Part 7 - Dreaming about him?

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A/N: I decided to make part six connected to when Taehyung dreamed about her so I hope you like it. This chapter is going to be short but I'll try to make the other one longer.

Your Pov:

When I was done getting ready for bed. I had trouble sleeping and what happened today kept coming to mind. I slapped myself a few times but then regretted it because my face started to hurt.

I just need to go to sleep then I'll forget this ever happened. I closed my eyes and about to home them but feel into a deep sleep.


I woke up to someone next to me. I looked to my side very carefully and made sure not to wake who it was.

Before I could get a good look,he got up and went to the bathroom. I don't who that was but he had a nice body.

What am I thinking!! I don't know who this is and for all I know he can be a murder or a crazy person.

I stayed facing the opposite direction he went and I heard the hangers move colliding against each other. I guess he got a shirt since he was shirtless when he got up.

"Are you awake?" He said and his voice sounded familiar but I can't remember if I heard it before. I turned to face him but before I saw his face...I felt myself falling.

*End of dream*

When I woke up,I found myself on the floor. I remembered in my dream that I feel fell in my dream which meant I actually feel in reality. I almost cursed but I didn't since it wasn't going to change anything.

I was confused to not know who he was but then again I did end up on the floor after trying to see who he was.

But oh well I guess I'll have to wait or just forget about it since I'll dream about something else later tonight.

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