Carpe Diem

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A little boy laid in bed,

and dreamed.

Images of places all around the world,

called to him.

Crowds of people chanting his name,

exalting him,

stuck in his memory.

An older him,

with no regrets,

living the fine life he wanted.

He woke up.

He was not a little boy anymore, but a grown man.

He had no dreams,

no ambitions.


Not important, nor worth the time.

Being significant?

No one was significant.

Who was he to be special?

Living life?

Happiness wasn't important,

just a job,

and raising a family

was on his mind.

He had no thirst for life or adventure.

Sudden thoughts struck him.

What if I had taken that plane to Rome?

What if I chose my passion?

What if I tried?

But no, he decided.

It was too late.

His life was nothing.

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