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Noah's P.O.V

2:00 AM

I grab Dylan's wrist and rush towards my car.

"Chill bro why are you in such a hurry?" Dylan mocks me.

"No time to explain we need to open the box Dylan." I answer while pushing him inside the car.

"Noah it's 2:03 AM let's grab some sleep and then we can continue our research." Dylan whines and then follows it up  by a yawn.

"No time for that" I comment.


"I threw the box under my bed I swear" I groan while taking out all sort of junk from under my bed.

"How do you expect to find that box among all of this junk you have kept under your bed." Dylan comments at me.

"Shut up for a second will you?" I reply irritated

"Shut up for a second will you?" Dylan repeats mimicking me.


"Calm your tits down bro. So this is the 'box' you received?" Dylan asks

I decide to ignore his comment and just simply answer his question.
I sigh, "yes."

"Open it." Dylan commands.

"What?" I ask.

" Deaf. Open it, Hope said 50% of our problems will be solved." Dylan says in  very excited tone.

I hesitate but then I open the box.

"what the fuck?"I say out of anger. "Sixteen more boxes within a box, is this some sort of a game or what?"

"I did not expect that. What the hell now how are we supposed to know which ones are we supposed to open?" Dylan says while scratching back of his neck.

"Open the box she said. It'll solve 50% of your problems she informed. Crap. Utter crap." I say annoyed.

"Give me your phone, I'll call her." Dylan says.

I throw him my phone and he tries to catch it but fails and the phone lands on the floor with a thud and I just give him the glare.
"Trust me, I will be able to give you information which you most probably are searching for." I mimic Hope again. "I knew we shouldn't have  trusted her! She wasted our time and nothing else." I ramble.

Dylan smacks me on the back of my head to shut me up.
"Shut up" he says.
"Fine" I mumble.

I look at Dylan who's talking to that girl who seems to have so much of knowledge on none existent stuff.



"Yeah yeah"


" I'll text you the address right now"

"Okay bye"

Dylan ends the call and sighs.

"Did you give that creep my address?" I question as I raise my eyebrow.

"She asked for it okay , she said she knew what to do and that she will help us out. "
Dylan speaks in his defense

"She asked for it" I mimic him "Are you seriously serious? Didn't your parents warn you about the strangers?"

"Hey! Don't use my sentence up against me!" He protests.

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