You're not Ricky!

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Chris' POV:

"So the flyers are up and the cops say they're keeping their eyes open for Kuza. They have all of his information so we'll catch him Chris." I listened to the two young boys as they told me this making me smile softly. 

"Thank you boys. It really means a lot." The two smile and headed towards the rest of the group. We decided to at least hold the day show to take our minds off the situaion even though it was killing me inside. But I knew Ricky would want me to do what I love which is make people smile. I turned to the mirror that hung backstage and bent down to look at my reflection. Adjusting my shirts collar I waited for Manson to announce me. 

"Chris! You excited for the show?" I turned my head to see the pair Bill and Tom. They just finished their set which means it was almost my turn. 

I smiled at the two and nodded standing straight. 

"Yeah, just got a lot on my mind. But the police are looking for Ricky so i'll be fine." Bill smiled and patted my hand with Tom doing the same with my other. 

"We'll find him."

"Now get out there!" they both said at the same time making me chuckle. Those two will never fail to amuse me. I took a deep breath hearing Manson call out for me. I stepped through the curtains to be greeted by a loud round of applause. I smiled widely as I walked around greeting everyone in the audiance  who was in arms reach.  A little boy even gave me a small stuffed teddy bear which i thanked him for. After my routine I went backstage and sat on top of a crate covering my face with my hands. At that moment I felt like a complete fraud. My smiles and laughs were usually so genuine but today they felt fake. My mind was so set on finding Ricky I just didnt feel like myself anymore. After everything i've been through with that boy it was like losing a part of myself. He was my everything, my world. He might not be my real son but I still love him. I'd do anyhting to find him and get back at Kuza for what he's done. I can't believe my parents corrupted his mind, now he hates me. Somehow, i'll convince him that I was innocent. even if it kills me. He may have ruined me, but in the end he's still my blood and I have to be there for him. 

"Chris?" I looked up to see Balz and Ry standing in front of me. I smiled slightly but I knew they could tell I was ready to break down. Ry came over and hugged me, her being able to actually wrap her arms around my shoulders sinceI was sitting. I hugged back feeling Balz rub my back. 

"Balz had a vision. Chris we will find him." Ry cooed as she rubbed my back. I pulled away slightly looking at the two. 

"Wait, why don't we just use the crystal ball to find him? Wouldn't that work?" I questioned. The couple looked at each other wide eyed and then back at me. 

"We haven't thought about that. Maybe it will work!" Balz exclaimed. Ry nodded. 

"We can try after the show when everyone leaves. Balz and I have to go finish selling merch." I nodded at the two as they both left and I felt something I haven't felt in a while. Hope. I had hope that we would find Ricky. I smiled a little bit, a genuine smile this time. 


"If this works, we'll be able to figure out how we can help out Ricky." Balz sat at the table where he and Ry sell merch and tell fortunes. 

"Alright, Balz go ahead."Ry sat next to her boyfriend as he put his hands on the purple ball. The inside had traces of white mist swirling around following the mans fingertips. Manson and the others were standing around behind me watching as Balz closed his eyes. He whispered something under his breath as he continued to runs his fingertips around the now glowing ball. It was quiet, Ash and Dani had their hands on my shoulders  as we waited for the mindreader to speak. After a few minutes Balz quickly opened his eyes jumping a bit as he did, a look of shock on his face. 

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