Who's Yensi?

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Chapter 10

*Abby's POV*

I got up in the morning and did my daily routine then waited for Cody and Alli to come pick me up. At exactly 6:45 There was a knock on the door. I ran to it and opened the door with a big smile on my face. That smile dissapeared as soon as I opened the door. 2 cops were standing there with a blank expression. "Hello ma'am, is Mrs.Santee home?" I looked really confused. "Umm ya, MOOOOOM." My mom walked down and looked at the police with wide eyes then just started running. "HEY POLICE STOP!" The police started running after her and I just stood there doing nothing about the situation. One of the police came back down and looked at me. "Do you have any idea where Yensi would go?" He asked, "Yensi?" He looked at me like I was hiding something. "That lady who just ran out." "My mom's name is not Yensi, it's Gabby." "Ma'am, she is not your mother." As soon as those words came out of his mouth I started crying. "Abby?" I turned around to see Alli and Cody standing there. "Oh my gosh Abby what's wrong?" Cody ran over to me and embraced me in a hug but I didn't answer I just cried as he rubbed my back. The first cop came back with my mom- I mean Yensi in handcuffs "Yensi Santee you are under arrest." I looked over at Cody and He looked confused. "Miss Abby could you come down to the station with us to answer some questions?" I looked at him, "Sure but can I tell my school that I won't be coming in today?" He nodded and I took out my phone to call the school.

*Cody's POV*

So it was 6:45 and Alli and I had just left for Abby's house. I was excited to see her even though I saw her yesterday but when we pulled up to her house there were police cars parked outside. I didnt even let Alli park the car I jumped out and ran to the door.

*Abby's POV*

So I was sitting in the police station in some sort of interview lounge when a cop came in with someone else."Hello, I am detective Kate Beckett and this is my partner Richard Castle." I said hello and asked why I was here. "Your 'mother' is a mass murderer."


Ok so If you guys watch the show Castle you will understand the detectives name I absolutely LOVE that show... Anyway... PLOT TWIST!!!!! Ha I didn't even know I was going to write that. I just got really bored and realized the dad hadn't come home so... Ya anyway. DID YOU LIKE IT???? Stay beautiful😘

La Da DeeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora