Welcome To Society {BEST}

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Welcome to society,

Everywhere is full of light,

it looks so happy, doesn't it?

But underneath the surface, there's quite a sight.

We say, "Be proud of your body!"

But only if it looks right.

There's no such thing as fat;

Only skinny and thin,

and nothing bigger than that.

You can love anyone you want to!

But only if you're straight,

because if you're not,

(and you should be,)

Well, we'll give you a lot of hate.

Maybe you should toughen up? 

Stop crying?

Well, if only you knew,

They're only crying because they're being bullied;

By you.

And we'll let you have your own opinions,

But please, shape them to our views.

Welcome to society.

Now, one more rule.

It's simple, no need to grieve;

When you join our society, you can never,



Poetry, Quotes, and RamblingsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang