Part 6

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You had spent the evening trying to bear the tension between your parents. They had been firing glares at each other, and small remarks that may have seemed insignificant to others but you knew the weight they held was much more than simple words. It was mean and petty, the words were meant to hurt and they did, not only the person the comments were aimed to but you as well. They knew they were annoying one another that's why they did it. They wanted the other to be as pissed as they were and it hurt you but they didn't even see it. They were too occupied by the bickering and squabbling to,notice how bad you felt, all you wanted to do was to escape. You would exchange pained looks with your siblings but most times it was hard to even look them in the eye because of their faces twisted in pain. You tried to focus on your food and get over with the meal as fast as you could. You had had enough of their fighting you just wanted to get out of here as fast as you could, the sooner you were out of here the better. You ate up while your dad was boiling in anger besides you and your mum kept stirring him up knowing very well he was annoyed. You could see how pissed off he was, everything about him was telling you that. He was biting down on the inside of his mouth as to stop his shouts from bursting into your mother's face, his fist was balled up so tight his knuckles were white. He sighed, he rolled his eyes, he mumbled, he grunted, his face was red in anger and you felt every ounce of what he was feeling. Your mum angry as well continued, satisfied to see her words weren't without impact and you managed to hate her for that. You had finished and asked to leave the table and thank goodness they said yes. You put your plate away and run up to your bedroom in a hurry the tension was suffocating you and you had to get away. You breathed in, happy it was over and collapsed onto your bed.
You were sat on your bed at least here you didn't have to stand their horrible comments, but oh no you were so very wrong.
At midnight when your brother and sister were in bed and asleep they started all over again. They were fighting like so many times before. Their shouts were making their way to your bedroom and you could've collapsed from the pain just there. That was it, you couldn't stay here any longer. Before you would have stayed and even creeped out of your room to listen, it was stupid but that tiny spark of hope pushed you to go and listen just in case they ever made peace and everything went back to normal. But it never did, and now you knew it would never happen so there was no point in staying and burning yourself once more.
You texted Hoseok
Get me out of here [00:10]
Coming [00:11]
He knew what was wrong straight away and didn't even have to ask. In five minutes he was across the street in his car waiting for you. You weren't allowed to go out, so you climbed out of your window after locking your door like you had already done a few times. You got on the roof and went down on the garage roof from which you jumped onto the bin and scratched your hand on the roof tiles as a small drop of blood leaked from your tender skin. Finally your feet hit the hard concrete and you didn't even fall flat on your face for once. You ran to Hoseok's car, your face in tears, no matter how many times your parents fought, you never got used to it and the pain would always pour through your eyes as burning tears.
He saw your face and immediately took you into his arms, after a couple of seconds you pushed him away.
"Drive." you mumbled, you didn't want your parents to catch you leaving. So Hoseok started the car and you drove off down to his house. He didn't ask any questions, he knew what was wrong, it wasn't the first time this had happened.
"There's a party at my place." he said, "So we won't be alone."
"Don't worry maybe it'll get my mind of their stupid ass fights." you sighed, you would probably get drunk again just to forget.
You got in his house, a house you were very much familiar with having spent a good part of your childhood playing with red cars on its floorboards with Hobi. You made your way through the crowd by his sides, there sure were a lot of people. It didn't really surprise you that much, Hoseok was quite popular and his parties were always a success. You finally got to the couch and you sunk into it Hobi's arm around your shoulders as you rested your head on his. It was a strange feeling, being on the couch calmly with your best friend while the people around you were all agitated and dancing. It seemed as if you were in two separate dimensions. After a while Hoseok got up,
"I'll go and get us some drinks!" he shouted over the music.
You nodded, while he went away. You lifted your knees to your chest and waited for him to come back. You looked across the room packed with smiling sweaty bodies, you wished you had it in you to smile right now, but it would probably take you a couple of shots before that happened.
You looked around waiting for Hobi to come back while you tried to stop thinking about your parent's fight. It wasn't working all you could hear in your head were their insults, and every single word they had spat at each other felt like the world was crashing back onto you. It was like that night started all over again, that night when the walls of your house had trembled under their screams but right now it was your turn. You were the one trembling from all the anger and sadness that came flooding back each time they fought. You didn't even realise someone had sat next to you until an elbow nudged you. You looked up and you were facing Taehyung yet another fuckboy it was as if you attracted all of them since your encounter with Yoongi.
"You alright?" he asked a slightly worried look on his face as he scanned you with his sparkling eyes. He was one of Yoongi's basketball teammates and friend. They both were the typical fuckboy type like one's you saw in those teenage movies.
"Sure why?" you wondered, why was he talking to you? You didn't know each other.
"I dunno I was talking to you and you just seemed really lost in thought so I nudged you" he chuckled and you understood why some of your friends spent their time following the basketball players around, he was stunning.
"Oh.." he was gorgeous but that didn't change the fact that you were still down.
"I was actually hitting on you but you don't seem in the mood for that right now." he laughed at his failed attempt and it made you smile for a second.
"Oh.." you didn't really believe that someone as attractive as him would be hitting on you. "Sorry about that." you grinned.
"Want to drink?" Taehyung handed you his glass full of a strangely colored drink. You looked at is with suspicion not sure if you should accept his drink, you didn't know him that much there could be anything in that cup.
He laughed at the sight of your face "Come on, it's vodka and coke it's nothing."
You decided to accept the drink, even if it was a glass full of drugs you wouldn't really and by now at least it would help you forget, plus Hoseok seemed to be taking ages so you took the cup from his hand and drunk the whole thing without even realising. A warm tingling feeling traveled down your throat and you felt slightly better.
"Wow you were thirsty!" he chuckled as you handed him back the empty cup.
You shrugged, you didn't think there was that much to drink in the first place.
"You're next to Yoongi in science aren't you?" he questioned as he cocked up his eyebrow with a smirk;
"Just like that, I've heard your name in a conversation before."
Your heart skipped a beat. He had talked about you before, to his friends, all you hoped was that he hadn't said anything bad.
"What did he say?" you probed to see if you could get some answers. Maybe, with some luck, he would have said some nice things about you. But sadly Taehyung hadn't come to you to speak about Yoongi.
"Not much..." your heart sank with those two words. His soft golden hair tickled your cheeks and you realised that his face was now just next to yours, if you turned your head your lips would meet each other.
"You shouldn't waste your time on someone like him.."
You felt his breath tickle your neck, he was clearly hitting on you. You would have been flattered if he didn't do that to every single girl he crossed paths with.
You sighed and shuffled away to look him in the eyes, "Sorry I'm not more in the mood than before the vodka."
He laughed "Shit, I would've liked to know what Yoongi was going on about but I guess it'll be for another time."
You didn't pay attention to what he said the only words that mattered considered wat Yoongi said. What had he told his friends? Had he told them about your sex? You hoped not, but you had a bad feeling that he did. He probably had said "nice" things about you but mostly about when you fucked. If that was the case it meant that he had used you, and that just as you had expected but refused to accept like the blind fool you were, you were another among many girls he had fucked but you were apparently good at what you did. That's why he came back to you, it was for your blowjobs and your pussy, not for your loving touch and smile. All he ever wanted was sex. You slumped into the couch as Taehyung go up and left you to fill up his drink you had emptied.
You weren't feeling well, you had enough to worry about without the Yoongi situation but now everything was adding up and you were asking yourself what the fuck Hoseok was up to.
As your eyes ran across the room, you spotted a familiar figure that looked like your classmate, Yoongi. He wasn't facing your way too occupied by Emma pressed up against the wall by his chest, and hand on her waist. You stared at them, maybe it wasn't Yoongi, after all he was back to you and the lighting was quite dim, it could be someone else but after what you had heard you had a hard time believing it, after all why would he waste time on you when smoking hot Emma was ready at all times to be fucked. You tried stopping yourself from staring too long in fear of looking like a total creep but your eyes didn't seem to be able to divert their attention onto something else. All you could see was Emma's stupid smile, you could see it in her eyes that she was more than satisfied with the position she was in right now and you wished you were in her place so badly. You had caught feelings for Yoongi and you hated it.
Suddenly Emma pulled his shirt turning him over and pushing him against the wall, it was him. There he was his eyes full of lust and hands all over horrible Emma. You should have known, you should have known that what happened yesterday in science didn't mean anything. He had just been friendly probably out of pity or some terrible reason that you didn't really want to think about. He was always the same fuckboy as before, and of course he had the right to fuck with whoever he wanted to but your feelings had got you thinking that for some stupid reason you would be the only girl to get to him even though you knew it was stupid you still had hope.
You were wrong, your chest hurt and you were cursing Hoseok for taking so long with the drinks. You needed to get drunk now before you saw more, but he wasn't coming. Before you knew it his tongue was inside her mouth and you felt everything crumble inside of you. You stomach flipped and turned, your head spun how could you let this happen? You had been an absolute idiot, you should have kept your distance but you didn't and now you were paying the price. You couldn't look away, the pain was stopping you from moving. Yoongi lifted his eyes and as his tongue was swirling in another person's mouth his gaze met yours.
There he was doing what he had once done with you with someone else in front of you as you slowly faltered and everything crashed inside of you as too many different emotions flooded inside your mind.
He had seen you, you had to get out before you crashed back into tears. You hated crying for such a reason it was so stupid of you but the scene with your parents had weakened you and seeing the person you were starting to have feelings for with his lips on a girl you despised was making you sick. You got up and rushed for the front door. Was there no place you could be in peace? Pain followed you everywhere you went that night. You pushed through the people, and spotted Hoseok coming back with the drinks with reddened lips. That's what took him so long he was making out. He saw you but you were too much in a hurry to stop. You shoved the people out your way and stepped outside.
When you finally got out the fresh night air hit your skin and you went to sit in a corner of the front garden where your tears finally spilled all over again. You were having a horrible night and you just wanted it to end. You were a sniffling teary mess and it wasn't even anyone's fault, divorces happened and you had let yourself fall for an asshole. If anything you were the one to blame for your own grief and it made everything ten times more frustrating. You had done this to yourself. You heard footsteps arrive and someone sat by your side, it was Hoseok. He didn't say anything and you both sat there as you cried. After a while of silence under the dark night sky, he opened his mouth,
"Listen Y/N..just tell me what's wrong. I know it's not just your parents, I've seen how you've been acting weird lately. You know you can tell me everything." he said with a softness in his voice that soothed you immediately. He lifted your head with his warm hands and forced you to look him in the eye. You knew he was right, and you couldn't hide him what had been happening forever. He was your best friend he deserved to know the truth neither of you ever lied to each other, it was about time he knew the truth.
So you told him.
You told him how you had been fucking around with Yoongi, and how your feelings have been developing for him You decided to leave nothing out so you told him absolutely everything.You talked about the first time at the party, the time in the library (explaining why you had been banned) and when you fucked and finally the phone call. Each time you had any sexual contact seemed like one time too many when the words left your mouth and a slight line appeared between Hoseok's eyebrows as he frowned. You hated to say you were falling for him because you had been trying to deny it for a while. Hoseok listened to everything you had to say without interrupting. He had warned you about how Yoongi played with girls, you hadn't listened and now you were ashamed but Hoseok didn't make any comment. You looked at him after having told him about everything, waiting for a reaction. He looked angry and you hoped he wouldn't tell you off. He got scary when he was angry, it didn't happen that often but when it did you always made sure you weren't in range of receiving a flying object -or fist- he would throw out of anger.
You waited, and tried to force a reaction out of him by giving a slight push with your shoulder.
"I'm going to fucking kill him." he mumbled and before you knew it he was heading to the front door.
You didn't even have time to react, he was already marching to the house, and you rushed up behind him. You didn't want him to get into a fight, especially not for your own mistakes. He shouldn't interfere with your stupid actions by making his own. If he hit Yoongi he could get into a big mess, Yoongi had quite a few friends at the party who wouldn't hesitate in helping him out by beating Hoseok up. You didn't want that to happen but no matter what you did Hoseok wouldn't stop, his anger was rolling through his body you could feel it, you knew Hoseok enough to know. He barged inside and pushed the people out of his way as you followed your heart thumping in your chest could have exploded out of anxiety. You were helpless, you didn't want to Hoseok to get hurt, nor Yoongi although even if he had hurt you. So you watched Hoseok approach him burning in hatred. You tried to stay close but the dancing people caught you like a fish in a net and you were stranded in between drunken bodies as you watched the scene unravel before your eyes.
Soon you saw Hobi tear Emma still hung at Yoongi's neck off of his chest and slammed his shoulders against the wall. His face approached his ear and he muttered something in his ear and you could tell by Yoongi's scrunched up face that he was confused.
You had to hurry before things got out of hand. You struggled and tried squeezing through the two people completely lost in the beat of the music pressing their bodies together. You wriggled through and when you finally got out you rushed towards Hoseok who was still pressing his nails in Yoongi's bare skin and burning holes into him with his eyes firing him hateful looks.
You put your hand upon Hoseok with precaution, he turned around in a dash ready to hit anyone who interfered with his business. When he saw it was you his face calmed down for a second but he just pushed you off, "Let me deal with this Y/N." he groaned. You saw Yoongi's stare on you, he looked pretty calm for someone on the verge of being hit, his face revealing only perplexity rather than fear. You caught a glimpse of his lips and they were stained in Emma's love bites. Your heart clenched but you had to remember not to think about that, you had to get Hoseok away from him.
"Hoseok. Everything's fine, don't do this." you said holding his arm as his other remained on Yoongi unable to escape.
He looked at you not understanding why you were acting like this. Yoongi had used you and he deserved a good punch in the face but you didn't want Hoseok to get into all this mess.
Before Hoseok could say anything Yoongi sneered "Hey there sweetheart." directing you a smug smile, the comment made your heart clench. Couldn't he just leave you alone? Hoseok's jaw clenched when those words dropped from Yoongi's mouth and within the blink of an eye Hoseok's fist swung across Yoongi's face smashing his head against the wall. Hoseok grabbed him by the collar almost lifting Yoongi off of his feet, his veins appearing at the surface of his skin, his knuckles whites "Get out of my house" he growled in a deep and hoarse voice.
Not a word left Yoongi's mouth as Hoseok through him out of his grip, only a hateful glare was given before he left the house. You turned a round and people were definitely staring at you. None of Yoongi's friends had stepped up, in fact none of them were in sight, they were probably too drunk or getting fucked, either of the two.
You sighed, the anxiety slowly draining through your trembling fingers.
You and Hobi climbed up to his bedroom escaping all the insistent stares people were throwing your way. You collapsed on his bed where you had been many times before as a kid and you stared at the ceiling trying to get over the events. You lay there both of you and just being in your best friends presence soothed you. It was late now, about 3 am and you were exhausted, you decided to sleep at Hoseok's place tonight, since as always you dreaded heading back home. You took the spare t-shirt he had for you when you would come and sleep at his place out of the blue and put it on, it smelled like your childhood, like Hobi's house and you loved it. You slid into his bed, a small "I'm sorry" left your lips.
You felt guilty you had just ruined his night, he had thrown this party to have fun not get into a fight. His eyes looked through yours and he sighed "You should be, you shouldn't hide stuff like that from me." You looked away ashamed of your behavior, and he added: "I don't want you to get hurt."
You knew he didn't want you to get hurt, of course he didn't. But what you had did had hurt him and the guilt only got worse.
"Get some sleep." he muttered rubbing your head before leaving the room.
Just as he left you received a text.
Did you tell Hoseok? [3:34]
Yoongi. He just couldn't leave you alone, could he?
You decided not to answer, you'd better keep your distance after all that happened. But apparently, that's not how he had planned it to go as he continued sending you texts.
I know you did [3:36]
Have I hurt you or something? [3:37]
Answer [3:39]
Wow, he really was insisting. What an annoying prick. His attitude didn't make you want to answer, he wasn't allowed to boss you around, if you didn't want to answer you wouldn't answer for fuck's sake.
I need to talk to you. [3:40]
You wondered what he wanted to talk about but right now you weren't in the mood for dealing with his whims. You turned off your phone and went to sleep.
The next morning you weren't surprised to see when you turned on your phone that he had continued sending you texts, stubborn asshole.
You read his messages and scoffed at how many he had sent, he was probably completely drunk. His messages mainly consisted of grumpy comments on how Hobi overreacted and how you were being rude for not answering. One text caught your attention
I didn't mean to hurt you..[4:30]
But you reminded yourself it didn't mean anything.
Suddenly you received another one, you were not expecting him to be continuing the next morning. You become anxious you didn't want to be forced into that situation, your eyes couldn't leave your screen as you let the words sink in.
We're having a talk monday. [10:00]

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