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Hope's P.O.V
We start following the witch in hopes of her leading us to Sebar Land. We try our best to not get noticed by her so we walk from a distance and stay as quiet as possible. After what seems like years we finally get to our destination. We wait for a while behind a tree to make sure the witch had gone out of sight.
"Thank goodness" I sigh, " we are safe"
" Okay, can we like get some food now? I'm starving!" Dylan exclaims. I nod and we all start walking around the town. We find a local shop and throw in possibly whatever we can see. Dylan whips out his credit card before I can say anything. Uh oh, we are in trouble.
" DYLAN! Credit cards don't work here! They use *ryths here" I warn him. Every witch and wizard turn their heads towards us.
" TRAITOR! THERE'RE TRAITORS HERE!" a wizard yells. They lock all the doors and windows of the shop. We stand there god knows for how long until we hear a horn indicating the royal guards have arrived. I look at Grace nervously and then at Noah who is with Dylan. Dylan looks at me- his face screaming baffled looks. I gulp and hope not to die today.
The guards make their way in and grab our forearms. I give a glare to Dylan as he struggles to get out of their clutches. Before we know it, we are thrown in some type of vehicle.
I blink my eyes to adjust to the beaming sun as we are taken out of the vehicle. I gasp loudly as I look at the dull palace, besides me, I hear both Grace and Dylan gasp loudly as well. I silently stand there waiting for the Royal Queen Helth to arrive.
After 15 minutes the Helth arrives. Her face is hidden under a cape, which drags on the floor as she walks making her way to me. Her eyes narrow as silts as she stops right in front of me. All the guards present bow their heads down as a respect to the queen. Looking around at the guards present in the big hall I decide to do the same however later decide against it.
Examining me, she mutters " Hmm, definitely not a normal human, posses some magic." She squints her eyes and glances over Grace.
" Mhm, not a normal human either" she examines yet again.
I gulp as I feel Dylan's confused gaze at me and Grace. I slowly but surely look over to Dylan, his face a mixture of confusion and anger.
The Queen Helth proceeds to touch Noah's cheeks " AGH A WEREWOLF" She screeches. Her face filled with disgust.
"Don't you filthy people know that a werewolf is a threat to my land and me?" She states while looking at me. Her tone of speaking gives me the chills down my spine as I know that we are doomed.
"Throw them into the dungeons!" she screams as she turns around to walk away her cape almost hitting me on the face however she doesn't walk away but instead turns around again facing me.
"On second thought, Throw the human into the dungeons, keep the werewolf into the experiment room and as for you two, follow me." She states.
"Please your highness, I have an-" I try to explain but she scoffs and turns around showing me the follow me signal with her hands. Grace looks over to Dylan who is being escorted to the dungeons. I go over to her and grab her hand nodding as a sign to comfort her. I take the lead and follow Queen Helth.
We stop in front of  a massive door. The queen glances back at us before opening the door. Curiously I try to peak over her shoulder. I see a huge staircase leading downstairs to god knows what. I glance back at Grace who has the same expression as me. We walk down the stairs hearing our footsteps echo, The Queen stops us in front of another door which slams open and greets us in.
"Come in dears." She mutters with a fake smile which makes me cringe.
"Sit down." She mutters and we hesitantly sit down in front of her.
"So, what are you guys? Which land do you belong to? What sort of magic do you possess?"
Grace scoffs beside me. "As if we will tell you."
The Queen laughs in a sickening way. "Oh honey, you will definitely tell me if you want to save your friends that is, I don't have to remind you that your human friend might be eaten by the death-" Grace stands up making her chain fall behind her, she slams the table looking up at the Queen. I pick up the chair and pull Grace's shirt forcing her to sit down. "This isn't going to help us in any shape or form Grace" I whisper. I hold her hand trying to calm her down as I see lighting wisp between her fingers. The Queen furrows her non-existing eyebrows as she thinks deeply. After a while or two, she calls in her guards. "Take them away!" She calmly states. I look around as we are taken to this dark hallway. Soon a lot of prisons appear beside me, I scream as I am thrown down on the floor of the prisons, Dylan rushes forward helping Grace up. I sit up on my knees looking around for Noah.
As if Dylan had read my mind, he states" They took him away. If you guys do have powers help him."
Suddenly I remember Noah is taken away to the experiment room.
" You can find him." Grace speaks up and I look at her.
" I think you are forgetting that I don't live here so, I don't where that experiment room is!" I exclaim.
" Oh, for god's sake turn invisible and find him, also get the key of the dungeon." She exclaims. I look at her," Are you serious? Remember I only have that power for 5 min and to do all of that in 5 min is not going to work." I exclaim getting up from my spot.
" Guys." Dylan says.
" What?" We both say at the same time.
"What the frick are you talking about?" Dylan asks.
"Not now Dylan, we will tell you everything afterwards," I state.
"You can do this, I believe In you," Grace says in a comforting tone. I hesitantly nod.
"Okay, now we need to try to locate where the key is before you use your powers" Grace tries to explain me.
"I know where is the key, It's with yellow cape guard, I saw him go to the left when you guys were thrown here," Dylan says calmly. I fist bump him and then question " Even if I give u the key how will you escape the guards, they're scattered all around the palace and moreover, they are more alert than ever now."
Grace smirks. "Leave that to us." Not knowing what's going up in her head I nod turning around my back facing them.
Grace holds my hand before I turn invisible.
" Did you think about how you would get out?" She asks pointing her head towards the bars. She goes up and keeps her hand on the bars and in a blink, she bends the bars and looks at me.
"Wait a min, if she can somehow bend bars, whey can't we all leave now then?" He questions and Graces replies instead.
" Look up" and he does even I do. A long red line sparks.
" An alarm," I mutter.
" Yeah and if we all leave it would indicate The Queen, however, if Hope leaves it won't matter as the alarm won't sense it."
"Why?" Dylan speaks.
"Because I am invisible, I will be using my powers," I reply instead.
"Hurry up I can't keep this for long," Grace says.
I take a deep breath thinking about my powers, about turning invisible. Soon enough I hear Dylan gasp loudly behind me.
"Where is she?" I hear him mutter.
"Hope, five minutes!  You got this." I nod even though she can not see me. My heart feels heavy, it always does when I use my powers. I escape through the bent bars and when I look back Grace moves back the bars moving back to its place.
"Left." So I turn left running through the long hallway. I see a lot of creatures stuck in the prison but that is not my worry. I stop at a dead end where is he? Dylan said he turned left. The last prison open ups and I smile. There he is. His yellow cape long behind him, I glance at his face. A long scar runs down o the side of his face. I quickly walk behind him as he walks after closing the prison gate.
Lord, I think. They must be like 100 of keys hanging around his hip. I hold my breath and in a heartbeat, I grab the keys of its little hook from his hip and move a few steps back. He turns around and looks around before walking again. I still walk behind him. We stop in front of Grace and Dylan's prison where he looks at them.
Shit, Did he notice I am not there?
However, he just turns around and starts walking again. I wait for a while until he is out of sight. I throw the keys and Grace jumps but as soon as she sees the key she smiles and picks it up.
"Good, we have 4 mins to find Noah" She mutters loud enough for me to hear. I start walking again but when I hear Dylan.
"Question again, If we open the door won't the alarm set off?"
"It won't as we will open it from outside, so it will seem like the guard opened it." Grace answers back. I glance back at them before speed walking.
4 minutes left I remind myself while running around trying to find the experiment room. I avoid going to the massive door as I already know the experiment room isn't there.
"I need to find Noah at any cost" I mutter to myself. I see The Queen pass by me. I stop and put my hands on my mouth. I try to stay still as I don't want her to get suspicious, even though I am invisible she can probably sense me.
As soon as she leaves I sprint my way to another hallway and I pass by a room and notice four guards standing in front of the glass door. " I don't have time for this" I remark myself in my head. I ignore it and continue with my mission to find the experiment room however I stop in my steps. Wait a minute, all the rooms I've seen till now didn't have any guards outside, they were common, they were nothing special but then the room I saw right now had guards guarding something inside, the door was made up of glass... What could be so special about this room? I gasp. I quickly run back to the glass door. I look at the guards. I need to do something about this... bingo. My eyes land on the vase at the end of the corridor, I sprint towards it and throw it to the floor distracting two of the guards and then I sprint to the other corner of the hallways breaking the frame of the queen which causes the other two guards to glance each other before they both come and check the mess out, I smirk myself before spriting yet again to the door. I open it quickly and close it behind me. I look around to see if anyone is there and that is when my eyes catch the mirror.
"Shit" I mutter. "Five minutes are up." I facepalm myself.
"is this not the experiment room? Where am I? where is Noah?" That is when I jump when I hear an alarm indicating that there is an intruder. I hear the guards outside fight as they are probably doomed too but then a laugh catches my attention.. it is coming from the cupboard? I make my way to the cupboard and open it.
"NOAH!" I exclaim. He just laughs holding something in his hands. I quickly take cover with him the cupboard as the doors open up and the guards fill up the room.
I hear a guard question " Where is the werewolf?"
"Did he run away?" Another asks
"We're dead." Another one deadpans.
I try to stay as quiet as I can... This is my chance to run away, the Queen hasn't arrived yet and the guards are busy talking about their death so why not take this opportunity to run away. I count till three before kicking open the cupboard and grabbing Noah. I hear the guards scream as I run outside the door making my way to another hallway. I keep sprinting as fast as I can hearing the guards footsteps right behind me. As soon as I take the right turn I bump into someone. "Shit" I mutter hoping it isn't the Queen. I look up to find blue eyes to my surprise.
"Grace" I mutter In a relive.
"Hurry, we don't have the time!" She says. She grabs my arm and before we know it we are running to god knows where. We run downstairs back to the dungeons.
I scream as we run " Why are running back down?"
Ignoring me, we keep running. Soon in our vision, Dylan appears grabbing Noah from my arms leading the way from here.
"Hurry! In here!" Dylan exclaims. I quickly follow Dylan and Grace into the tunnel. I look back at Dylan closing the tunnel door. We sprint are way through the dark tunnel, I ask " Where does this tunnel lead to?"
"The sewer, on the outskirts of the city" Dylan says.

*Ryths= wizard money.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2020 ⏰

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