Embarass 😏

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" We have reached , " Abhay's voice brings me out of my reverie .

I unlock the car door to get out when my phone blazes with its high pitched ringtone which mom had set for her callertune .

Maa ka Phone Aaya ,
Maa ka Phone Aaya ,
Maa ka Teri Maa ka ....

I look up embarrassed to see both the men in front of me looking at me with amusement dancing in their eyes ...

Ignoring everything , I lift the phone call before the ringtone embarass me further .

" Hello Maa , " I greet her and look at both the men . They stand still trying to listen to my conversation  and I glare at them . Instead of asking them to move or go away , I go aside to complete my talk .

As of getting the clue the stranger man walks inside while Abhay takes my bags out from the car .

" How are you Jiya ? Have you reached Abhay 's home ? Have you .."

" Mom , I'm fine . You know that I'm brown bElt in Martial arts and I've just reached his home . We will talk about the deal and then I'll sleep . I'll meet you tomorrow at  work . Anything I've forgotten ? " I ask satirically . I know mom will not get sleep until I speak satirically . Somehow my sarcastic talk gives mamma confidence that her daughter can handle things life throws on her way ...

" I love you baccha , Good night . " Mom says .

" I love you too jaan . Good night and  Don't dream about me stealing chocolates . Dream something good and sweet , " I tell her and hear a laugh and chuckle simultaneously .

Laugh from mom and chuckle from behind me . I turn to see Abhay standing there chuckling . He looks so free and young chuckling . I might have had a crush on him already but the circumstances don't favour us for that ...

" Follow me , " I hear Abhay say as mom hangs up . Since it's a new place and his place , I follow him calmly .

I notice my surroundings and my mouth hangs open looking at the exteriors of the mansion . It's no less than a palace ...

If I thought that the exterior was fabulous then I've no words to describe the interior's . It's as if I'm watching Karan Johar's movie settings ...

My eyes stop wandering as we reach a huge door . Abhay opens the door and reveals the same stranger sitting on the guest seat with few legal documents .

I stop in my tracks .

" This is it , Jiya . You marry him for three months and then give some reasons and postpone your marriage by taking mom on a world tour . After that whatever will happen will happen , " my brain gives me assurance and with a new found confidence I walk inside .

Both the men notice my movements like hawk but that doesn't scare me because I'm the brave princess of Mamma .

Soon Abhay takes his seat behind the maghony table and forwards the papers towards me . I follow his suit and sit in one of the guest seat with my legs crossed .

The stranger looks at me once and then looks at Abhay and have a silent eye talk .

Irritated I clear my throat gaining their attention .

" So , Why did you blackmail me of all ? When you know you can have any other girl as your three month's wife . " I ask directly instead of beating around the bush .

Abhay starts coughing or more like fake coughing while the stranger beside me murmurs ,

" Bandi main dam hai ... "

( This girl has potential ... )


Hey Wattpadians ,

So what do you think happens next ?

What will be Abhay's answers ?

Please tell me your opinion on this story in the comment section below and don't forget to VOTE .

Love ,
Kruthi ❤


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