Sebar Land

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"SHUT UP NOAH" I hear Hope scream at Noah who is currently a kid and is high on chocolates. I shake my head as I see Dylan sleeping soundly. Hope pokes her head in front, her beautiful copper hair messed up.

"How is he sleeping through all the noise?" She questions and pokes Dylan cheek. I grin and mutter I have no idea. I look back in front and concaterate on flying. I look as dark clouds start to come and cover up the white. Please don't rain I think.

"NOAH, DON'T TOUCH MY BAG AND -" Hope screams yet again. I hear little Noah laugh as he comes in front. I gulp as he is about to press a button which I am pretty sure will kill us, before I open my mouth Dylan grabs Noah from the waist and throws him, literally throws him back at Hope. I try to look in front but I am worried if Noah is okay, -

"DYLAN WHO THROWS A CHILD LIKE THAT, ACTUALLY WHO EVEN THROWS CHILD LIKE THAT, HE IS NOT A BALL." I yell and Dylan rolls his eyes. It's silent for a while thats when Noah starts to cry. I feel like killing each one of them. I rub my forehead.Sighing I try to ignore Noah crying and both of them calming him down. Soon It's quiet. Dylan looks at me and then Hope and bursts out laughing. My lips slowly form into smile and soon I am laughing with Hope and Dylan. I look and Dylan and shake my head. I look back in front and that's when I stop laughing.

"Oh Shit" I mutter as I see a huge tornado coming towards.

"Shit, shit,OH LORD!" I say and that's when Hope and Dylan also fall silent.

"Grace please tell me you know how to handle this?" Dylan ask.

"She doesn't" Hope replies. I try turning the helicopter, but it doesn't works. I hit the wheel muttering curses. I press buttons doing anything to stop it from going towards the storm but everything is not working. I lean back in the seat trying to work my brain.

"Think, Grace think" I mutter to myself as I try to remember my training.

"Grace I think it's too late." I hear Dylan say. I look back in front and see the storm coming towards us. So close. I don't what happens because in that moment everything is in a blur. I hear my own voice saying 'Go back Dylan'. I jump behind with Hope,littel Noah and Dylan. I close my eyes as everyone does too.I feel Dylan grab my hand and I hold it a little tighter.

"I'm sorry" I mutter and thats the last thing I hear and then we are going in circle as one of the door tears apart . The last thing I remember before everything goes black is Dylan saying it's not your fault.

"Ugh where am I?" I say as I get up scratching my head. I look around to catch a glimpse. I get up and dust off all the dirt from my dress.
I suddenly recall. The accident, we ran into something which looked like a tornado, I'm sure it wasn't one because if it was one I would've been dead by now, there would've been noway of surviving it.
"HOPE, DYLAN AND NOAH OH MY GOD I NEED TO FIND THEM" I yell to my subconscious.
I start to walk but trip over something and fall down.
"Ouch" I say.
I turn around to see what I tripped on and guess what? I tripped over Dylan.
I cover my mouth with my hands and try to control the tears wanting to splurge out of my eyes. I crawl towards him and grab his bloody hand.

"Dylan" I sob out.

"DYLAN" I scream a little louder not knowing what to do. I look around hoping to find someone or something. Confused, I tear apart the piece of my dress and wrap it around Dylan's hand in order to stop the blood from following any further. I bite my lip as I see Dylan open his eyes slowly. I help him to sit up and when he sits up straight I hug him. I try to hold my tears back but miserably fail. I hold on to Dylan's shirt as I sob my heart out. Dylan hugs me back tightly.

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