▹chapter 7

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"And so...the adventure begins!"

The next morning, Chiron moved Percy to cabin three. Nobody mentioned the hellhound, but they were all talking about it behind his back. The attack had scared everybody. And everyone started ignoring Percy. I still taught him Greek in the mornings,I had help from Annabeth now but she always seemed distracted. Few days after that 'incident' I went to play pinochle. Grover and Percy then walked up to the front porch of the Big House. Dionysus sat at the pinochle table next to me and Chiron sat across the table in his fake wheel-chair.

"Well, well," Mr. D said without looking up. "Our little celebrity. Come closer. If I had my way, I would cause your molecules to erupt in flames. We'd sweep up the ashes and be done with a lot of trouble. But Chiron seems to feel this would be against my mission at camp: to keep you little brats safe from harm."

"Spontaneous combustion is a form of harm, Mr. D," I put in.

"Nonsense," Dionysus said. "Boy wouldn't feel a thing. Nevertheless, I've agreed to restrain myself I'm thinking of turning you into a dolphin instead, sending you back to your father."

"Mr. D-" Chiron warned.

"Oh, all right. There's one more option." Dionysus rose from his chair "I'm off to Olympus for the emergency meeting. If the boy is still here when I get back, I'll turn him into an Atlantic bottlenose. Do you understand? And Perseus Jackson, if you're at all smart, you'll see that's a much more sensible choice than what Chiron feels you must do." saying that he left

Chiron smiled at Percy "Please Grover, Percy sit."

"Tell me, Percy," he said. "What did you make of the hellhound?"

"It scared me," he manage to say."If you hadn't shot it, I'd be dead." Then he turned towards me and smiled a smile worth million dollars

"I realized I never thanked you Tess, so thanks. Really, I mean it. "

I blushed "There is no need to thank me, really"

Chiron coughed to catch our attention "You'll meet worse, Percy. Far worse, before you're done with your quest. Will you accept it?" I widen my eyes and prayed to all Gods that he accepts it. No matter how selfish it sounds, that is what Anna and me were dreaming about and I'll be damned if we are not on that quest.

"Um, sir, you haven't told me what it is yet. Poseidon and Zeus," Percy said. "They're fighting over something valuable ... something that was stolen, aren't they?" Chiron sat forward in his wheelchair.

"How did you know that?"

"The weather since Christmas has been weird, like the sea and the sky are fighting.And ... I've also been having these dreams."

"I knew it," Grover said.

"Hush" Chiron ordered.

"But it is his quest!"

"Only the Oracle can determine. But, Percy you are correct. Your father and Zeus are fighting over something valuable that was stolen. To be precise: a lightning bolt."

"Oh my Gods, that was stolen" "A what?" Percy and I said at the same time

" I'm talking about a two-foot-long highgrade celestial bronze, capped on both ends with god-level explosives. Zeus's master bolt, the symbol of his power, from which all other light-ning bolts are created. The first weapon made by the Cyclopes for the war against the Titans"

"And it's missing?"

"Stolen," Chiron said.

"By who?"

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