Part 3 - Him!!??

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Why does it have to be him!!! I can't believe my parents agreed to this and now I'm thinking that this isn't a good idea to follow through. "So I'm getting married to him!!" I practically yelled when I said that.

Everyone looked at me,"So you guys know each other I presume.." Mr. Kim said. "Ye,we are classmates and I'm sorry for yelling like that I was just surprised to know that it was Taehyung." I mentally slapped myself from embarrassment.

"Well nice to meet you Mr. and Ms. (insert last name),I'm Kim Taehyung." He said and looked at me with a glare I can't explain. I just want to go in a hole and die from this.

"We are happy to have you become part of our family and so let's discuss when the wedding would be." Eomma said. I can't even think about marrying this guy. "Eomma don't you think we should get to know each other before getting married since we barely know each other." I said while thinking how I'm going to have to know him and make this work with my life.

Taehyung's Pov:

When I realized that (Y/N) was going to be my future wife was shocking to me. I introduced myself and I looked at her and she made me feel something different.

Her and her mother were talking and when she said to get to know each other first. I felt a slight pain in my heart but I ignored it since it seemed liked nothing. (Author : We'll see what that feeling is won't we)

I can't believe that my parents set this up and she clearly doesn't like the idea of getting married to me but I don't see why no since I'm a suitable person.

"Eomma,why didn't you talk to me about this before deciding this." I said to her. "Well we needed to get this over with since you don't have a lot of time before you finish college and we wanted you to be settled down after graduating." she said.

I didn't have anything to say but I don't want to do this if she's isn't okay with it.

Eomma's Pov:

(Y/N) and Taehyung look good together and I can't believe they never became a couple.
"(Y/N),we talk about this more later since the Kim's need to go home since it's getting late."

"Alright,well I'll be going to be things and go outside to the porch and do my work.." I said while going over to where Mr. and Mrs. Kim are sitting, "Well it was a pleasure meeting you both,Mr. and Mrs. Kim and I'll be calling it a day." I bowed and headed upstairs.

She has good manners and I wonder where she got them from. She's all grow up now and I'm happy to see that she's achieving her dreams.

Taehyung's Eomma Pov:

"Ya! You should go out there with her while we discuss somethings and get to know her better." She said and I didn't want to but I went anyways.

Trust my eomma will give you a mouthful of things that you did when you were little that you want to keep a secret since it was embarrassing.


Author's note : I just wanted to say thanks for reading my fanfic and I'll try to post at least every day or every two days so I won't get behind on this story. 

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