Part 4

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The next morning you woke up in your bed and the first thing you thought of was Yoongi inside of you. You could still feel how he had stretched your walls and cupped your breasts. You could trace where his lips had been just by memory, your stomach had butterflies as you thought of him. It wasn't a good sign, you were feeling strange things for him and you couldn't let that happen. He was a fuckboy, he probably just played with you like all the others and that was enough. Last night you spilled out everything to him, all your feelings about your parent's divorce, all the anger and fear had came out, and you had told it to Yoongi. Out of all people you had to choose Yoongi, you had already spoken to hoseok about it but that was it. You didn't tell anybody else what you had told Yoongi, but it just blurted out and it felt good, the way Yoongi looked at you made you feel like he cared even if it was probably your imagination. Alcohol could do strange things sometimes.
You had stayed in bed too long with him, you should have gotten up and left the second it was over. But you stayed, both of you, he hadn't moved either. He could have kicked you out of bed but he kept his arms wrapped around you, his attitude wasn't the one you were expecting from a douche. His fingers traced your face and his eyes examined your flushed face. He didn't look like fuckboy Yoongi anymore, something was different it was as if he was his real self for a couple of minutes. You didn't mind, you felt like there was connection between the two of you, but once again it was probably the alcohol playing games on you.
The next week you back in school, you were sat down in your classroom waiting for the history teacher to walk in. You wouldn't admit it but you were a bit impatient to see Yoongi as well. He wasn't there yet.
The teacher had came and started the lesson. Yoongi was probably absent today, your heart sunk a bit. You shouldn't be looking forward to seeing him, that meant you were getting way to invested in whatever your relationship was, if you could even call it a relationship. You had only fucked once.
You sighed, you were getting attached to the wrong person.
The lesson was a mess as always. Your teacher wasn't capable of applying authority and to be honest whatever he said was really boring. So boring that even you stopped listening sometimes.
As you were writing down on your paper someone knocked on the door and there he was. He sat in front of you and to your disappointment he didn't even spare you a glance.
When he walked in Emma, one of his "fangirls", turned around straight away and started talking to him with her big eyes. She was part of the many other girls that would do anything to get into his pants and you hated her. She was talking about how good he was at basketball and complimenting him on his last game. You had forgotten he played basketball, he was in the school team and everyone said that he was one of the best players. Typical popular fuckboy.
"You were really great." she chirped and you facepalmed at the pathetic sight. She wouldn't ever get Yoongi's attention. Or so you thought, the next thing you knew they were both heavily flirting. His hands would graze her from time to time and he would stare at her breasts, because of course she had her uniform unbuttoned and was breaking the dress code. You were barely halfway through the lesson and you were already sick of the view. You could feel the anger boiling up inside of you at every brush of her hand against his. You were jealous but you had no right to be. He was a fuckboy after all you shouldn't have set your expectations so high after one night with him.
You sighed at your naiveness.
You went back to copying whatever the teacher was rambling about, or whatever you could hear because all you could focus on were the stupid giggles coming from Emma's direction.
When Yoongi dropped something and bent down you saw a hickey appear from under his shirt. It hit you even harder than the horrible flirting. It had only been a couple of days and he had already slept with someone else. Seriously, what were you thinking? Of course what happened that night didn't mean anything to him. Whatever you had told him most likely went straight through his head. You had never opened up to someone as much as him, you regretted everything. He probably didn't kick you out because he was too tired or just couldn't be bothered and you took that the wrong way as usual and thought that maybe, just maybe Yoongi had a heart.
You were wrong. He hadn't even looked your way once.
The bell finally rung and you picked up your stuff and crashed out of the classroom. You needed air. You hated yourself for being so dumb and getting attached to the wrong people. You contained your tears, so much frustration was building up inside of you at how stupid you had been but you couldn't let it out. Not at school.
Hoseok spotted you putting stuff back into your locker.
"Hey Y/N!" he called with his usual grin. He came up to you and knew instantly something was wrong. How couldn't he? He knew you all to well, and you wished he didn't when he started asking too many questions.
"Wow, what's the matter?" he interrogated straight away.
"Nothing." you didn't want to tell him. He couldn't know how you had gotten attached to Yoongi, the one boy he told you to be careful of and now you were butthurt.
"Come on I know something's up, you can tell me." he insisted.
"Don't worry everything is fine." you forced a smile but he wasn't convinced. He guessed you didn't want to talk about it and gave you a disapproving frown instead of making a comment. You turned your back too get a book out of your locker and before you knew it Yoongi was talking to Hoseok. You were took aback, you certainly didn't expect him to come and talk to your best friend, and the timing was terrible. You really didn't want to see his face right now but you couldn't abandon Hobi, so you just stayed there in an awkward position not knowing quite sure where to put yourself. Hoseok and Yoongi diverted their attention to you,
"Oh hey Y/N didn't see you there." Yoongi smiled.
What was he doing?
"Of course you didn't." you scoffed, why was he even talking to you?
They looked a bit surprised by your reaction but you weren't sorry about your sassiness you didn't want to speak to Yoongi right now. Hoseok was scanning your face looking for an obvious reason for you to be so upset, and you just pretended everything was fine. The bell rung again. Yoongi was eyeing you all too obviously but you ignored it , he didn't deserve your attention. He hadn't done anything wrong, he was being usual douche Yoongi but you just realised that you shouldn't be spending your time with those type of people. At least not when your feelings were involved.
"Come on Hoseok, we'll be late for French." you grabbed him by the arm and dragged him to your next lesson.
"Wait what was that about?" he asked trodding along behind you.
"Nothing!" you grunted, you weren't in the mood for explanations, especially since you were in a situation where explaining meant lying.
You ended the day more pissed than ever.
Tomorrow was a school outing and you were planning on getting revenge, you knew it was stupid but you wanted to show Yoongi he wasn't the only one to get your attention.
You had already spotted someone, Namjoon.

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