The One With A Problem

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Dear Uncle Joe,
A Problem
Uncle Joe. We have a problem. So, I know it's been about nine months since I saw you last, but I'm coming back from England. You'd think that's be great news, but it's not. Have you ever heard the saying, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas? Well, the same applies for London. I can't even tell you! I really want to but I can't. What if you hate me? What if you kick me out of your house? I just can't deal with that. But, I can tell you some good things about England. Let's start at the top!
Anthony! He's, doing better? With his parents, well, you know, and him and Olivia being done, he's not doing so good. I think he's getting better. Him and Olivia have been Facetiming once a week, which is more then Ian and I.
Amra is next! He's just him. We call him Flitz. I probably should've told you about that in the first entry I did. Oops! Anyway, just so you know, in case I call him Flitz. Amra is just chilling. Although! He met this really cool British chick! Well, she's not British, but she happens to live in England. I think they're dating. Her name is Boze. She's pretty cool.
Keith, man, he isn't doing good. He misses Noah more then he's willing to say. Him and Anthony have been partying, a lot! I'm starting to worry about him. I can't really hang out with him anymore without him being hungover or drunk. It kind of sucks.
Leo, he got a job and is not coming back. I mean, good for him. I'm really happy, but I'm going to miss him. There goes my driver. Who's going to drive me around at 3 in the morning? Soon that'll be me!
Shayla is next. She is still horrified. Every night I hear her scream. I have no idea what happened to her, but she's still scared. Can Shayla move in with us? We still have one more room. She needs her brother. All I know is that something happened at that camp, and it wasn't good.
Wes, um, I can't talk about that. Okay, if I tell you what happened will you promise not to tell? I'm gonna hope you say yes. Alright, so, Wes and I kissed. Don't you dare say a word! We didn't mean to! It just happened. What happened was that I slipped and Wes caught me. I fell right into his lips. Yes, I know, that sounds like something from a book or movie. But my life just happens to be one big book. I don't know why, I mean, he was my first boyfriend and all of those feelings were real, even if some of them were for Ian. Maybe I just miss Ian, yeah, that must be right. But what if I'm meant to be with Wes? I need some serious help.
Anyway, we're all coming back from England. I'm about to board the plane right now. Until then.
Lots of Love
Katy Raub-Bereta❤️👏🏼

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