you were happy to taste him again. You both crashed under the pressure of each other's bodies against the shower that turned on soaking you in cold water. You both gasped and you smiled, but you were soon distracted by his tongue once again.
His hand was at the rim of your shirt and had now fumbled under the fabric, his warm touch burned your skin. You needed more, you tore his shirt off, and revealed his chest as he soaked under the now warm shower. Your hands travelled up and down his wet chest and your lips tasted the salty taste of his sweaty skin. He smelled different, it wasn't the fresh smell of clean clothes this time, he smelt like Yoongi, his own odor was filling your nose and intoxicating you.
You nibbled and sucked on his soft spot in the crook of his neck as small whines left his mouth. This time you would be the one to mark him, he was yours. Your tongue swiped his tender skin as you sucked hard on him making your name appear in between his heavy breaths. He finally lifted your shirt from over your head and unclasped your bra, the soft skin of your breasts now laid in his hand as he played with your erect nipples. You hadn't realised how much you had missed his touch. Last time he touched you like this, last time your skin rubbed this close was during spring break, on that night you had opened up to him after his length had filled your walls. Just the thought of the stretch his cock had given you that night made your walls clench the air. You kicked your shoes off as they were getting wet and uncomfortable, and you stripped down not wanting the wet fabric to stick to your skin. Before you knew it you were standing before Yoongi in only your panties, and he admired your body lust in his eyes. You grinned it was his turn, today you were determined to take initiatives to show him he was yours. Your fingers reached the edge of his shorts and you tugged them down, his bulge hardly hidden under the fabric since it was so wet it moulded his shape. Your eyes feasted on the scene laid before you, you could trace out his length and you could have sworn you could see the heat pulsing through his clothed dick. You let your hand brush his erect cock had made and he trembled under the soft feeling. Warmth was rushing from every inch of your body into your pit and you had hardly even touched him yet. The effect he had on you didn't even scare you anymore, you knew what you had signed up for. You didn't care about getting hurt, it couldn't get worse than before.
His hand reached behind your neck as your fingers still hovered over his dick and he shoved you into a deep kiss, you obliged in a hurry eager to taste more. He whined softly "Don't tease as much." and you melted on the spot.
You had never seen Min Yoongi as vulnerable as he was now and it was all because of you. You were the one to make his knees wobble, and hands tremble, you were the one to get him hard and make him whimper under your touch. You decided to listen, you didn't have much time after all -sex at school was really impractical-. Your lips descended from his to his neck where you had left a blue mark. You licked and kissed his torso your hands tracing your way down his wet body. You arrived face to face with his cock and you slid down his sticky underwear letting his thick length spring free. You looked up as you grabbed his shaft and you had never seen something so beautiful. Above you Yoongi was looking at you with blissful eyes, his pupils dilated. His lips were reddened by your kisses and he bit down on them preparing for your contact, his wet hair stuck to his forehead as pearls of water dripped down his face onto his chest and down his thighs.
He was there naked offering himself to you and you could sense all your desire pooling in between your legs. You licked your lips preparing yourself to taste him, and made him enter your cave. Your tongue swirled around his tip and the moans and soft grunts escaping his lips were music to your ears. Your lips detached from him and you gave him a long swipe of your tongue on his shaft as you muttered to him "I've wanted this for a while." and it was true you had.
Since that picture he had sent god knows how many times you have gotten off to it, even though you shouldn't have, you did and it made you come better than any porn on the internet.
His only response was a small whine of your name that tumbled from his lips. You let your tongue make it's way back up to his tip coating his cock in your saliva. Your hands settled on his tense thighs and you cupped his balls ever so slightly giving them a small tug enough to make him shudder. You never thought you would make him whine like this and it was turning you on by the second. Your core was now dripping you could feel your fluids pour down your thighs. You could taste his precum and you were surprised by how fast it had appeared on his end. He grabbed your head, his fingers tugged softly on your head and you could tell he was trying very hard to not fuck your throat. You hummed against his head sending shivers down his cock and possibly down his spine. Your lips were swollen by the sucking, you grinned at the thought, the further the year past the more you surprised yourself. You never thought you would be sucking off Yoongi in a shower with warm water running along your back.
"Ah you look so good doing this." he gasped, his eyes piercing through yours.
"How good?" you purred, you wanted to know, you deserved a little ego boost after all you were doing this for him.
"So fucking good, ah.."
"Does Emma look this good around your cock?" you teased, but in reality you needed to know. Were you better than Emma at this? You had less experience than her that was for sure. You gave his dick a swipe and your hands clutched his balls.
He looked into your eyes as if he knew what you were on about.
"Her mouth never went anywhere close to my cock babe.." he muttered, babe you loved when he called you that. By the look in his eyes you could tell he was honest. You were pretty sure he had fucked her though, but you still couldn't stop yourself from smiling.
"Her mouth doesn't deserve to go anywhere near my cock." he scoffed.
"And mine does?" You sucked on his tip smoothly as you waited for a response but it had a hard time coming out when your mouth was on his dick.
"You can do whatever you want with my cock baby." he moaned, you knew he meant for it to sound smug but with your mouth pumping his shaft all he managed was a whimper.
At those words, you proceeded to take one of his balls inside your mouth and the grip on your hair went tighter, your hand still on his dick pumped him as you licked his balls gently. His brown eyes rolled to the back of his head and you knew he was enjoying it so continued teasing different parts of his sex. It was now covered in the sheen of your saliva as your tongue made it's way across every inch of his dick. The only sounds in the room were the water flowing from the shower and your name being moaned and grunted on repeat by Yoongi. As you let your tongue whirl around his head he pushed you further down his cock, his breathing went deeper, his chest rising with every breath. He started shuddering on the verge of coming so you fastened the pace but he pulled you off his dick.
"Wait ..."
You looked at him confused, why would he stop when he was about to come.
"I almost came."
"I know." you let your lips linger back toward his cock but he stopped you.
"Don't you want to be fucked?" he looked concerned "Don't you want to come too? I won't have time to do anything else if you continue."
"I don't mind." your core was completely drenched in your juices and you were more than ready to be fucked but this wasn't about you reaching your high. "I want to taste your cum."
His length twitched as you said that and you knew he wanted that too. You went back to licking his member and within a few strokes of your tongue, you felt a warm liquid shooting down your throat. A sour taste invaded your mouth and the amount of it was impossible to swallow entirely. The warm fluid flowed from your mouth and dripped from your lips to your fingers that continued coating him in his velvet liquid. His grunts became whimpers as he pushed his length further down your throat and you stopped yourself from gagging. When the ripples of pleasure had made their way through Yoongi's body he slid his length out of you. As he recovered from his frenzy and looked down upon you, you lifted yourself onto your feet and while looking him the eyes you swallowed the rest of cum in your mouth and you licked your lips.
"Such a good girl." he hummed and drew your face to his in for a kiss. His tongue caressed your swollen lips. You let your thumb brush the bruises his teeth had left on his lips when biting back his moans.
Taehyung walked into the changing rooms and you both froze, hopefully he wouldn't realise two of you were in there.
"Hey dude! What are you doing the coach is looking for you, it isn't time to take a shower!" he yelled from the door.
"Yeah I'm coming just give me five minutes!" he answered.
"Hurry up!" and with that Taehyung left.
You both looked at each other and Yoongi was back to his smug self. Your limbs were still intertwined and you proceeded in rinsing your bodies off quickly and Yoongi could not retain a gasp when he saw you get rid of the fluids stuck in between your legs, "So I got you this wet..fuck."
You didn't have time for his comments they would only get you wetter and you were trying to get out of the mood. Which was quite hard when Yoongi was beside you naked.
It's only when you wanted to put your shirt back on that you realised that you clothes were wet. Of course, they were being the stupid dumbass you were you hadn't taken your clothes off straight away. Yoongi laughed when he saw the sight of your face as you slid into your wet clothes.
He told you to take the spear sweater he kept in his clothes locker so no one would ask why you were damp, while he was still under the running shower taking the cum off his cock, and the sweat he had accumulated throughout the game and possibly while you sucked him off.
You felt a clench of your heart as you put on the soft fabric holding Yoongi's smell. The lock opened and you turned around only to fall face to Yoongi shaking his wet hair, wearing a simple towel, glistening from the water.
You tried to compose yourself but he knew very well you were enjoying the sight.
"Yoongi you need to promise that you won't go fucking around anymore." you stated.
"Sure." he walked over to you and lifted his pinky. You just stared not quite getting what he wanted you to do. "Come on give me your finger. It's a pinky promise."
You laughed, Yoongi was making you a pinky promise, you thought it was a bit childish coming from him but you lifted your finger anyways.
He leant towards you as he squeezed your finger in his, looked into your eyes and said "I promise I won't fuck anyone but you. Your turn." he nodded your way, it's true he didn't trust you either.
"I promise I won't fuck anyone else but you."
The eye contact had been held so long and everything seemed so serious that you could feel your heart thumping in your chest.
He let go and smiled "That's it. Pinky promises are unbreakable." He winked and went to get into clean clothes, you didn't know if he was making fun of you or being serious. You tried believing the second option.
So you left with a smile on your face and Yoongi's sweater.
Hoseok would ask questions about this.

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