Lost and found then lost again

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Ricky's POV:

Running away was a bad choice I know but at the time I wasn't thinking clearly. My da- I mean Chris and the others must be worried sick. God it felt so weird not being able to call him dad. But it felt even weirder calling him dad when I now know the truth. At the moment I was sitting on a tree branch in a random park I came across. It was late so barely anybody was around to see me and I was glad. But I knew Chris and the rest of the gang were probably out looking for me and it just made me feel worse.

Maybe I should go back and let Chris explain himself. I mean, Balz's crystal ball showed Chris helping me out when I was just a baby. I was too young to realize what was going on i don't even remember anything. I just know that the moment I felt Chris' warmth against me, I was safe. I sighed softly running a hand through my thick black hair rubbing my ears in the process.

"Ricky? Ricky where are you?" my ears perked up and I turned to see the oh so familiar tall silhouette of Chris. I lifted my dangling legs, sitting criss cross on the thick branch hoping he didn't see me. But my dumbass forgot I had a tail that has a mind of its own and it was swinging around.

"Ricky is that you?" I saw the tall man jog towards me and climbed up the tree in practically one step. He sat next to me embracing me in a tight hug and I couldn't help but hug back.

"Oh Ricky I was so fucking worried about you! Are you okay? Has anybody hurt you?" he pulled away holding onto my arms as he gazed into my eyes with his gorgeous hazel eyes.

I slowly nodded my head rubbing his shoulder trying to comfort him.

"Yes Chris I'm fine. I'm sorry I didn't mean to worry you. Where's everybody else?" I asked not tearing my gaze from his.

"They're out looking for you. Me and the girls were teamed up but since this park is huge we decided to split up to cover more ground." he took my hand in his squeezing it and I could see tears threatening to escape from his eyes.

"Ricky I...I am so so sorry I lied to you all these years. It's just, when I found you you were just a defenseless baby abandoned by some assholes and I just couldn't leave you like that. I know what it feels like to be abandoned by the people who are supposed to love and raise you. So I didn't want you to go through the same and that's why I decided to raise you even though I was just a teen. I just hope you can forgive me Ricky." he rambled on, his lip rings clinking against his teeth each time he spoke. I chewed on my bottom lip swinging my tail around trying to resist the urge to kiss the hell out if him.

I know he didn't mean to hurt me, and it did hurt me a lot. And I was quick to forgive him.

"Chris, it's okay. I overreacted and I should've heard you out before I ran off. So I'm sorry. You may not be my dad but, you saved my life. And I can't thank you enough...Fuck it I know this is wrong but I just can't hold back any longer." and with that I leaned forward grabbing Chris' face in my hands and smashed my lips to his. Almost instantly and shockingly he kissed back holding my face with his large hands.

Our kiss only got deeper when Chris' tongue licked my bottom lip and I gladly opened my mouth letting him invade. I slipped onto his lap not breaking our kiss and a light moan sounded in my throat. Slowly we both pulled away looking into each other's eyes and I for my face heat up in a blush. Chris slowly smiled with his hands still on my face. He pressed our foreheads together looking me in the eyes.

"I've been wanting to do that for so long too Ricky. But you were barely 13 so I couldn't. Plus you thought I was your father so I didn't want to disgust you." I bit on my bottom lip. He does have a point. I've been developing feelings for Chris when I thought he was my dad and I was always so ashamed because of it. But now that I know he isn't my father I don't have to be ashamed anymore.

"I've been feeling the same. I was always so disgusted with myself for having feelings for you when I thought you were my dad."

A smile spread across Chris' face and he put his arms around me.

"I know I hurt you. But maybe it was a blessing in disguise this whole time? I couldn't hide it anymore because it was eating me up inside. That's why I stressed out so much." I gently pressed my finger against his pierced lips shushing him.

"Shh..I know you didn't want to hurt me. You were just trying to protect me. But that won't change the fact that I'll still call you my daddy." I whispered the last part im his ear making him shiver. I smirked and he was grinning ear to ear. He pulled me closer, his large hands rubbing my back.

"Well of course baby. You can still say I'm your daddy."

"Ahem?" we both jumped looking down to see Ash and Dani standing there with their arms crossed. We both quickly climbed down scratching our necks. The girls both giggled and attacked me in a hug.

"Ricky we were so worried about you!" they both said as they squeezed me. I pat their backs trying to pull away from their suffocating hug.

"I know I know. But you guys are going to k-kill me!" I choked out making the two girls pull away and shrug.

"Sorry. We're just glad you're okay." Ash smiled playing with a strand of her red hair. Dani took out her phone from her pocket.

"Let me text Manson and tell him we found you."

For a moment it was quiet, all of us just waiting for Dani to send the text. That is until Ash broke the ice.

"So, you two got some explaining to do?" they both put their hands on their hips giving us their most mischievous smirks. Me and Chris just stared at each other chuckling nervously and basically explained everything. We trusted the girls and knew they wouldn't judge us.

There was a ding and Dani looked down at her phone having received a message.

"Manson says they're all on their way back to the van so lets get going." the British girl grabbed onto her girl friends hand pulling her away from the park. Chris and I followed closely behind. I felt a hand on my shoulder and smiled knowing it was Chris. For some people this may seem so wrong but I don't care what others will think. And I know the rest of the group won't judge us either. As we passed by some alley ways I trailed behind a little to tie my shoe. When I was done I stood up about to catch up with the others until I felt a loud bang ring in my sensitive ears. The back if my head felt numb and my eyes rolled back as I fell to my knees. I lay on the ground looking up to see the others still walking and I tried desperately to call out for them. But I failed, no sound coming out of my mouth. I saw a pair of booted feet in front of me and I weakly lifted my head up to see a shadowy figure. And that was the last thing I saw before I felt myself being dragged away, my vision becoming blurry.

"C-Chris...." I managed to breathe out until everything went completely black.

~oh Nooo you guys! what's going on!?! Who do you think kidnapped Ricky? What do you think of everything going on now? Let me know in the comments! Just wanted to give you guys a little Cricky smut. Don't worry, there shall be more;) stay Purdy❤~

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