The Start of Things

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Chapter 1

Abby's P.O.V

"ABBY WAKE UP!" My mom yelled. I groaned, another day of 11th grade. I got up and picked out my outfit. I quickly took a shower then got dressed. I wore a Black shirt with studded pockets, Light blue skinny jeans, and My converse's. I straightened my hair and put on some light make-up. By the time I was done it was 6:45 and Cody and Alli would be here soon to pick me up for school. I went downstairs, greeted my mom and grabbed a pop tart and waited. I checked my twitter and did a couple of retweets then the doorbell rang. I said goodbye to my mom and went out the door. I said hi to Alli then headed to the car. I sat in the back seat and greeted Cody but he was to busy on his phone, "I'm guessing an upcoming tour?" I asked "Mmhmm" He mumbled.

**Cody's P.O.V**

God she was gorgeous. We picked up Abby and when she walked outside I was speechless. I really like her but she would never like me back, we're just friends anyways. I pretended to be working on stuff for my tour but i really just didn't want to look like a creeper. We dropped her off at school and then went to the studio (Alli and I don't go to school because well, we're famous.)

**Abby's P.O.V**

When I got into the school I was greeted by my all time BFF Emy. Emy is really pretty, she has long Blonde Hair, and her eyes are a beautiful light greenish blue. She is about my height and super funny. We went to my locker then headed to math. When we got in there the popular guys were already in there. One of them came up to me "Hey gorgeous, wanna come to my house after school?" i rolled my eyes "Why don't you go find someone who doesn't puke at the sight of you." He walked away and Emy and I laughed so hard. "Hello class please open to page 723 in your textbooks." Mr.Fultan, our Math Teacher, said. Ugg this is going to be a long class, i thought to myself. Emy looked at me and I could tell she thought the same thing. While Mr.Fultan babbled on about Trigonometry all I could do was think of Cody. My feelings for him were growing stronger and I wanted to know if he liked me to. I was about to start fantasizing about me and him dating when all of a sudden the bell rang, signaling the end of class. Before I knew it the day was over and Cody and Alli were picking me up... before i got to the car Max (The popular guy from Math) came up to me. "Hey Abby are you sure you dont want to come over to my place" He winked as he said it. "I already told you. NO!" He looked mad and grabbed my arm and started pulling me to a car. I started screaming, before I knew it Max was pulled off of me and on the ground. I looked up and saw Cody. "Are you ok?" he asked "Oh ya I'm fine but he's not." I said pointing to Max. We both laughed and walked to the car where Alli was waiting... and smiling?

**Alli's P.O.V**

After I saw Cody help Abby, I couldn't help but smile. He really loves her but he won't tell her and he won't let me tell her because he doesn't think she likes him back, But I know she does... she told me. I had to find out a way to get them together. I had an idea but I needed some help.

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