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"Hey, M/C. Everything okay? What happened?" Zen said, in what Seven would have called an 'overly concerned' tone. Seven seemed to think that anytime Zen picked up the phone to answer M/C, it was a capital sin. For what reason, Zen really didn't know. This did annoy Zen to a certain extent, as their friendship usually called for complete honesty. Well, maybe not all of the time.

After M/C arrived in the RFA, she seemed to put a good mood on everyone, always being kind, and courteous. She brightened up the chat rooms, and put a smile on everyone's faces. Zen, who had always felt that checking the RFA chat was a chore, came online more often than usual. While he had known Seven so many years prior, he found himself not knowing much about him in chats. They decided to start up a newer, improved friendship, rather than the comfortable distance they shared before. They had what M/C liked to call, a bromance. Not in a way where they were like 'dude-bros,' it's just that they were awfully close for two men. The term 'bromance' really ticked Zen off, for a few reasons. One was that it implied romantic relations with Seven, which he felt none of, and the other, is because it implied Zen to be gay. While Zen truthfully has nothing against gay people, and whole-heatedly supports them, he does not consider himself to be gay. If it were earlier in time, before M/C, he probably would have just laughed it off. He was more self conscious now.

Zen did in fact, dream of M/C. He dreamt of her after she entered the RFA, and at least once, before he even knew her. Zen was so sure that he and M/C would end up together. Not because of his supposed good looks or charisma, just that he found himself drawn to her, and she reciprocated- or at least he thought she did. He thought that maybe he imagined it, or dreamt it, but it seemed too real. He felt that maybe he was going mad. Maybe he was coming up with things that didn't happen. He did the reasonable thing, and asked M/C, who got closer to Jaehee each day.

After asking M/C if they had met before, he remembers M/C's mouth widening slightly, her closing it quickly, and muttering under her breath. She wrote something down on her phone, then slowly said, "I'm sorry Zen, I think you're confused." M/C seemed like she might have shed a tear, but Zen couldn't really tell, because her eyes were covered. Zen remembers her saying, "Where's the option for me to leave?" He also remembers saying something along the lines of, "Are we in different worlds?" Whenever Zen recollects this memory, he mentally face palms. He recalls M/C saying, "Hey, Zen I'm sorry. I know the timelines are confusing, but I'll come back to your route eventually. Don't worry, Zenny." Whatever M/C had been talking about was beyond him. He hates to revisit this memory, as M/C likes to pretend it never happened. If they had a relationship in an alternate universe, why did she leave?

Now, M/C and Jaehee were happily working in a cafe. M/C helped Jaehee to stop working under Jumin, and Jaehee grew her hair back out, and was happier than ever.

Back from Zen's thoughts, M/C was presently calling Zen, whom she liked to call 'bro-bro,' which made him twitch in annoyance.

"Nothing, what's up?" M/C said in response to Zen's worried questions, laughing slightly, "Okay, kidding. You wanna come over to the cafe?"

"Of course! Any reason you decided to spam-call me? Or was that just for fun?" Zen said, smiling, but with a slight bit of relief.

"Well, Bro-Bro, we don't give ourselves too long of a break," M/C said, giggling slightly. "If you can, maybe get here before we get off of break?"

"Be there soon!" Zen said, only slightly annoyed with the brotherly comment. "Bye-bye"

"Wait," M/C said, sounding dead serious. "You can bring your boyfriend too." She said this, laughed, then hung up.

Zen tried to respond but M/C had already ended the call. "He's not my boyfriend," he grumbled under his breath.

He put his phone away into his back pocket, and silently debated whether or not to pick up the dishes from earlier. He then realized that Seven had just left his house out of pettiness, and felt slightly guilty. Zen decided to stop thinking about Seven, and just enjoy time with Jaehee and M/C. Well, that was the plan.

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