My innocence

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WARNING: This chapter contains offensive language, graphic content and some triggering scenes. If you're sensitive to any of these then I  highly suggest you skip to where these symbol appear ^^^ Thank you


Ricky's POV:

My ears twitched, it was dark.

Where am I? I try to open my eyes but they wouldn't budge. I was surrounded by darkness. My heart started racing and I felt myself start to panic.
Why was it dark? Why can't I open my eyes? I sat up trying to figure out where I was, but it was useless. All of a sudden I heard a distant voice calling out to me. My ears perked up as I tried to follow the voice.

"R...ickyy." I stood on my feet and wobbled slowly towards the voice.
That voice...Could it be..?

"Chris?" I tried with all my strength to open my eyes until finally they did.  I lifted my head but I saw nothing. Nothing but darkness consumed my vision as I tried to find any source of light. 

"Ricky!" That voice. Chris! I started moving faster towards the voice as I waited for it to speak again. I looked up seeing a small light from a distance. It has to be where Chris is! I managed to pick up the pace and run towards the light, reaching my hand out as I got closer and closer. 

But just as my hand made contact, the light got brighter and blurred my vision. 

"Chris!" I quickly sat up in a cold sweat, my chest rising up and down as I looked around. I was still in Kuza's room, laying in his bed. I covered my face with my trembling hands as I felt myself about to break down in tears. Chris...Where are you? Please save me from this! I kept shouting in my head as I sobbed. Did they forget about me already? Did Chris forget about me? 

"Ricky? Whats wrong sweetie?" I quickly lifted my head up to see the last person I wanted to be around. 

"Leave me alone! Why did you have to take me!? I want Chris!" I shouted out of anger as tears continued to run down my face. I wiped my face not caring if my eyeliner was smudging. Kuza stood there biting his lip with a face that I couldn't read. Was he angry? Regardless I sat there not tearing my eyes from him as I breathed heavily. After a minute or so, a small smirk appeared on Kuza's face. He was only in a pair of black skinny jeans, no shoes, no shirt. Why did he look..sinister? Kuza stepped towards the bed, making me scoot back a little. My boldness turned into fear with just one stare. The taller male got on the bed, crawling slowly towards me. I couldn't run or hide as Kuza got on top of me. He looked down at me with a menacing look, I felt like he was posessing me. 

"You are a cute kitten, but with such a dirty little mouth. Didn't daddy ever tell you to respect your elders.?" Kuza chuckled as his fingers ran down my still teary cheek. My entire body shivered as he touched me. He leaned in close to my face, his lips nearly brushing against mine and his cold piercings made my lip quiver. 

"What's wrong? Never been touched before kitten?" A?t first I didn't know what he was talking about, and next thing I know I could feel his hand running up my shirt. Almost instantly, I started panicking. I've only been touched briefly by Chris, but other then that I was still a virgin. Cat/human hybrids can't mate until they're fully grown adults which is at age 21. I'm only 17...I was still a baby in the eyes of my people...Even though I was the only one of my kind. 

Kuza chuckled as he continued to fondle me, I kept trying to fight to get away from his clutches. 

"P-please! Stop!" I begged through my sobs, but it was hopeless. He wouldn't stop. 

The older man continued to take advantage of me, and no matter how hard I tried he still overpowered me. I felt weak, and why wouldn't I when all he would feed me is milk once or twice a day.

Kuza chuckled loudly, almost growling as he tore open my shirt and took a bite at my neck making me cry out in pain. 

"Keep fighting it baby, your fear just turns me on even more." I turned my head to the side not wanting to look at the taller man as he touched me with his dirty hands. Kuza let out a low growl as he grabbed my face forcing me to turn my head back so now I was looking at him.But in my situation, I still managed to slip out a few words.

"C-Chris will find me.." Kuza raised a brow before giving me a smirk. 

"Oh, I'm counting on it sweetie." 

 Tears streamed down my face, my bottom lip trembling in fear of what was coming next....


~that same day Chris' POV~

My mind was going in a rapid whirl. Everything just seems like it's out of my control. Ricky was the most important person in my life, and it felt like it was all my fault that he got taken away. I'm still in a salty mood about the whole Matt thing but right now he was my only hope into finding Ricky. But I won't lie, even though I know he's not Ricky, I can't help but pretend he is. Mike just looks so much like my precious kitten I can't help it. 

Right now I was with Matt, Ryan, Balz, Ash and Dani, Alex, and the twins, Bill and Tom. Manson stayed with the others at the trailors while we searched for Rick. We needed Mike obviously for the guidance, Ryan for his strength, Balz for his powers, Ash and Dani for their agility, Alex for her bite, and the twins for their manipulative ways. Plus, knowing Kuza he'll probably have those two cronies of his, maybe even more. We needed all the help we can get. 

Kuza...How could you do this to me? You were my family, my innocent, sweet little brother. How could you turn into such a...a...

No! I..I can't call him a monster. I've been called a monster all my life, I couldn't call anyone else one. Not even Kuza. I don't know what else he's been through while I was gone, I did leave him to my parents and they were terrible to me. Who knows what they've done to him...

"Chris? Chris we're here." I snapped out of my train of thoughts as Matt placed a hand on my arm. I looked down at the cute boy who had his lips in  a small timid smile. I couldn't help but smile back and take a deep breath as I looked up at the building before me. Ricky...

Ricky's in there. This will hopefully be our last encounterment with Kuza, and I hope to God that Kuza hasn't hurt him...I felt Ash and Dani grab onto my hands as we stared at the steel door. Lucky for us Matt had a spare key to the door so we could get in. He fished it out of his pocket, stuck it in the lock and turned it, the sound of it unlocking giving me a huge relief. 

We're so close Ricky...Just seconds away from saving you. Here we go. 

~Cliffhanger! Sorry about the longwait, but in honor of the final cross-country Warped Tour line up finally being announced, I decided to update! I'm so excited to see Motionless In White, Asking Alexandria, Palaye Royale and so many wonderful bands this year! Who are you all excited to see? Comment down below! And see you all in the next update. Stay Purdy my lovelies~

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