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I hear a book fall down which causes me to jerk off. I look around and no one is in sight. I carry on walking and thats when I hear whispers and murmurs. I bend down and move the books and thats when my eyes land on red......

That's when my eyes land down on a red head girl who's kneeling down.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to trouble you." She speaks quickly while squinting her eyes and grabbing onto her books tightly. I give her my hand for her to get up.

"It's okay, but what are you doing in this horrific library in the middle of the night?" I question her as she grabs onto my hand and gets up. She rubs of the dirt from her dress and looks at me.

" I could ask you the same thing." She replies me back with a smirk. "Thank you by the way" She adds on while tugging her beautiful red strand of wavy hair behind her ear.

"For what?" I ask.

"For lending me your hand for help." She nods. 

"Oh pleasure's always mine." I speak while giving out a laugh.

I start to speak to ask her a question but then I feel a cold hand on my shoulder. I freeze. I look at the gorgeous girl standing in front of me and she has a confused look on her. I turn back to only see it's Noah.

"Oh boy you scared me. How did you wake up? I ask him while exhaling in relief.

"You guys were talking too loudly." He states.

"We weren't?" The red head girls says and I nod in agreement.

" You wanker, remember my senses?" He reminds me.

"OH YES!" I exclaim. 

"What senses?" The red head girl asks. 

"Who's this red headed girl?" Noah asks while folding his arm.

"Hey my name's Hope mister." She fights him.

"Okay, who's Hope, Dylan?" He asks me.

"I don't know I just ran into her.." I trail off.

" I'm just a girl, that doesn't matter, what senses were you speaking of?" She speaks quickly.

" Um" Noah and I say at the same time.

"Come on guys, I'm trustworthy." Hope speaks in her defense.

"And why should we trust you?" Noah asks.

"And didn't your parents warn you about talking to strangers?" I add on. Noah nods in agreement.

"Oh come on" Hope says while rolling her. "Don't act like you guys haven't hooked up with strangers." she continues.

" I haven't!" I speak in my defense. I feel Noah's glare on me.

"Well that guy has. What's so hard to trust an innocent girl?" She says while pointing on Noah.

"Hey girl, that's still not a valid reason for us to trust you." Noah comments.

"Okay then, your loss, I could give you some information which you're looking for but you guys are closing the door yourself at such an opportunity." She says and starts walking.

Noah and I exchange looks.

"Wait!" I yell.

"Yes?" She says while turning back.

"We'll trust you and tell you everything but you better not turn your back on us and tell anyone about it" Noah sighs

"Okay,I'm all ears." She says while she claps her hands.


We take her to our place and show her Noah's wound. She touches it and examines it carefully. she gasps and puts her hand on her mouth.

"No way.." She says. "You've been bitten by a.."

"BY WHAT?!" Noah exclaims.

"B-by a werewolf." She states.

"What bullshit is this?" Noah questions

"I told you you that it was a werewolf bite but you didn't want to believe me." I say and Noah rolls his eyes.

"It's no bullshit." She turns around to me.

"Did this brunette headed guy received any box or anything?" Hope asks

"Yeah I did.... It was a worn out box so I tossed it under my bed, it seemed like shit so I didn't even bothered to open it." Noah speaks recalling the box from his memories. "By the way my name is Noah Ms."

"Well there's your answer Hope." I say as I take a seat next to Noah.


"Did this brunette headed guy received any box or anything?" Hope asks Dylan

"Yeah I did.... It was a worn out box so I tossed it under my bed, it seemed like shit so I didn't even bothered to open it." I speak recalling the box from my memories.

"By the way my name is Noah Ms." I add on 

"Well there's your answer Hope." Dylan say as he takes a seat next to me.

Hope rolls her beautiful crystal green eyes.

"Okay Noah" She says mimicking my voice.

"You should go back and open the box, it'll solve 50% of your problem." Hope adds on.

We talk more on the bite and she explains everything in details to me.


"Here's my number" She types into my phone. "Call me if you have anymore questions but for now I have to leave, It was nice talking to you guys." She says as she gets up and starts to exit the library. 

"It was nice to meet you too." Dylan and I say at the same time. 

She smiles and exits the library.

"Shit" we both say while looking at each other, this day well night couldn't get any worse.

Hey guys, It's a pretty short chapter but I realized that this should be a bonus chapter since we left a cliff hanger in the previous one so yeah. Hope you guys enjoyed and yeah. What do you guys think will happen next? What is in there in that box? Will that box really solve their problem or will it put them into much greater trouble?

However that's the end and peace-V&F

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