The 16 Boxes

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A/N- HAII, so this is the first chapter to this book. Here's a background story of how we came up with this idea. I had my English As-Level exam few days ago and I had to write a story and I came up with this plot and shared it with my sister, she seemed to like it. We polished this story more, added more characters and more plot twists as you'll read in the following chapters. I would love to hear your feedback on this chapter as well! Now without anything else said let's get right into it! Also the first chapter is in third person, starting on from second chapter we will write from P.O.V (point of view)

6:35 AM- "WAKEEEEEEEE UP NOAH!! YOU ARE GETTING LATE FOR SCHOOL. WAKE UP YOU USELESS CHILD" his mom yelled while taking his blanket off him. "Moooooom please let me sleep for five more minutes." Noah calmly replied. " NO NOAH YOU ARE GETTING LATE GET UP RIGHT NOW!" his mom exclaimed. " Fine fine, I'm awake, I'll be down in five minutes okay?" Noah stated. " Don't sleep off in the bathroom sweetie!" his mom responded back. " I won't mom!" Noah said while rolling his eyes. 

Noah made his way to the washroom, brushed his teeth and washed his face. "Cool." Noah commented to himself. He came out and looked at his over flowing wardrobe of clothes. "Hmmm nothing in here." He implied. He looked down on the floor and picked up his Nirvana band tee. " Not that bad." he exclaimed while smelling his shirt. He then threw on his band tee and some pairs of black ripped jeans to match his shirt. He wore some traditional black converse and made his way to the vanity. He looked at himself and grabbed his hair brush and brushed his light brown hair which fell in circles on his forehead. The sun rays hit his beautiful green eyes making it more deep and beautiful. He put his signature cologne on and went downstairs to eat breakfast. 

"mhmmmm it smells so good" Noah commented. " Here are your pancakes hot and fresh out of the oven!" His mom announced while keeping pancakes on Noah's plate. Noah finished his pancakes and got up to leave. "MOOOOOOOOOOOOM I AM LEAVING FOR SCHOOL BYEEEE LOVE YOU" Noah announced as he picked up his school bag and the car keys. " Okay sweetie bye, have a good day!" his mom replied. " You too mom!" he responded as he made his way out of the house. He got in his black fancy Audi R8 and inserted the key to it's hole. He turned the key and turned on the engine. He closed the door and turned on the music. He drove to Starbucks and got his usual vanilla bean frappe. He then drove to school. 

He parked his car and walked into the hallway of his school. " First bell just rang, I'm free for the first two periods." he muttered to himself and sighed. He walked towards an empty table in the cafeteria and finished his Vanilla Frappe. " Yo hey what's up Noah Foley?" Daniel, one of the players in Noah's basket ball team, asked. "Nothing much just finished this Frappe." Noah answered. "Cool bro, you're sitting all alone? Rare times like this is when we get to see 'Noah Foley' sitting alone." Daniel remarked. "Screw you Daniel! Says the boy who sits all alone everyday." Noah asserted. "Offending much!?" Daniel exclaimed. "Bye Daniel." Noah said. Daniel left the place without arguing any further. The second bell rang. Everyone rushed to their classes, the hallway was crowded and noisy. " Dylan will be coming to school any moment." Noah told himself as he watched the busy hallway.

Noah turned around and to his surprise Dylan, his best friend was standing behind him with a dorky smile. " Idiot! You need to stop giving me mini heart attacks." Noah firmly spoke. "Not my fault that you have a sensitive heart Noeyy." Dylan quoted.Noah shakes his head and they both fall into steps walking along the corridor and started talking about everything and anything . Soon after the third bell rings. "What?! It rang? So soon? It seems like it's just been 3 minutes since I came to the school." Dylan exclaimed. "Mate, it legit feels like forever anyway I don't feel like attending maths class today." Noah said and sighed. " No excuses homeboy! The teacher will kill us, we need to attend it and before we get super late let's go!" Dylan added on. " Whatever nerd." Noah stated while rolling his soft green eyes. They walk through the busy hallway to their maths class and get a seat. "Ms.Miles you look really pretty today!" Noah commented. Ms.Miles, their maths 'teacher', blushed at his comment and rolled her eyes. " Okay now class, today we will learn about linear graph." She turned around and started writing on the white board. Like this class passed by one after the another. English, Psychology, Mechanics and Arts. 

"Yo Dylan I'm leaving for home okay? See ya tomorrow!" Noah informed. "Aw how cute, you're informing me." Dylan chuckled. Noah proceeded to hit Dylan on his shoulder but got interrupted by his phone call. " I'll murder you" Noah warned Dylan. "We'll see." Dylan casually said and left Noah with his phone call. Noah answered his phone and got into his car. He drove straight back home. 

After 20 Minutes of driving he reached his destination. He took out his keys to open the door and casually walked in. He saw his parents rushing up and down and some travel suitcases kept aside. " Are we going somewhere mom?" Noah yelled. " Oh you're back?" Mrs.Foley asked. " Yes mom, are we going somewhere?" Noah questioned. "Oh dear, not we, we aren't going anywhere. Your dad and I are going on a business trip." Mrs.Foley answered. "Oh okay, have fun!" Noah shook his head as he spoke. "Sure will, and oh sweetie, you got a mail from someone, I kept the box on the table." Mrs.Foley "Oh okay, thanks mom." Noah quickly muttered and rushed to the table to see what it was. He took the worn out huge grey box to his bedroom. He closed the door of his bedroom and sat on the bed. "Weird." He noted to himself. "It looks so unpresentable, who would even give this to me?" He questioned himself as he tossed the box under his bed. 

Later that day he dropped his parents off to the airport and hugged them goodbye. He came back home and completed his homework and made his way to the basket ball rehearsals. The huge tournament was being held between British international- his school and Beverly Hills international in a month. He had to practice his ass off because this was the only time he could prove himself to his parents that he's a good basket ball player and he had a future in being a basketball champ. After the practice he left for his car. He drove back home.

He was alone.


 "Cool bro, you're sitting all alone? Rare times like this is when we get to see 'Noah Foley' sitting alone." He sighed reminding himself what one of his teammates told him. 

He watched out of the window. He saw marvelous crimson  sun setting, saw oranges and blues painting the sky. He walked to the kitchen and made himself some noodles to eat. He ate the noodles and watched TV. He then walked to his room. He slipped into his pj's and slid into his sheets. "Goodnight" He mumbled. 

He tossed and turned around.


He heard the wolf howling. "What in the world?" He questioned himself. "I must be hallucinating." He turned around and closed eyes, attempting to fall asleep.




He couldn't take it anymore so he decided to follow the voice. He got out and started following the fair faint sounds of the wolves. Following the sounds he ended up in the near by woods. Now the sounds of the wolves were getting louder and louder. He looked around. Nothing in sight. He looked around again. Nothing in sight. He turned his back and started walking his way back to his home when suddenly someone suddenly jumped on his back making him fall down. That creature laid down on him with all his pressure failing all of Noah's attempts of self defense. It's saliva was drooling down it's sharp teeth and kissing Noah's neck. It bit Noah's neck and ran away.

Noah, still in shock, tried to move and go back home but alas wasn't able to. After a few failed attempts he called up Dylan and asked him to pick him up from the woods. After five minuets which seemed like forever Dylan arrived. " OH My GOD WHAT THE FU-DGE, WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THE WOODS? WHY IS YOUR NECK BLEEDING?!" Dylan said while panicking. "Calm down shit-head. Come here and help me out." Noah pleaded. "Ugh fine okay, don't answer my questions." Dylan gave in. Dylan picked Noah up and took him back to the house. 

Dylan bandaged Noah's bite and kept on insisting Noah to tell him what happened. Noah later briefed up the incident. Dylan then asked him to tell him everything in detail tomorrow at school and with that he greeted Noah goodnight and left.

"Good night Dylan and thanks!" Noah spoke.

"Night, Bye" Dylan muttered.

Noah looked up in the mirror to see his reflection. "Too big to be a mosquito bite." He told himself. "Okay Noah go to sleep now. No more thinking about it." He added on.

He slid into his sheet yet again and drifted off to sleep.

A/N Thank you for reading! Did you like it? What do you think about it? What are your guesses about the bite? And who bit him? What will happen tomorrow at school? Let me know your guesses! I hope you enjoyed. Peace out bye!

Sixteen CreaturesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora