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" Very well then , I'm awaiting to see your bride . Once I've lunch with both of you , we can proceed with the merger deal , " Mr Andoju tells me and though I want to strangle him , I give him a firm handshake saying ,
" Sure Sir . "

He then leaves the conference hall and I run my fingers in my hair and groan in frustration . I can change my rule of marrying but I can never compromise on my career which I've started on my own .

I look back at my phone screen to see my private investigator 's message which says Jiya Mishra has sent the photo to the news writer Radhika Mishra .

Wait a second both are Mishra 's , are they related ?

I ask my private investigator to send me the full information about this Jiya Mishra and as expected an email pops up with an attachment .

I open it and wait for it to load .

Biodata :-

Name : Jiya Mishra
Age : 21
Gender : Female
Family : Radhika Mishra 【 Mother 】

" Oh , so her only family is a mother . So she must be a weak point , " I think and a voice nags inside me saying that family is always a strength and not weakness . I ignore that voice and read further .

Qualification : Degree from JNAFAU .
Occupation : Senior Photographer at Iram Fashion House .

It's so rare to see a fresher in such a high post . It's either she's very good at her work or she has seduced the boss to give her the post . I make a point to clarify about her job status later and read further .

Phone number : 9898989898
Address              : Sunshine Apartments , Andheri , Mumbai .

She must be rich to live in this posh side of city , I think and go further to see all about her likes , dislikes etc which I apparently ignore .

Now that I know about you , You have to pay foR publishing the news Jiya Mishra . I don't leave the people who want me down easily and you just sealed your fate ....

I keep the file aside and call my lawyer and friend Vivaan Kapoor . He's the best and famous lawyer from Mumbai ...

" I'm honoured to have received this call . What can I do for you , Sir . " Vivaan 's sarcastic voice rings from the other side making me remember that I've not met him and Virendar in a long time .

Vivaan and Virendar are brothers . Twins to be Exact and somehow all the three of us ended being the three musketeers of school , from childhood who sticked together and thus our friendship grew stronger and deeper .

They are the only ones who know my inner demons and secrets . They are like a mirror who correct me and I listen only to them and not anyone else .

Though I have parents , I've lived a life of an orphan and the twins had to live half of their lives in hostel because they had no one to take care of them after their mother's death at home and their dad was always busy ...

We basically connected at the grounds of our fucked up parents ...

" Are you there Abhay ? " Vivaan 's voice brings me out of my memories lane .

" Yeah , I need your help . " I tell him disconnecting the call . Knowing him , he will be here in my office in 5 minutes and by the end of the day my plan will be executed .

After the call , I open the email's attachment and look at now loaded face of Jiya Mishra .

She is anything like I expected . She looks modern . Her eyes can captivate any damn human and I'm after all a man . A man with needs ....

" Wait for me , Jiya . Your life's going to be hell , " I promise looking at the gorgeous picture of her .


Hey guys !!

Here's new chapter . So how do you like the story progressing ?

Please tell me through your comments and don't forget to vote , share and comment .

Love ,
Kruthi ❤


Married To An Egoist Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz