Part 8 - This day gets better and better

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Your Pov:

I got up and I totally forgot that I don't need to go to school until later and just relax for half of the day. I need my rest so why did I get up so early and it's my dreams fault for waking me up. I decided to get up since I came fall asleep anymore.

I got up and got some clothes to change into and dashed my face and teeth. I went downstairs and since it's like 6:30 in the morning I guess I should go for a run.

I need to get somethings off my mind and get my thoughts straightened out. I put my running shoes on and went out the door.

*Twenty minutes later*

I didn't go far and it felt more then twenty minutes but what can I say I'm way out of shape. Others say I'm skinny looking but I don't feel skinny and I also don't love my body.

I've always been insecure about myself when ours are not. I just want to feel good about myself and just be like everyone else with a normal family and life.

I'm rambling on about my boring life story when I should be clearing and straightening my thoughts but at least I don't have classes until later.

I ran until I got to the store that was a few blocks away. I went in and grabbed some water since I forgot it.

As I walked in and I bumped into someone. I looked up and saw that it was Taehyung. I mentally slapped myself and wanted to go in a hole and just die from embarrassment.

I knew that I couldn't do that so I'll just have to deal with it even if I don't want to. "Sorry.." was all I said and I walked to the back of the store to grab a water.

I walked to get a snack bar since I was a little hungry and wanted to eat before heading for the run back home. "That'll be(money amount)" the cashier person said.

I grabbed the money out of my back pocket. I had the right amount of money and I was about to hand it to the cashier I saw Taehyung hand him the money.

"That's nice of your boyfriend to pay for you." The cashier said. Wait did he just say boyfriend,"Um excuse me but he's not my boyfriend." I said and grabbed my things and walked out.

Of course he followed me out. He grabbed hold of my arm and I threw his hand off me. "What is your problem (Y/N)." He said looking at me like my words hurt him.

I didn't have time for this so I did what I was good at..running away from my problems. "..wait(Y/N).." he said and I knew that I did hurt him but I was also hurt because my parents went through with this.

I need to get home fast and get cleaned up and probably take a nap since of the crazy jog I decided to take.

I'm not sure if I should continue this story since I don't update as much but if you want me to continue to update and continue the story then leave comments.   ~ This is the Author out

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