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The group of friends sat confused in the booth as they watched Seven bolt out of the cafe. He had frozen up for nearly thirty seconds after Zen had asked him to move off of his thighs, staring into space and muttering silently. The group surrounded him and overwhelmingly asked if he was okay, or if he needed help, and Zen had moved him into the space next to him. Almost instantly after Zen asked if Seven was alright, he regained focus, then left the cafe in a flash, telling the group he needed to "iron his car."

"Well, that was weird." Zen said, looking through the window to try and see if he could spot Seven.

"Do you think it had something to do with what he whispered in your ear?" Jaehee inquired, trying to piece together the situation.

Zen shrugged and smiled. "I doubt it, considering he only called me a wheel of cheese."

"Maybe..." M/C started, "He's in love with you! And that closeness made him too flustered!" M/C's pitch went incrementally higher as she said this, "Therefore, he had to leave before, you know, 'something' happened."

Zen wasn't amused, but Jaehee chuckled. "That seems pretty far-fetched. If he had been in love with me, I'm pretty sure he would've told me by now." Zen said, clicking his teeth slowly, "Also, what do you mean by 'something'?"

Jaehee fixed her glasses, "M/C? Why do you always accuse Seven and Zen of such things?" She then squinted at her girlfriend, eyes begging her not to go into detail, but rather, change the subject.

M/C only snorted and averted her eyes from Jaehee. "Because it's true love, obviously. And Zen, you know what that 'something' is right? Doesn't it happen to you when you talk on the phone with someone you love?" M/C propped up her elbows on the table and rested her face in her palms.

"I don't recall?" Zen said, confused, "Wait. How do you know about that?" Zen squinted at M/C, knowing she had brought up their past memories. It had been awhile since they spoke of it.

M/C simply laughed and pointed finger guns at Zen, making movements that implied shooting repeatedly. "Your voice sounds so funny when you get embarrassed," she said while Zen's eyebrows slowly moved closer to his eyes to create a scowl. "Why are you talking about this?" Zen said, making M/C's face drop from its usual joking state to one of that was purely taken by surprise. "I...don't know."

"What's going on....?" Jaehee asked, shifting her eyes between the two.

M/C just smiled at her girlfriend innocently, while Zen apologized with his face and said, "Please excuse us for a moment." Jaehee nodded, confused, and M/C stayed silent as Zen walked her outside of the cafe.

"Why are we out here?" M/C asked. "M/C....." Zen said, brushing his hair back with his hands. "Before, I was upset. I was upset you chose to leave, and I was insecure about myself, and wondered what I did wrong-"

"Zenny, you didn't do anything wrong and I still love-" M/C interrupted.

"M/C, you can't just say that to me. You know I love you too, and I would take you back willingly at any time. But, I can't, and you can't do this. You can't do this at the expense of Jaehee. She doesn't deserve to have her girlfriend of two years suddenly be interested in some guy." Zen said, sighing. "I'm sorry, but you chose this, right?"

M/C stood there in awe, and typed up another set of notes on her phone.

"You're right." She said, quietly, almost ashamed. "You were my favorite though, out of the five."

"M/C.. you can't just say that." Zen's voice became more stern and steady, "Jaehee is your girlfriend. You need to be there for her, not me."

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