Part 15 - Oh no....

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Your Pov:

I feel asleep again next to Taehyung and it's hard to see him like this. It's only been a few days since he's been in a coma.

I just want him to come back so we can get on with our lives but I hope it's sooner than later. I want to see that smile of his and hear his adorable silly laugh.

I just miss him even when I'm right in front of him. It's hard to know I'll never get to tell him that I loved him for a long time now.

"Hey your still here,I thought you would be at school but I guess you wanted to miss one more day." Jungkook said while standing by the door frame.

"Yeah I just wanted to see him again before I get busy at school but I want you to know that I'll do anything to get him back..." I didn't finish my sentence since tears were threatening to fall. "(Y/N), it's alright and we will get him back just talk to him because he can hear you." Jungkook said.

I smiled at him and thanked him while hugging him back. It felt nice to cry because it took a weight off my shoulders and I want to find the person who did this. I felt my phone vibrate and got it out.

*Text Message from Yoongi*

Yoongi - Hey I found something out so do you think we can meet somewhere to talk

You - Yeah I'm free today,how about we meet at the cafe we all go too

Yoongi - Sounds good meet you there at 4

*End of Text Messages*

I read the message since there was no need to reply back. I looked at Taehyung and decided to leave and go meet with Yoongi. As I got home I changed my clothes since I haven't been taking care of myself since Taehyung has been in the hospital. 

After I got done I left because I knew that if I didn't leave now I'll be late. *Phone vibrating*

Yoongi - Hey where are you, I'm already here

You - Yeah I'm almost there, I'm like five minutes away

Yoongi - Okay well I'll see you when you get here

*End of phone call*

I was just around the block from the coffee shop when someone put a rag over my mouth. 

Yoongi's POV:

Where is (Y/N),she should be here by now and its been more than five minutes. I got up and went to go see if she is outside but when I went I didn't see her anywhere. I can't seem to find here anywhere and I starting to get worried. 

I started to call the boys and see if she had called them and they haven't seem to see her or hear from her for awhile. I felt my phone vibrate and it was Jungkook.

Jungkook - Hey hyung I just good news 

Yoongi - Yeah and what is it Jungkook  I'm kind of busy right now

Jungkook  - Well taehyung just woke up and he wants to see (Y/N) 

Yoongi - Well I'll be there in a few just keep him occupied for awhile until I get there

Jungkook - Alright then see you when you get here bye hyung

*End of phone call*

I can't believe that Taehyung is awake after awhile but what do I tell him that I can't find her. I need to get to the hospital fast before he finds out by someone else and flips out from the news. 

*Ten minutes later* I arrive at the door where Taehyung is staying and I can't believe that he is up and moving in his bed. "Hey man how you feeling?" I asked him with a fake smile trying to hide the fact that his fiancé is missing at the moment. "Hey, hyung I'm feeling great just a little tired from waking up not to long ago." he said while smiling. I didn't know what to do since his girl isn't here.

Taehyung's POV: 

I knew I was waking up since I saw the light and I had to squint my eyes until I can get used to it. The boys were there when I woke up but the person I wanted to see wasn't there and I was a little upset. "Hey hyung your finally up and alive but its not like you were dead or anything." Hoseok laughed a little after saying that. I was a little surprised when he said that but as soon I wanted to say something I couldn't since my throat felt dry. Hoseok noticed I needed a drink so he gave me some water. 

"Hey man how you feeling?" Yoongi asled me while coming towards the bed. "Hey, hyung  I'm feeling great just a little tired from waking up not to long ago." I said while smiling but as soon I said that I knew something was wrong since Yoongi never really smiles unless he's really happy about something. 

'Hey can the rest of you leave so I can have a word with Yoongi hyung please." I said and they nodded their heads and left. "Why did you tell the other guys to leave us alone?" he said with a confused look and I knew he had no idea what I'll be saying next.

"So have you talked to (Y/N),because I haven't been in contact with her since I got into an accident." I asked him. "Well we were going to meet up at this coffee shop and.....well she never showed up after I hung up the phone with her." he said while looking at the floor. "Well have you tried calling her after she never showed up or told anyone else besides me?" I asked him and by his look of his face he can tell that I'm worried.

"No, I haven't told anyone besides you and maybe we should tell her parents before something else happens." he said and I didn't have words but just nod my head. I put my head in my hands. "Can you please leave so I can have some rest since taking all this in is tiring for me at the moment." I told him and with that I was going getting myself covered.

I just heard him leave the door close and that was the last thing I remember before going off in a deep sleep.

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