Newbies and Chris' breakdown?

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Ricky's POV:

I was getting close to the ground, I put my hands out in front of me just as I made contact with the ground and did a front flip before landing on all fours. The crowd stood on their feet roaring with applause and cheers. I looked around before standing up with Ash and Dani jumping next to me. They both put their arms around my shoulders waving to the crowd. I did the same my smile growing wider. Now it was time to go up to the first row to give everybody a closer look. I walked up to the front row, letting people pet at my ears to see if they were real. Kids asked for pictures and some girls even said I was cute. This was so much more then I expected. The attention I was getting was like something I've never had before.

"Wow your ears are soft!"

"So you're a real cat boy?"

"Oh my gosh you are so cute!"

"You're eyes are gorgeous!"

All the compliments were so amazing I was looking forward to the night show. After a while I returned to the stage and stood between Ash and Dani taking one of their hands holding them up. We took a bow before exiting to let Manson take the stage to introduce the next act. Immediately after I stepped through the curtain I was engulfed in a suffocating bear hug with my face between a pair of familiar boobs.

"Mom I canf breff." I muffled trying to free myself. She giggled and let me go leaving her hands on my shoulder. She had tears in her eyes.

"I am so proud of you! I knew you would do great my boy!" she chimed. I gave her a smile.

"Thanks mom. I couldn't have done it without all of you."

"You did amazing son." i turned to see my dad standing behind me and I immediately wrapped my arms around his...well legs practically.

Chris' POV:

"Thank you so much dad. It really means a lot." I smiled chewing on my  3 new lip rings. Ricky has grown up so much. He was maturing faster, of course he was half cat and they grow more then a human. But...what eats me up more is that Ricky doesn't know that I'm not his real father. All these years of raising him from such a young age, being their for his first words, for when his ears grew out etc...When could I tell him the truth? If I told him that I found him abandoned how would he react? I had all of these thoughts in my head confused and on the verge of breaking down but stopped when I heard my name being called out. I gave Rick a quick pat on the head before I made my way to the stage.

~5 years later~

"Hey Chris you're on in 5!" I looked away from my mirror to face our new stage director and clown Kyle. Over the past years Andy and Ronnie decided to retire to pursue their music career. We all missed them but we would see them in the audience once or twice whenever we came to their town. About 3 years later we came across a few new faces for our freak show. First we have Alex, our piranha girl. She had razor sharp teeth, pointed ears, webbed claws for hands and even gills on her neck that she hide with her long blue hair. We found her while in Texas near the ocean when we were at the beach taking a breather. Well technically Balz found her when he went for a swim and something grabbed onto his ankle. She thought he was intruding her territory.

When he saw her he freaked but then got used to her unique look. She agreed to come on the road with us but would need something for her to be able to breath on land. So Manson crafted a pair of head phones that went around her neck and over her gills filled with water. The water lasted a few hours before she had to refill it from the back.

And lastly we have Johnnie and Kyle

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And lastly we have Johnnie and Kyle. Ricky found them living under a bridge not too long after Alex. They told us how they got kicked out by their parents because of their life style choice which really pissed me off. They weren't "freaks" but we decided to take them in to take Andy and Ronnie's place. And they loved it.  But besides being clowns they each had another job. Kyle helped with props and being a stage director. Johnnie helped set up the stage after each performance and was Manson's personal helper meaning he helped with payments and scheduling.


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"Alright. And Kyle have you seen Rick anywhere?" I asked the young boy.

 And Kyle have you seen Rick anywhere?" I asked the young boy

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"I think I saw him talking to his mom." I nodded thanking him before I went up to the side stage ready to go out. For some reason I was nervous. I was never nervous when it came to show times especially at night. My hands felt clammy and my face was burning. I pulled on my white shirt collar trying to cool down but it wasn't helping. I kept thinking about Ricky. He's grown to be a very nice teenager. He was friendly and loved performing and got along with everybody. He's also gotten very handsome. Like extremely hot. I tried shaking away my impure thoughts taking a deep breath. Ricky...when am I going to tell you the truth?  Im not your real were abandoned by those asshole all those years ago. It kept eating at me all these years and I didn't know what to do.

"Now give it up for our one and only, America's tallest male, Chris Motionless!" I heard Manson call out for me and the loud roars of the audience. I stooped down careful not to hurt my head as I stepped out onto the lit stage. I gave the crowd my usual smile and wave.

But when I got to the center my head immediately felt light. I held my head with my hand biting hard on my bottom lip. The room was spinning, my heart was racing and the cheers started sounding faint. I was losing my balance all these things happening made me drop down to my knees. I could hear Manson's faint voice calling out to me and foot steps approaching. I fell on my side hitting the ground, my eyes squinting at the bright lights and the shadows that stood above me. I could make out Manson and Ryan but just as my mind blacked out i saw Ricky's figure.


~oh my goth you guys! I've been writing this story non stop I just can't help it! I'm getting excited and I hope you all are too! What do you think is wrong with Chris? Keep reading on to find out! Love you all my Purdy readers❤~

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