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I sigh softly and walk back to the car I grab our bags then head towards the room. Quietly Sam follows me to our room. I open the door and walk in as does Sam. I set his bag on one bed and mine on another, Sam sets my laptop on my bed " I'm going for a shower " I mumble grabbing clothes I walk into the bathroom.

I sigh closing the door I look in the mirror to see a bruise forming on my jaw the size of a baseball along with a split lip. I roll my eyes " Son of a bitch" I mumble stripping my clothes off I turn on the shower and get it steaming. I get into the shower, quietly I scrub my skin clean. I almost moan at the feeling of the hot water drilling my sore muscles.

I wash my hair then shave my legs and under arms. I turn off the water and step out of the shower quietly drying off I slip into short shorts and a tank top. I walk out of the bathroom  and to my bed, I start researching on my laptop about the lead in Idaho

After hours of extensive research Sam is snoring away in his bed and I find something. Good ol' yellow eyes is a prince of hell, and that he can be killed by the colt or Lance Of Micheal. All current signs point to him being in Kansas at the moment.

" SAMMY!!" I Scream, he jumps up startled pointing his pistol at me " Woah there cowboy common I found something" I hand Sammy my computer and dial Deans phone number. He doesn't answer. I call him again this time there's an answer. " Uh...hey...y/n" I can hear strain in his voice and he's panting, I groan loudly and roll my eyes. " Zip if up and find your dad, I found new info on the lead" I yawn. A zipper zips and a few gruff mumbles before a car door opening and closing is heard. Dean walks  into a bar to find John pushing a few women away. " Dad, it's Y/n" John looks at Dean grabbing the phone he puts me on speaker " What's going on sweetheart" John sighs " New detail on the lead" I mumble " Come to Detroit city we're in a motel named the sunrise. Ask for the room of Chris Jan. I'm going to bed just walk in and wake me up when you get here" I continue on

" Alright Y/n, Sammy. We'll be there soon" Dean hangs up. Sam closes my laptop and goes back to bed. I pass out in my bed. Hours upon hours pass, I'm sleeping snoring softly on my stomach a pillow between my legs. My shirt had risen up my back, John and Dean walk into the motel and up to the front desk.

I stirr awake and scribble Sam a small note before walking out of the room. I walk towards the lobby yawning softly. " MmmM coffee" I mumble to myself walking into two tall muscular men at the front counter. The same woman as before smirks, I look up at both men a deadly look in my eyes. My expression immediately softens when I see it's Dean and John.

I smile brightly hugging the two tightly before kissing Deans cheek trying to piss John off. The lady groans rolling her eyes. I look over at her " Could I get an extra key to my room please?" She looks at me strange " no" I smirk looking at her " Give me the key. I'm not asking"

" Do you want to get punched in the jaw again cause that bruise must hurt an awful lot" I look at her and laugh softly " Do you want to get your ass beat again" I bat my eyelashes innocently. She growls lowly coming out from behind the desk " Persistent" I roll my eyes.

She runs and tries to punch me. I catch her fist in my hand I twist her arm and bring her to the ground a stagnant expression on my face " are you going to stop or do I have to dislocate your shoulder?" " I'll stop she mumbles

I get up and grab the extra key, she runs at me again I kick her in the nose. Her eyes begin to water, she runs to John crying. I walk over to a coffee machine and make myself and Sam a coffee. John pushes her away, I lead Dean and John to the room. I open the door and walk in setting the coffees on the table. I crawl into Sam's  bed and poke at his face.

" Sammy.....Sammy" I whisper, Sam groan and moves a bit. I poke him a few more times before he wakes up " Dean and your dad are here " I smile Sam slowly sits up and yawns I get out of his bed " Anyway" I open and turn on my laptop on, Dean and John look at the information " We already knew this Y/N! We found this out at the bar goddamn it! This is what you called us here for?" John raises his voice.

" You know what, maybe you and Dean did but Sam and I didn't and unlike you we communicate with each other so everyone is on the same page so don't you dare raise your voice to me because I was trying to help you track the demon that killed your wife!" I snarl " I'm out. I call quits I'm not getting yelled at because you John didn't decide to communicate!" I growl grabbing my things. I hug Sam and Dean before walking out of the room slamming the door behind me. John walks out looking at me " Y/n you're overreacting." My blood boils and anger fills my body, I slam my fist against the wall, my hand goes through the wall. " I'm not over reacting. I'm just deciding not to deal with your bullshit anymore don't contact me again John"

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