Part 3

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It was the spring break and you hadn't heard from Yoongi in a long time. You two didn't even talk since the end of the science project. A friend of yours had invited you to a party. It was going to be in the frat house. The house Yoongi shared with all the fuckboys. You didn't want to go, but you didn't have a valid reason to give Hoseok, he would drag you there if you wanted to or not. Since you were doomed to go you decided to at least look your best just in case. You put special care into your makeup and let your hair down, the locks tumbling down onto your bare shoulders. Hoseok came to pick you up as usual and as always he complimented you on your looks to which you just laughed. You loved hobi he was always sweet to you. You walked there since it wasn't very far from your house. The fresh night air made you relax a bit. Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea going out for a party. At least you would escape the tension back home, but you felt slight guilt leaving your brother and sister in the middle of that mess. You sighed with a couple of drinks you wouldn't be thinking about it anymore.
You two had both entered the party a few minutes ago. The house was packed, as always. The frat parties were always big everyone knew about them. You hadn't seen Yoongi yet and you felt relieved. The place was warm and you were thankful to not have covered yourself too much. There were already people making out like Fleur and Jackson, them two always liked to put on a show before they got themselves a room the sight of them always seemed to disgust you even after having seen it thousands of times by now. From where you were you could see their tongues swirling around in each other's mouths and you were at the other end of the room and you shuddered with a wave of cringe. You were sat on the couch with your friends talking and laughing. Gracie presented you to her girlfriend, she was absolutely gorgeous and you felt happy for her. You downed shots, and you forgot about the mess at home that you had left behind. Minseok got on the table and danced, he clearly had a couple of drinks, you all screamed when he took his shirt off. He threw water over his head and danced like crazy, soon enough he would be lying on the floor with marker all over his face. Hobi stole the show when he started to dance like a fucking god, seriously you had never seen anyone dance like that before. You pumped him up like a good best friend "GO HOBI! GO HOBI!" you yelled with Gracie. Everything was fine and still hadn't spotted Yoongi.
Later that night you were sat down on the floor watching the others play a drinking game and you laughed at the totally wasted Gracie sat beside you. She really was unlucky with this game every go she seemed to down a shot. You were amused by the sight and then you saw him. He was chatting with a few people, among those people was Hobi. He saw you look at them and waved for you to come. Your heart beat sped up as you got up to join them. As you walked up to them you could see Yoongi checking you out from the corner of his eyes, even if you wouldn't admit it you enjoyed the attention. When you joined them Hoseok squealed "Look at her! Isn't she good looking?!" he clearly had a few too much to drink.
"Hobi.." you mumbled feeling embarrassed and pushing back his embrace.
"What am I not allowed to compliment my best friend?" he pouted. You sighed, you didn't mind that, what you felt embarrassed about was Yoongi's amused look. Hoseok ignored your sighs and continued talking. He was telling a funny story about when you got into trouble at school when you were little. It was something really stupid, a long long time ago. You had almost forgotten about it but drunk Hoseok was capable of remembering anything, at least anything worth telling a story for. You were 5 back then and you didn't feel like going school so you had both ran away after you convincing Hobi that school wasn't worth it anyways. You were in the park playing with sticks you had found lying around but then you felt guilty. So you both had gone back, but when you were back you were scared of being told off and in the end the teachers found you in the toilet discussing if you should go back or run far far away and never come back. You laughed as he told the story, you and Hobi would often do stupid things like that when you were little. Listening to him you could tell Hobi was in his element, he always loved making people laugh and he was doing a good job at it. You forgot about Yoongi but sometimes you could feel his stare and you felt a bit unsteady. The conversation went on and you went to the kitchen to get a drink. You poured yourself a glass and when you lifted your head you fell upon Yoongi. He had followed you. "Hey" he smiled, god you had missed that gummy smile.
"Hey.." you muttered. You were scared of being alone with him, last time that happened you got banned from the library. You tried scooting past him but he blocked the door with his arm as he smirked down at you. "What do you want?" you grumbled.
He ignored your question completely, "Why are you being so cold?" he frowned. You tried getting through but Yoongi wasn't having it and wouldn't let you through. You sighed and gave in, you sat on the kitchen table and looked at him. He was undressing you with his eyes and you felt blood rush to your cheeks, but you didn't avert your gaze from him taking in this tingling feeling you got in his presence. "How have you been?" he grinned.
"Why would you out of all people care?" you chuckled. When did he start giving a fuck about how you've been? For all you knew he was using you for sex.
"Do you really think I'm that heartless?" he laughed. What did he want? "I guess I do come off as a cold person don't I?" he said as he walked to stand in front of you. You didn't dare move, you were drawn to his body as he leaned in slowly. "I think you owe me something" he muttered, his soft breath tickling your ear. "It's been one two many times you gave me blue balls, I don't want to have to finish myself off alone again."
You gasped as he whispered those words to you in his deep voice. The thought of him having to finish himself off because of you turned you on more than you expected and a rush of excitement flowed through your veins. His lips were now grazing your cheek and made their way to your lips, his hand pressing into the back of your head. The taste of his lips made you realise how warm your body already was. Instinctively your hands took a hold of his face and pushed him into a deeper kiss. He smiled at your neediness and let his tongue slide in your mouth. The wetness in your mouths was spinning and turning and the taste of alcohol mixing between you invaded your mouth. His hand grabbed your ass as he fitted himself between your legs his already growing boner pressing against the fabric between your legs. You could feel all your desire rush down to the pit of your stomach and you knew you were in for it. You were both in the kitchen and you realised people could walk in on you at any moment. You didn't want people to see this, it wasn't your type to make out in the middle of a party and even less with a fuckboy. But you didn't want to stop, you needed this in thast moment the only thought going through your mind was having his Yoongi inside of you. You wanted him. You hadn't felt someone this close in a long time and for some reason Yoongi had an intoxicating effect on you.You were high on his smoldering touch. Aware of the situation you were in, you breathed in between the kisses not wanting to let go of him "Why don't we take this upstairs?"
He grinned at the words he had once pronounced himself and pulled away from the kiss "Whatever you want."
He took you by the hand, his moist skin rubbing against yours was enough to tell you he was already drunk and so were you, and pulled you out of the kitchen. The gesture felt intimate and you blushed knowing well that it didn't mean anything. Your mind was getting to hazy to think straight, but you knew you shouldn't expect anything other than sex from him. You both sneaked through the room full of drunks and went up into a bedroom. You wondered if it was his but you were soon distracted by Yoongi's hungry lips attacking your neck. His hands gripped tightly onto your hips and pushed you over to the bed. Your calves violently hit the side of it and you fell down on the pile of crumpled sheets. His weight pinned you down and his blissful gaze focused on your lips already swollen by the small bites he had given them. Your hands controlled by the lust you were in grabbed at his loose tee shirt and started to pull it off of him. You didn't know what was getting over you but it seemed like whenever you were around him you were incapable of controlling yourself. He did the same to you quickly tearing off your crop top, his hands trailed along your bare skin and you trembled eager for more"Fuck you're gorgeous" he grunted. Those few words were enough for you to blush like crazy, but instead of hiding you just leaned forward to kiss him further. You could already feel your juices dripping in between your legs and you hadn't even started yet. You couldn't believe the effect he had on you, every touch he set upon your skin sent waves of pleasure down your spine. You started to fiddle with the button of your jeans as he nibbled on your skin. He saw you struggle and chuckled "Let me help with that."
You loved when he smiled at you like that, you couldn't get enough. He slid your jeans down rapidly as you arched your back to help him take them off. He used that opportunity to slide your laced panties down as well and threw them down to the floor soon returning his attention back to you. Before you knew it his warm hands were making their way to your back, he gently lifted you and unclasped your bra, and in a second it was on the floor with the rest. You were completely naked and yet somehow around Yoongi you didn't feel insecure. He had a way of looking at you that made you feel like you were the only woman that mattered. Like every inch of you was worth admiring. You knew it wasn't true but in the moment it felt nice. He cupped one of your breasts and started to play with them. His fingers pinching your nipple and his tongue soothing the pain made you go crazy. His boner was pressed against your thighs and all you wanted to do was help him out with it, but you weren't quite bold enough yet. You were soaking wet now and all you wanted was him inside of you. You were rubbing your legs to relieve the need burning inside your core. He noticed and his hand glided along your body to your heat. He rubbed your folds slowly but hard enough for you to cover his fingers with your liquids. You took a hold of his neck and sucked on his tender spot never wanting to let go. You wanted him to need you as much as you needed him. You couldn't bare the slow pace he was going at, you softly bit down on his ear "Fuck me Yoongi" you whimpered.
You were surprised by the words that had escaped your mouth, and the look on his face told you that you weren't the only one. You had never wanted someone as badly as him and your lust was blazing inside of you rippling through your core. Yoongi's surprised look soon turned into the smuggest grin you had ever seen. He was proud of himself, and started to rub you faster making you shudder under the friction. "What do you want?" he teased, and his deep voice could have you doing anything but you tried to keep some dignity even if you were clearly melting underneath of him. You couldn't stand his teasing anymore and by the looks of the tent in his jeans, he needed this as much as you did. "Just do it you prick" you grunted.
He chuckled "You'll have to tell me what you want specifically babe.." That word was enough to get you begging for him, you were slightly scared about the effect the word babe had on you when they left his lips but at that moment it clearly wasn't your first concern.
"I want you inside of me you asshole." you groaned, wanting nothing more than to be able to reach your release.
"Anything you need baby girl."
He slowly removed his fingers from you and lifted his hand up to his mouth cleaning it from all the sticky silk fluids that he was coated in as he looked you in the eyes. His pupils were dilated as his frenzy took over his mind. The sight made a loud moan escape from your lips he gave you a last smug grin before he started to get rid of his trousers. His slender fingers began unbuckling his belt and before you knew it his length had escaped his trousers. The sight of his fully erect cock made you want things you never knew you wanted before and you had to bite down on your lip to stop yourself from plunging right onto him. He turned to the bedside table opened a drawer and pulled out a condom. He was fiddling with it and you were becoming restless, once he was done he placed himself on top of you a hand beside your head and the other on your hip, you could have sworn he was burning every inch of your body. His tip was brushing your core before he pushed himself inside of you he looked up at you with concern that took you off guard, "Are you sure you can take this right now?"
With just that one question he turned you to goo and you wanted him even more. Since when did Min Yoongi care about hurting people? You just nodded impatiently your grip tightening around his neck. He took your word and you felt his length enter you, a shiver crossed your spine.
"Fuck you feel so good" you moaned and your nails scratched his naked back in pleasure. He let your walls adjust to his size before he started rocking his hips sending his cock back and forth inside of you. He started slowly and the more wetness he felt around him the faster he went. You whimpered at each and every thrust as he went further and further inside of your tight cunt. Soon enough he was smashing right into you. When you looked up at his face you could see the sweat pearling on his forehead and his couple of hairs stuck to his face and you knew he was the most handsome person you had ever laid your eyes on. You clawed at his back needing something to hold onto. Your walls clenching tighter every time his cock heaved into you.
It hadn't been long but you were already crumbling underneath him, his name making its way from your lips across the room. Suddenly he pulled out with a grunt, "Turn over, let me see you being fucked from behind." he panted smugly.
You obliged, by now you were willing to do anything just to reach your high. You got on all fours in front of him. He spread your cheeks apart taking in the view your liquids flowing down along your thighs. He positioned himself in front of your pounding core and slammed into you before pulling out entirely and you had never screamed someone's name as loud. He chuckled in satisfaction, "You like that you dirty slut? I never thought you would be the type to enjoy this.."
To your surprise, you didn't even care what he called you, in fact, the dirty words that he hummed only turned you on as you tried whimpering a clear answer "Me neither.." was all you managed to get out as he pushed his length back into you once more.
"Fuck you're so tight!" he growled, he pumped in twice and slid out. He was teasing you and it was becoming torture. Your fingers roamed up to your wetness, if he wouldn't please you right you would have to do it yourself. You let them wonder to your clit and you started to rub it just the way you liked it. Finally able to get the contact you were craving made you moaned softly but at the sound of your voice he realised that you were pleasuring yourself by your own means. It clearly didn't please him and he took your hand away and smacked your right cheek so hard a broken cry left your lips.
"Don't do that baby girl.." he purred before smacking you a second time in the same spot. You were pretty sure your ass cheeks would be bruised tomorrow.
"Let me take care of it tonight.." he hummed, his raspy voice echoing through the room while he rubbed your sore spot relieving the pain that his hands had caused. His tender touch sent warm shivers through your veins. He had left you dripping wet for far too long already so you decided to push your hips towards his spreading your legs wider ready to greet his cock. He chuckled "So needy.."
"JUST FUCK ME ALREADY!" you yelled your patience was reaching it's limit you needed release and now.
With those few words he heaved himself all the way into you and you gasped. "You want me to fuck you?" he questioned teasing you further more.
"Yes.." you whined as he started to slide his length slowly across your ridges.
"How do you want it baby?" he murmured. He was enjoying this all too much.
"Hard.." you whispered, inhaling heavily and he smacked you causing you to grip at the sheets in pain and pleasure.
"Say it louder.." he demanded.
"Fuck me hard Yoongi!" you wailed, and you pushed yourself backwards forcing his dick inside of you. He didn't protest and finally started to smash into you. His thrusts were so hard you could have sworn the whole house was trembling. His started hitting repeatedly your sweet spot and you couldn't even count how many times you had cried his name. You didn't care who would hear you anymore. You shuddered a spark taking place in between your legs and you arched your back knowing very well you were close. Yoongi was as well as he started grunting in your neck the noises he made only helped you reach your high.The spark set a fire inside you that spread from your head to your toes. You both grunted and moaned at the top of your lungs as your orgasms took a hold of you. He slammed hard into you and made the bed squeak and crack it could have been breaking but you couldn't care less, your mind was taken over by Yoongi's name spilling out of your mouth. The pleasure created in the pit of your stomach crashed over your whole body. You had never felt this good. He collapsed on top of you and your name tumbled off of his lips. You were both a panting sweaty mess as you both tried to recover from the ecstasy that took a hold of you both. His length was softening inside of you and he soon got up off of you and chucked the condom into a nearby bin before lying back beside of you. You turned over and your eyes met. You stayed like that for a while, you didn't understand why neither of you were moving. You thought that once it was over he would leave and you would both go back to the party as if nothing had happened but strangely none of you were out of the bed yet. He put his hands down onto your waist and pulled you in closer. You weren't expecting this sudden softness from him and you weren't able to move a muscle. He admired your face and brushed a few strands of hair out from your eyes. You relaxed by those tender actions.
"Did I hurt you?" he worried, while rubbing your reddened skin where he had hit you.
"Not too much." you smiled reassuringly. It hurt but in the moment the amount of pleasure it procured you was worth all the marks you would have in the morning. He smiled satisfied by your answer and the sight warmed your heart.
You knew you were both in his bed because you were both wasted but you still couldn't help yourself from thinking there was some type of connection between you. It was 4 am and you knew that in a few hours you would have to go back home. You hated being home and spent most of your days at Hobi's place. Yoongi saw the frown on your face "What's the matter?" he questioned. For some reason, you thought it was a good idea to open up to Yoongi and you started spilling out everything to him, what surprised you even more was that he seemed to care. You shouldn't be telling him anything but it felt right. You told him absolutely everything.
Your mum had had a depression after her cousin ended her life in car crash. One day you received a call from your grandma and it ended up with your dad rushing into the study to comfort your mum covered in tears and since then things only went down hill. The depression changed her and your dad as they went through it together like any couple should except it tore them apart. They started going separate ways, they would often fight over little things and had a hard time getting along. They were both seeing therapists and a couple therapist in the hopes of making things better. But it didn't change anything, things were getting worse day by day, you could see it even if they tried to hide it from you and your siblings. After all, you weren't that stupid.
One night you got into a fight with your mum because she was tired and taking it off on you by yelling at you for no reason. You weren't having it so you left the kitchen and you slammed the door anger pulsing through your veins as you tried your best to calm down. As you were on your way to your room you heard your mum taking it out on your dad and your heart sunk, regret already taking a hold of you.
"Why aren't you defending me?!" she shouted and those words set everything on fire.
They had a fight like one you hadn't seen before. They were yelling at each other at the top of their lungs and all you could do was curl up in your bed tears soaking your pillow as you waited out the terrible storm that you had created. It was your fault, everything was your fault. Their voices echoed from the kitchen into your room and you wished you could turn back time but t was too late they were both lost in their screams by now.
You were the small drop of water that had created gigantic waves, waves you never wanted to exist.
You heard your mum storm down the corridor and slam the door to their room as your dad followed her. Their stomping feet made the walls of your bedroom tremble and you with them. Their bedroom being next to yours you could hear every hurtful word they told each other and it was like you were receiving everything they spat like venom. Suddenly as your dad left the room you heard a broke scream come from your mother's mouth "YOU BASTARD!". Those words hit you in the chest like a bullet. Your parents never insulted each other. Never, not like that at least. and your dad came crashing into their room "YOU DO NOT CALL ME LIKE THAT!" he shouted and he slammed the door hard enough that you thought your ceiling would collapse onto your body hidden under the protective covers of your bed.
At that moment you knew everything was over the second you heard your mum cry.
You let your tears gush out from your eyes as you muffled your sobs in your pillow so no one else could hear the pain pouring out from you. All their hate was crashing onto you and you couldn't bear the weight. It was all your fault.
A fight like that never happened again but it was too late after that anything that remained from their relationship was shattered into a million pieces. Sometimes before going to sleep you heard them. They tried to keep their voices down so they wouldn't wake you up, but it didn't work you knew they were fighting again.
"I know you're not well!" you dad growled, "I've known it for a fucking long time now! How do you think I feel?!"
You stayed in the corridor listening to them, unable to move away. You hated hearing it but you stayed. Maybe in the hopes that they would stop and love each other again, even if it was clearly impossible by now.
All this time you had kept some hope that things would get better but everything was telling you otherwise, they weren't sleeping in the same room anymore and would bicker over anything. They hadn't told you if they would divorce so for months you lived with that tiny spark of hope that maybe just maybe everything would be okay and that was what was tearing you apart.You spent your days at school pretending everything was fine and it was so long as you didn't think about it. The only person you told everything about was Hoseok, he was always there and you could never have been more grateful to have him as a friend. Not long ago you decided yourself to ask them if they would divorce, you didn't want to ask before since you didn't want to influence their choice but you had to, the hope was torture by now and you wanted to get rid of it.
They said yes.
Now you lived in a house in between two people that couldn't stand each other and you hated every second of it.
You hated hearing them fight before you were going to sleep. You hated hearing them swear at each other and slam doors. You hated hearing your mum cry in her room. You hated the looks on your brother and sister's face, you hated how they were hurting them.
When you were asking your little sister what she wanted for her birthday she had said with an innocent smile "I want to go out all five of us again, like a family." It broke you to bits, you knew very well that that would never happen.
They were going to divorce and you couldn't help yourself but feel responsible. You knew it was stupid, but you couldn't help it. Maybe if you had been a better child they wouldn't have come up to this. Maybe if you had obeyed more, maybe if you made a less of a fuss when your mum was telling you off, maybe if you had been the perfect child this wouldn't have happened. You could feel your eyes watering but you didn't care anymore, you just continued spilling out your life to Yoongi. You had always thought that stuff like this happened to other people but such things wouldn't happen to your peaceful family. But they did. Your parents were divorcing and you had never prepared yourself for that, you had unconsciously planned out your parents future together. They were supposed to grow old together, make their garden grow, become grandparents, and you would all have family vacations at their house. But that would never happen. The thought of a future different than that one scared you.
"I'm never getting married" you mumbled. The anger pouring out in every word you said. You meant it, you didn't believe two people could love each other forever. They had destroyed your vision of love and you hated them for that. The tears were now running down your face and you only realised when Yoongi wiped them off softly. You tried to get yourself back together and flashed him a forced smile "Oh well these things happen".
You did that all the time, whenever you had told someone your parents were divorcing you told them with a smile and people thought you were heartless. You weren't, you cared more than anyone could ever imagine but you didn't want people's pity, you didn't want them to feel your sadness. You tried to keep all your pain locked up inside to protect your loved ones, you would bear it alone you didn't want to weigh them down. You tried putting on your mask on in front of Yoongi but he saw right through you, instead of making a comment he just nodded. "I thought bad things happened to others too before.." he muttered looking up the ceiling, you could tell he wanted to tell you something else but he stopped there. You didn't want to push him, you shouldn't even be here having this conversation. When you saw your clothes scattered across the room you remembered that Hobi could be looking for you soon if you didn't show yourself. After a moment of silence you slipped out from under the covers and he didn't hold you back. You got dressed under his stare and before you went out you both exchanged a look and you wished you could stay longer as something told you this wouldn't happen anytime soon. You left without another word.

Bad LuckNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ