Part 17 - New Plan

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Jackson's Pov:

What did I just do??? I almost took advantage of her. Why am I letting her get into my head with that speech about Taehyung and my parents. She doesn't know anything about me and everything she might know is a lie.

I need to call Taehyung and make a deal with him to let (Y/N) and I leave this country without any problems.

*Calling Taehyung*

Taehyung - "Hello? "

Jackson - "Well hello my dear friend"

Taehyung - "What do you want now?"

Jackson - "Have you not figured out who I am because by the sound of your voice you haven't yet but let me give you a hint ask your parents."

Taehyung - "Why do I need to ask my parents when this envolves just the two of us."

Jackson - "Fine I guess you hate the guessing game but its Jackson in case you noticed my old friend"

Taehyung - "Why you!!! What do you want from me now that you have (Y/N)."

Jackson - "Well I want to skip town and I can't do that if the police is looking for her so I suggest an offer with the conditions of letting (Y/N) and I go without any problems and you can't go after us"

Taehyung - "Jackson, please don't do this because if you do I'll have my people looking for you after you have left and I keep my word on"

Jackson - "Either deal or no deal last chance and if you have people searching for us then she'll be dead after we have left do you understand so I guess you start making plans for us to get away"

*End of phone call*

Now he has no chance of trying anything unless he wants his dear loving (Y/N) getting hurt. Well I guess I'll start packing since we'll be leaving in a few hours.

Taehyung's Pov:

After he hung up I knew that he wasn't playing around but I don't believe that he would hurt her when he has finally got her. I need to call my parents and ask them what they have done to Jackson's parents.

*Jungkook walks into the room* "Right on time" I said and Jungkook looked at me confused. "Were you expecting me or something because you seem like you were." He asked. "Well I need your help with investigating something for me but first can you go get my parents and tell them to come." I asked him.

"Yeah sure hyung, whatever you want I do it but I'll be right back." with that he was gone and I was alone in my room and just trying to think of the ways to ask my parents about Jackson. I need answers and now is the time because this seemed to happen a long time ago without me knowing anything.

*Twenty minutes later*

"Sorry son, we went home to freshen up and change into fresh clothes." my dad said. "Well I want to know everything about Jackson and his parents and I'm not taking nothing for an answer." I said while looking at my dad. He sighs and looks at my mom and she nods her head signaling to going on ahead and telling me.

"It all started when you were having a big decision to make which caused some issues.."*Flashback Five Years Ago*

"Honey, we need to discuss this with the Wong family before we make any other deals."

"I understand that this can affect many people but we need to let these people go in order to have the money we need"

"But dear we can find another way and not have a hundred people trying to kill us"

"Alright then I'll find another way" This means I'll have to do it behind my wife's back which means I have to take precautions for her safety.

Two days later

"Honey, why are there so many security men around me all the time "

"I had no choice my love but there aren't going to be anyone going to try anything"

"You made this decision so you need to fix it before others fall victim to it"

"The only family we need to worry the most about is the Wong family"

*End of Flashback*

So that is what happened years ago and that's why Jackson is doing this to me. "Why did you have to do this and when everything was going so well." I told my parents. They were very shocked that I yelled at them which I never do but this has got me so heated that I want to do everything on my own.

"We are very sorry Taehyung,but we didn't know that this would happen and if we did then your dad and I would have thought about the outcome." my mom said. "Please just help me find a way to get (Y/N) back,I beg you!!" I said to my parents almost in tears.

"I just want her back and marry her but that might not happen" I said,"Hey, Hyung don't speak like that because we'll get her back and you will marry her." Jimin said. I didn't even know that he came into the room.

I am stressing out about fidning out what my parents did to Jackson and his parents. Why would he want me to pay for what had happened five years ago."Son,please try to understand why we had to do this."my eomma said while trying to comfort me."No,why would you keep something from me knowing that I had (Y/N) in my life and was about to make a future with her."I said while moving away from her.

'You don't understand,they wanted us to give them our company over to them so the only way was to sell it to someone else so we can keep it. They had people targeting us since then so the only way was to have you marry her to merge our compnay wiher parents and get away from the Wong family. "said my abeoji. I can't believe the only way to save her is to give her up but I am not doing that when she makes me feel this sort of way.

(Y/N) I hope you are safe and that he doesn't try anything or I will be sure he pays for it. I need to get out of this hospital and make a plan to find Jackson and (Y/N) before it's to late.

(Y/N) Pov :

Jackson comes back after leaving a moment ago. "HEY!!! Why are you keeping me here when they can just give you want you want and let me go." I said. He just looks at me like I have no idea what he truly wants from me. "I want them to help me get out of the country without anyone following us but if it doesn't work out,I'll have to do something to you." he said with an evil smile and one had on my cheek.

I felt so disgusted by his actions and moved away while holding myself. "My plan is take everything from him including you because he loves you." he says while standing against the wall. I look up at him shocked at his words. What does he mean that Taehyung "loves me". "I don't believe you,he does not love me and we are only getting married because it is the only way to save my family." I said.

"So,he's very told you that he loves you yet...huh by the looks of it he has fallen for you and you haven't noticed it by the way he looks at you." he said while snickered. He is truly a monster in disguise. At this moment I wish he would just leave me and I got my wish granted when he had a phone call. *Jackson walks out the door* But little does he know that he left the door slightly opened.


I bring you another chapter to continue the cliffhanger I left three years ago. I am truly sorry that I have not posted in three years but I grew up and had to become an adult which sucks. I hope you like it and I hope that there are still a few out there that will continue to read this while I get back on writing.

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