My missing kitten

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Chris' POV:

"DAMNIT! DAMNIT DAMNIT GOD FUCKING DAMNIT!" I kept shouting kicking a trashcan that was near my feet making trash scatter across the grass. Ash, Dani and Devin kept trying to calm me down holding their hands out to make me sit.

"Please Chris calm down." Ash and Dani spoke at the same time. I just stomped my foot gripping at my hair breathing heavily. Devin came up in front of me giving me a warm but concerned look. He always gave me that look when I was upset and god was working.

"Please Chris..please calm down?" he spoke in such a sweet and hushed voice i couldn't help but stop. I looked down at the soothing boy and took a deep breath. I simply nodded and sat down on the bench behind me covering my face with my hands. I heard Devin scoot next to me putting a soothing hand on my back.

"It'll be okay Chris. We'll find him. You found him before easily we'll do it again." his voice was calming. It took me so long to find my Ricky. I turn my back for one second and...And he's gone again! But he couldn't have just run away again. What if he was kidnapped!.

"How can I be calm? This is all my fault, I turned my back on him. What if he's been kidnapped!?" I lifted my head up to look down at the sweet boy sitting next to me and he sighed softly still rubbing my back.

"Shhh...Don't think so negatively honey. Ricky is strong he won't let anything hurt him." Devin did have a point. Ricky has always been a strong young man who doesn't take shit from anybody. But what monster would take him for no reason?

Wait. I know who can help!

I held Devin's small hand and gave it a gentle squeeze careful not to hurt him.

"We need Ryan." I stated before getting up and going over to Ryan who was just sitting under a tree with Manson and the twins. They looked up at me standing up.

"Ryan you're the wolfman. Can't you just sniff out Ricky and find out where he's at?" Ryan smirked and nodded.

"Yeah. I just need something that belongs to him so I can track his scent." we both went to the van and looked around until I found one of Ricky's squeaky toys. I picked it up and handed it to Ryan.

"This should work." he grabbed it holding it up to his nose and took a long sniff. He closed his eyes furrowing his brows as he sniffed before opening up to reveal his gold wolf eyes.

"He's further downtown." with that he started walking out of the park and down the sidewalk. I called out to the others who started following me and Ryan. Johnnie, Alex and Kyle were too scared to go so Manson agreed to stay with them at the van. So now it was just me, Ryan, Ash and Dani, and Balz. Ry Ashley decided to stay with Manson  and the kids. I kept close to the wolf man as he sniffed around, people giving him strange looks but we ignored them. Right now Ricky was more important.

We kept walking for about 10 minutes before Ryan stopped at an abandoned looking warehouse. I looked up at the grey building not believing that Ricky was brought here.

"His scent just disappeared. He must be here." Ryan pointed out. I nodded patting him on the back.

"Okay. We need to make sure but how?" I mumbled loud enough for everybody to hear. That's when Balz stepped up.

"I can try to track him by feeling for his energy." he put his hand to the iron door and closed his bright eyes. After a few seconds he opened them back up and looked up at me.

"He is here. But he's chained up and sleeping." that did it. I grabbed onto the handle and pulled as hard as I could making the door creak open. I peeked in seeing nothing but darkness so I pulled out my phone and turned on the flashlight. I walked in with the others following close behind me. This place was like something out of a nightmare. And not the good kind. I shone my light around seeing bare concrete walls, empty boxes with trash scattered everywhere  and cobwebs hanging from the ceiling. The moonlight pouring through the large windows above us was the only source of light.

"Chris. There's a door that leads to the basement I think." I turned as the twins spoke at the same time in hushed voices. They were pointing at a small wooden door that was on the right side of the warehouse. I kneeled down and pushed open the door flashing my light to see a set of stairs. Ricky...I didn't need any special abilities to know that Ricky was down there.

"I know he's there. Come on." i had to hunch over uncomfortably just to fit in and go down the creaky steps. When I reached the bottom I was met by another small door and I rolled my eyes. What is up with the small doors? Oh what the hell am I saying, the doors are normal sized I'm just tall as fuck.

"Chris wait, I'll go in first." Ryan stepped in front of me putting his hand on the rusty knob. I nodded letting him turn the knob and open the door. I poked my head in as Ryan walked in and I gasped loudly. There he was. Ricky.

He was curled up on the concrete floor sound asleep with a steel collar and chain wrapped around his neck. I ducked down and stepped into the room which was big enough so I didn't have to hunch over. I fell to my knees and shook Ricky gently by his shoulders.

"Rick. Ricky wake up. It's me Chris." Almost instantly he jolted up and backed against the wall letting out a loud gasp.

"C-Chris? H-How did...Y-you have to get out of here!" He half whispered, his voice coming out raspy as if he had been screaming. I shook my head trying to find a way to break the chain but it was too thick.

"Ryan? Do you think you can break the chain?" I turned to the wolfman who nodded and kneeled down taking the chain into his hands that were now claws. He started swinging at it but Ricky held his hands up in protest.

"Please, you guys need to get out you're all in danger." He kept his voice low and I could see the fear in his eyes. But Ryan kept going at it until he eventually broke the chain setting Ricky free. Ricky's eyes widened as he kept his gaze on the broken chain.

"Y-you have no idea what you've done..." He barely let out a whisper. I noticed he was looking past me with wide eyes.

"Well well well. If it isn't Chris Cerulli."

Who said that...?

I stood on my feet and slowly turned to come face to face with the last person I would expect to see. The one person who was a huge part of my life before it was taken away from me...


~ooooo snap! Deadly cliff hanger! But don't worry my Purdy readers there's still more to come so keep on reading!~

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