▹chapter 11

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"I guess darkness serves a purpose: to show us that there is redemption through chaos. I believe in that. I think that's the basis of Greek mythology."- Brendan Fraser

Ares grinned.

"That's right, punk. I heard you broke Clarisse's spear."

"She was asking for it."

"Probably. That's cool. I don't fight my kids' fights, you know? I heard you were in town. I got a little proposition for you." The waitress came back with food. Finally, I'm so hungry I could barely pay attention on what they are saying. Ares gave her drachmas and she looked nervously at the them.

"But, these aren't..." Ares then pulled out his huge knife and started cleaning his fingernails.

"Problem, sweetheart?" The waitress swallowed, then left with the gold.

"You can't do that," I told Ares and he just winked at me. Ugh, cocky bastard...

"You can't just threaten people with a knife." Percy continued for me

"Are you kidding? I love this country. Best place since Sparta. Don't you carry a weapon, punk, Tess? You should. Dangerous world out there. Which brings me to my proposition, I need you to do me a favor."

"What favor could I do for a god?" Percy asked him

"Something a god doesn't have time to do himself. It's nothing much. I left my shield at an abandoned water park here in town. I was going on a little ... date with my girlfriend. We were interrupted. I left my shield behind. I want you to fetch it for me."

"Why don't you go back and get it yourself?" The fire in his eyes glowed a little hotter. How stupid can Percy get?! Yeah, let's get God of freaking war angry. Sometimes I can't tell if I like him or if I want to punch him in the throat.

"Why don't I turn you into a prairie dog and run you over with my Harley? Because I don't feel like it. A god is giving you an opportunity to prove yourself, Percy Jackson. Will you prove yourself a coward?" He leaned forward. "Or maybe you only fight when there's a river to dive into, so your daddy can protect you."

"We're not interested," Percy told him. Oh Gods, this won't end well for him. "We've already got a quest."

"I know all about your quest, punk. When that item was first stolen, Zeus sent his best out looking for it: Apollo, Athena, Artemis, and me, naturally. If I couldn't sniff out a weapon that powerful .Well ... if I couldn't find it, you got no hope. Nevertheless, I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt. Your dad and I go way back. After all, I'm the one who told him my suspicions about old Corpse Breath."

"You told him Hades stole the bolt?"

"Sure. Framing somebody to start a war. Oldest trick in the book. I recognized it immediately. In a way, you got me to thank for your little quest."

"Thanks," Percy grumbled.

After that I lost all interest in conversation. I was so hungry and food was so delicious. I started stuffing my face with it while my brain was saying:"Okay Tessa at least breathe in between bites!"

"You're lucky you met me, punk, and not one of the other Olympians. They're not as forgiving of rudeness as I am. I'll meet you back here when you're done. Don't disappoint me," I could hear Ares saying to Percy, than he elbowed me to get my attention and I glared at him with my mouth full of food but he just chuckled "Tessa, your mom says hello and be carefull" and after I blinked he was gone

"What did I miss?" I asked them

"Nothing good," Grover said. "Ares sought you out, Percy. This is not good."

"It's probably some kind of trick," he said. "Forget Ares. Let's just go."

"We can't." Annabeth said.

"She is right," I agreed after they filled me in "look, you don't ignore the gods unless you want serious bad fortune. He wasn't kidding about turning you into a dog. He is very much capable of that. Or even worse things"

"Why does he need us?"

"Maybe it's a problem that requires brains," Annabeth said. "Ares has strength. That's all he has. Even strength has to bow to wisdom sometimes."

I chuckled at that "Don't let him hear that." Anna smiled at me

"But this water park ... he acted almost scared. What would make a war god run away like that?" Percy asked

"I'm afraid we'll have to find out." I told them

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