I Am Who I Am

36 5 12

I am bisexual. 

(Yes, I like both boys and girls;

and no, I am not insane or going to hell.)

And my hands are shaking as I write this,

my ears fear the unknown jeers and threats, 

my heart pounds as I give the world a piece of my soul.

For the rest of my life, I can almost hear the calls of "Are you really? Are you sure?"

"Don't be ridiculous. There's no such thing. You're just confused."

and "You'll die for this.".

(But don't we all die in the end?)

However, I will still click "publish";

I will still tell the truth,

I will still be myself. 

Love is love.

And if I will be teased for who I love,

then so be it.

I am who I am,

and no one,

not even you,

can take that away from me. 

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