Part 2

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It had been a couple of days and you hadn't spoken to Yoongi about your project yet. You didn't want to and you were pushing back the day you would have to talk to him the furthest you could. You had seen him in history but you did your best to ignore him, he didn't even seem to realise that you were there, and that was fine by you. Every time you saw his face all you seemed to remember was your lips surrounding his throbbing cock and his low moans as he tugged your hair and you would blush straight away. Today you had science, you thought about pretending to be sick but you would have to face him one day or another so you decided to be brave and you went. You were one of the last ones in the classroom and there he was, he was already sat down talking to the girls behind you. He had a smug grin on his face and the girls he was talking to looked ridiculous, they were desperate and didn't even try to hide it. You sat down in disgust of the sight laid before your eyes and got your stuff out. The teacher came in and Yoongi finally turned around, you were surprised he didn't even talk to you or tease you like last time. You felt like you were completely invisible and it kind of hurt your ego, you were the one ignoring him not the other way around. The lesson went on without any incidents and when the bell rang he got up and left as if nothing ever happened. You didn't quite understand his change of attitude but after all last time you were both drunk you didn't really know what you were expecting. Instead of getting all worked up you brushed it off and went back to see Hoseok.
You were both eating. You still hadn't told him about this whole situation you were too embarrassed about what had happened. You were supposed to be Hoseoks innocent and shy friend you couldn't just tell him out of the blue that you had sucked someone off last time. It wasn't just any someone too, it was Yoongi one of the fuckboys, and apparently also Hobi's friend which only made this situation 10 times worse. You were happily eating your lunch with Hobi and a few other friends and suddenly Yoongi came up to you.
"Hey, you know we have to work on that project at on point."
You were startled, why was he saying that now?
"You could have told me that while we were still in science." you backfired, for some reason your exchange was quite tense. He had been ignoring you and had the nerve to say that now.
"See you at the library tonight" and he left.
"Wait? What? Hey and what if I don't want to?!" You shouted but he didn't even turn around. You cursed, god he was annoying. When you looked up you saw an astonished Hobi staring at you in disbelief.
"Have you seen a fucking ghost? What's the matter?" you asked.
"What was that about?" he exclaimed.
You knew there was no way you were escaping this and you had to tell him at least for the science project the rest you weren't comfortable with explaining.
"We've been assigned to do a science project together." you sighed.
"That's great!" he grinned. That wasn't really how you would've put it but at least someone was happy about it. "He's one of my good friends this is awesome!"
You smiled lightly seeing him this happy about something so little. His face then went grave "You know he's a fuckboy though?"
"Yes.." you muttered, you knew all too well.
"Be careful" he smiled reassuringly. If only he knew.
That evening you went to the library. Most people had left school so you didn't see anyone in the corridors.The library wasn't part of the school it was across the road and most students used it, the advantage of that library was that it stayed open really late. When you crossed the road you saw other students going home and you were tempted to do so yourself. You didn't want to go but you had to you didn't want to get bad marks just because of Yoongi. You got there the smell of old books filling your nose. It was one of those libraries that had books all over the place, which would seem normal for a library but this one took it to another level. Stacks of books were scattered on tables and on the floor. The shelves covered every single wall and went up to the ceiling. It felt like the place was held up by these walls of books and magazines. A few computers stood in the corner and looked rather out of place. This library was one of you favorite places to study, it held every single book you could ever want in one place and you could finds answers to anything. Of course people nowadays usually use computers but for some reason there was something about flipping the pages of an old book that appealed to you. You looked around and you didn't see anyone, the place was empty. You knew it, he didn't come, you should have expected that from him. How could he do that? "fucking asshole" you mumbled.
"I heard that." You jumped, when you turned around to see who gave you a heart attack your eyes fell upon no other than Yoongi.
"Fuck! Don't do that!" you said a bit too loudly earning you a shush from the librarian that appeared from behind yet another stack of books.
He chuckled "Come on I've got us a room so that bitch won't bother us." he nodded towards the librarian. She was a bitch and everyone knew that, and her breath stinked which gave you a reason to hate her even more. He led you to the small room, in the middle there was a big wooden table, and in a corner was an old manky computer. He had already got his stuff out so you took the chair next to him and pulled your science out. As you did so you felt his gaze on your back while he sat down too.
You started to work and surprisingly Yoongi turned out to be quite smart and hard working. You didn't expect that from him since he was part of the popular fuckboys you thought that like most of them he wouldn't really give a fuck about school. You both worked hard together, from time to time you could feel his stare but you didn't mind much since you were too busy getting your work done. It was a whole redaction you had to submit next monday so you tried to get most of it done as fast as possible.Time flew by, you were starting to get tired and you were less and less efficient. Yoongi had stopped working for about 10 minutes now and was eyeing you while you tried to concentrate. "Hey, I think we've worked enough for now" he said while putting his hand on yours to take your pen off of you. You were flustered by this sudden action, since you had been working you had almost forgot about who you had been working with.
"You're right.." you sighed, it was past midnight and time for you to head home, your parents would start worrying. You didn't want to go home, the atmosphere was tense and you hated seeing the look on your brothers and sisters face. They hated what was going on as much as you did but for some reason seeing them being hurt made everything ten times worse. So instead of packing up you just stared blankly at your stuff, you didn't have the strength to face your family again.You could feel Yoongi getting closer to you but you didn't move. His breath was now tickling your skin and without a word he put a hand on your thigh as he looked at you intently. His warm touch made you snap back to reality and you were flustered by this sudden proximity.
You could feel your cheeks going red and he chuckled "What's the matter? You weren't this shy last time..." he smirked and you knew he was taking too much pleasure in teasing you.
His rudeness annoyed you but you were too distracted by the warmth that had started to flow down to your core. He started rubbing your thigh and you didn't move his hand slowly lifting the rim of your skirt, images of last time started to rush back to your mind and you remembered how good it had felt.
He grinned again and hated him being such a tease "Just fucking do it you asshole" you grunted.
He laughed at your reaction but did as he was told within seconds you felt his fingers rubbing against your underwear and you could tell just how soaked you were by the grin that spread upon Yoongi's face. As his slim fingers kept on creating friction against your warmth he started to lay kisses down your neck. Your breathing became heavier as you were becoming more eager for his touch. His soft wet kisses were turning you on, he started to suck down on your tender spot underneath your jawline but realising what he was doing you stopped him he looked at you with surprise, so you explained in between heavy breaths "Don't mark me, I don't want to have to explain."
He tilted his head for a couple of seconds as if he was trying to understand, but there wasn't much to understand you just didn't want to explain to your parents and even less to hobi. Soon he went back to his business but this time he dropped down to his knees and you already knew what was coming. He took a hold of your underwear and you arched your back to allow him better access as he slid them off swiftly. He took a hold of your knees and spread your legs wide open stopping you from from rubbing them together, you were desperate to get some release anything would do so long as he satisfied your growing desire. He kept teasing you with soft kisses,tracing his tongue up and down your thighs and it was driving you crazy. Your hand found its own way to your heat and you started rubbing your soft spot but he soon stopped you "No hands.." he growled and you whimpered.
It was torture you felt like you would explode if his tongue brushed any of your folds.
You needed some relief, getting desperate and angry you snapped "Stop being a tease!" and you shoved his face against your wet core, the juices already dripping onto the chair.
He chuckled and did as he was told. You were right with just a flick of his tongue against your bud you could already feel your climax taking over you. He started to swirl around the softness against your heat, swiping your juices up and down. You started to moan softly as you gripped at his hair, fuck his tongue felt so good. His hands pressed against your thighs were sending a tingling feeling through your body that somehow ended up into the pit of your stomach. Every time his skin would brush against yours you felt yourself going a little further over the edge. How could you be doing his with him again? You weren't even drunk this time you had just let it happen. Suddenly he slid a finger inside of you and the electrifying feeling pulled you out of your train of thought. You moaned loudly at the unexpected sensation and your walls clenched hard around his fingers. As you looked down you swore you could see him smile and the sight of his head in between your legs turned you on even more and the blood pulsed faster through your veins. He started pumping his finger slowly and without warning he added a second one, getting you to moan even louder. It hurt but the pain was almost immediately replaced by pleasure as his fingers made their way up and down your ridges.
Suddenly you heard the doorknob turn and before you knew it the librarian was standing in front of you both in shock.
It had been a week since that had happened. You two both got banned from the library. You hated yourself for letting Yoongi do that to you now you couldn't even set a foot in that place without being sent out within a heartbeat. It was your favorite library but now you couldn't even go there anymore, at least you wouldn't have to see that manky old bitch again. You had never seen that stinky woman scream as loud as she did that night. You had never seen someone's mouth drop as low as hers when she understood what you were both doing. You were embarrassed you had been caught in such a situation, Yoongi didn't seem that fazed by it even if your could swear you saw his cheeks went slightly pink for a moment when she yelled at you both. Either way you were banned from the library and you couldn't find the courage in you to explain the whole story to hobi so when he asked you how it had went you only answered something like "great" or "fantastic" which was something you would never you would never say at least not on it's own so he knew something was up straight away and you had tried to get out of the mess you had put yourself into the best you could.
Your science project was over and you were happy you didn't have to work with Yoongi anymore. You couldn't even hold his gaze anymore every time you did the memories of his head between your legs came flooding back and your ears started to burn. As if those about his dick inside of the wetness of your mouth weren't enough. You didn't talk much anymore at first he would try to tease you but he soon stopped since you were acting cold. His attention soon went back to the two girls behind you and for some reason you hated them more and more. You kind of missed his gummy smile.

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