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Seven looked at the clock expectantly, as Zen was supposed to arrive any minute now for their date. It ticked with every second, only making Seven more anxious as time went by. Even though there had been so many dates before this, Seven still seemed to get really nervous beforehand. It's not that he was uncomfortable with Zen, but he was pretty unpredictable. At this point, he had come to terms with his insecurities regarding Zen. He loved and trusted him so much.

They hadn't had a real date in a while. Zen was finishing up starring in a musical turned film, so he seemed to be busy a lot of the time. He still sent "Good morning!" texts each day when he woke up, which still made Seven happy to see, despite Zen doing it for so long. They chatted on the messenger a lot, often times Zen would only log into the messenger to talk to Seven, or use it to call Seven on the phone.

"Real dates" usually meant that they went out somewhere. Their first date was to a nice restaurant, and they spent a majority of it being mushy and embarrassing, and the other part almost getting kicked out for Seven flinging things off of his fork and laughing too loudly.

Between real dates and Zen working, they hung out quite a lot. Usually, it involved a movie of some kind, or binge watching. Zen would make the popcorn and Seven would prepare what they watched. They spent a lot of time on Zen's couch just watching the screen, limbs tangled together, and usually a hand on Seven's butt.

A few times, Seven purposefully made them watch boring and generally bad movies so that Zen would find something else to do while they were hanging out.

They hung out almost every weekend, depending on how things were going work-wise for Zen. In total, they'd been dating for about seven months.

He waited in the cafe, which was pretty usual for them, even before they started dating. Many times, Jaehee would give them opportunities to come over and try new coffee flavors before customers. Neither of them were really into coffee, but if it came from Jaehee's cafe, it was absolutely delicious. Seven glanced over a small "7 + Z" that was scratched into the table. He and Zen usually sat here, and they had even scratched in a few doodles in the table while Jaeehee wasn't looking.

The bell rung over the cafe door, and Seven looked up to see Zen come in beaming, holding a giant bouquet of flowers and a nicely decorated paper bag. Zen seemed to scan the room for Seven, and his smile became even wider if it was even possible. He still seemed to melt like a highschooler when he saw Seven, always carrying the giant grin and sparkling eyes.

Zen set down his flowers and gift on the table, abandoning them to hug Seven, giving him a peck on the cheek. "Happy SEVEN month anniversary babe!" He said, pretty excitedly.

"It's my lucky number!" Seven chuckled. He took the bouquet and studied it. The flowers seemed to be picked out specifically for him. It had a little note inside, which he picked up. The notecard read: "I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MY CHEESE WHEEL! With my everlasting love, Zen (YOUR KNIGHT)"

Seven smiled and looked up at Zen, who was watching him inspect the flowers. Zen grinned. "Thank you! I love it so much!" Seven laughed and picked up a wrapped present from under his chair.

"I'm glad you like it!" Zen beamed. "You're so important in my life and I just want to honor it!! I love you so so so much and nobody could ever replace you!"

Seven kind of almost cried. "I love you too! Happy anniversary!" Seven pushed the present towards Zen.

"Do you want me to open it now?" Zen asked, looking at the wrapping. Seven had gotten better with his wrapping. Before, the sides would stick out, and there would be a giant line of tape securing the back. "Yeah!" Seven said, excited to see Zen look at his present.

Zen put a hand to his mouth and leaned across the table. "Wait, is this appropriate to open here?" He whispered. Seven laughed and nodded. "Just checking." Zen chuckled. "I wouldn't want to open some...sexy garments in front of all these kids."

"Shut up!" Seven joked. "Open it up!"

Zen unwrapped it to see a box with some other boxes inside. He decided to open the bigger package first. He pulled out a sweater and a tee shirt. The sweater was cashmere, and the tee shirt had a wolf embroidered onto it. "I love these so much?" Zen said, putting the tops against himself. "They must've been really expensive though! You don't have to spend so much money on me!"

Seven shrugged it off. "Glad you like them. Open the other boxes." Zen opened up a smaller box, which was filled with candy that Zen liked. Zen smiled and chuckled. "Pretty nice." He said, unwrapping a candy and popping it into his mouth. He opened another box, which had white lingerie in it. "Hey, I thought you said I could open it up without anything sexual!" Zen's cheeks flushed a little, but he laughed. Seven snickered. "I never said nothing sexual was in there."

"When will I being seeing you in that though?" Seven asked jokingly. Zen lowered his voice, making it nice and smooth, "Tonight, if you're lucky." He winked.

Seven heated up, but also cringed. "That was sexy but really embarrassing." He said.

"You should open mine now!" Zen said, plopping his bag on the table. "Alright, alright, calm down cowboy." Seven said, taking the bag.

He pulled out an older handheld video game system from the bag. "Zen! I've been looking for one of these forever?" Seven said, smiling. In the bag, there was also a shoebox full of games, which Seven greatly appreciated.

Seven pulled out a sweatsuit and a nice collared shirt from the bag. "One for dates, and one for movies." Zen chuckled. "Thank you Zenny~" Seven replied, giving him a tight hug. "Thank you too, for being in my life." Zen said, mostly into Seven's hair.

"Happy anniversary baby." He whispered. Zen broke the hug and fiddled with something in his pocket. "Uhh. I.." Zen stuttered. "I got us promise rings."

"Well. I just. I feel so devoted to you and I want to give you everything, I want to make you happy and I love you so much. You make me feel like everything's all going to work out, and you make me so happy. I love and trust you so much, and I promise that I'll always be by your side." Zen kind of hyperventilated as he showed the ring to Seven.

Seven started crying, "I love you so much Zen and I had a really good speech too." Seven pulled a box out of his pocket, "I bought two rings too."

They laughed. "I can't believe we got each other the same thing." Zen said, opening his box and taking the ring out. "I guess we're just that meant to be huh? Seven replied, taking out the ring he had gotten Zen.

They slipped the rings on each other's fingers, leaving the cafe without even ordering anything.

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