Long time No See

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I quietly sob over my dead father's corpse. Vampires had broken into our home and fed off him. He couldn't take it and died there in his bed his throat ripped to shreds. The 8 vamps surround my dad's corpse " I'm sorry dad ! Wake up Wake up dad I didn't mean those mean things I said !! I love you !" I cry shaking his lifeless pale body. The vampires chuckle " What should we do with this one ? She is pretty cute " One of them state. I slowly shakily get up they push me right back down. I was 16 angry at the world and cruel to my father.

" You won't do anything to her you nasty sons of a bitches " A deep voice almost growls. I slowly look over to see John and Dean standing there machetes in hand, Sammy wasn't quite old enough to start hunting yet.

I gasp waking up in a cold sweat I pant softly my heart racing. It's been 4 years since I've last seen the Winchesters. John had taught me everything he had known I was no longer that weak little girl people felt sorry for. 5 years I stayed with the Winchesters and I didn't just pick up there hunting habits.

I slowly slip out of the motels bed, slipping into a pair of jeans on with a black AC DC tank top and grey sweater. I yawn and walk to the table packing my bag. I grumble lowly and walk to the bathroom checking if I left anything in there, I brush my teeth and walk back to my bag I picking it up along with the pistol and pocket knife. I toss the key to the room on the table and walk out of the room I squint as the morning sun hits my eyes.I let my eyes adjust to the light before walking to my 1967 chevy Camaro first gen in black. I set my bag in the backseat the inside is clean. I rub my eyes and look at the hood of the car along with the doors and top " For fucks sake !" I curse up a storm, some punk ass bitches egged my sexy lady ! I growl getting in I close the door thank god it was only 6 am so the eggs didn't bake onto her. I drive to a do it yourself car wash. I pull into the tiny garage like room with the hose, soap and sponges. I sigh and park getting out, walking into the office I pay for the soap and stuff I'm going to use.

Little did I know Sam, Dean and John were getting gas right across from the wash. I walk to the bathroom and change into shorts i put my jeans in the back seat " We'll start from the top down baby girl, I'm so sorry this was done " I sigh and soap her up then begin scrubbing the egg off. John slowly pulls the impala up blocking the entrance / exit , I grab my pistol knowing there was someone there but not knowing who it was.

I turn around pointing it at Sam, Dean and John I tense up then relax and smile realizing who it was. John whistles I put the pistol away opening my arms I walk over hugging the three of them " Damn it Winchesters pick up the phone every once in a while " I laugh, John smiles " Nice to see you to, Baby girl got egged?" John raises an eyebrow. I sigh and let my head hang " Yeah.." Dean chuckles I look over at Dean and pout " It's no laughing matter she's hurting real bad she doesn't like being egged " I fake sniffle " We all should catch up, since there's no case here I just finished it was a Rugaru " I smile " A break ugh that sounds great Dad, Sammy and I just got off a Wendigo case " Dean laughs " I know this bar three towns over, we can go there after I'm done with baby Oh! and there's this cute little diner anyone can go for food it's on me " I smile they nod an hour passes I've finished cleaning off the car. I get in and drive to the diner, John follows in the impala .

I pull into the diner and slowly get out of the car. John parks beside me, all three of them get out. I walk inside ordering a table for 4. The guys walk in the waitress blushes and leads us to a booth, Metallica quietly playing in the back. I sit down John sits across from me with Sammy. Dean sits beside me, the waitress asks for drinks we all get a coffee. She nods winking at John , I quietly look away I've had a crush on him since I was 17. He smiles back at her " So whats been going on the past 4 years ? " Sam asks " Killing things mostly, ha ha " I laugh softly " Oh what about when you were't killing things " Dean asks raising an eyebrow. I give Dean my best bitch face " Nothing really " I bite my tongue " now I'm curious spill it " John laughs , I sigh softly " Fine. I was seeing someone for a bit.. A hunter..she helped me with a a few things and well she got killed on one of our hunts.. Enough about me, what have you guy's been up to " I smile softly " YOU'RE GAY!?!? " The three of them ask in unison, I sigh and shake my head " Bisexual, I like chicks and dick to put it simply " I laugh lightly the waitress sets down the coffees " since you like girls do you like me ?" The waitress ask. I look her dead in the eye putting my hand on top of her " I have standards honey .I'm sorry to break it to you, you definitely aren't my type. My type doesn't include chicks with fake tits thank you " Her face heats with anger she storms off.

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