Natsu x Reader: •Silly Dragneel• (pt. 2)

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Here you go! Part 2 of Silly Dragneel! I'm very sorry, @i_am_damaged for updating late.

-Cuss words are included!-


Natsu's Pov
I was disappointed Y/n had to leave. I shrugged Lucy off my arm.

"I have to go.. see ya tomorrow." I stated while looking at her.

"Fine.. bye Natsu." She waved and walked away.

I started to walk away as well. After a few, I have arrived home. I went upstairs, where my bedroom is. I opened the door and dropped my bag.
I face-planted on the bed. I was bored, I then grabbed my phone in my bag and texted Y/n.

Y/n's Pov
I was at home, my parents were downstairs, probably talking about random shit. Just then... my phone vibrated. I grabbed my phone from the night stand and looked at it.

-1 New Message-

I unlocked my phone and checked my messages.

Natsu: Hey! You there??

I texted back.

Me: Yeah. What did you want?

Natsu: I wanted to ask you something..

Being me, I had my hopes up.

Me: Well.. shoot.

Natsu: Do you like... reading?

What the fuck? Ugh, dense idiot. But that's what I like about him. Waaaait, what?!

Me: Yeah, you?

Natsu: Not much... but where do you suggest we hang-out tomorrow?

Me: Let's go to the ice-rink near Fairy Mart! I want to go ice-skating.

Natsu: Why not?? I know how to ice-skate anyway.

Me: Really? I thought you won't know anything about ice-skating seeing as if you are an idiot.

Natsu: Hey! I'm not that bad.

Me: Yeah right.

Natsu: Haha. Well, I'm going to sleep. Goodnight Y/n!

Me: Goodnight Silly Dragneel!

Natsu: Oi!

Me: Joking! Goodnight Natsu.

And by that, the conversation ended.
I put my phone down and tucked myself in as well. Soon, I entered sleep.

The Next Day

I woke up. Seeing as it was 6:00 Am, I headed to the shower. I came out and changed into the uniform. I got down the stairs and ate breakfast. Y'know.. the classic routine.

I waved goodbye to my parents and ran to school. My (h/l) (h/c) hair flowing in the wind. I reached school and entered the gates.

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