Please forgive me I didn't mean to...

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Now that Alexander is a bloody mess.John sat there now half in the bag quietly mumbling as he stroked my hair. My head was on his lap, I turn my head slowly waking up " mmMmmM?" I sit up quickly extremely dizzy. John pulls me close to his chest I couldn't see out of my right eye, it had swollen shut " I'm so so sorry Y/N I did this to you I'm sorry sweet heart I'm so sorry " He stammers. I gently kiss him " it's fine I shouldn't have grabbed you, let's get you to bed love. " I walk to the laundry room grabbing the sheets and blankets/ pillow cases from the dryer. Having a mild Concussion I take a deep breath and try to hold back from puking. I walk to my room with the sheets. I make the bed then walk back out to John I wash the blood off his knuckles then help him to the bed. I help him in then kiss him " Night love " John slowly drifts asleep.

I quietly walk out of the room and to the guest room where Mia and Alex were. I open the door and lean against the door frame " hey Mia..Can I speak to you please " she nods getting up walking over to me " What happened ?" I ask quietly " You and Alex got into a fight, Alex pinned you on your stomach and then John fucking Winchester walked in seen you pinned on the ground and beat Alex half to death. When you tried to stop him he punched you then he realized it was you and stopped right away. He wouldn't let anyone touch you" I run my fingers through my hair " wow.. Is Alex alright ?" she nods and walks back in the room, I quietly follow her then look over at Alex. One of his eyes were swollen shut, his nose has clearly been broken but Mia set it, there were lacerations on his cheeks and jaw. " If there's anything you need just tell me " I walk to the bathroom unable to hold it anymore. I open the toilet seat and puke non-stop. Tears forming in my eyes I wipe my mouth and flush the toilet then get up and walk out.

I grab my phone and press play on my music the song Fade to Black by Metallica comes on. I quietly sing while putting the groceries away. I walk to the Camaro opening the backseat I grab the case of beer walking back inside I set it on the counter then walk out grabbing the bottles of Rum and Whiskey. I close the door walking inside I also close the front door then put the alcohol in the fridge.

I pull out ingredients for a beer can chicken with potatoes, corn and gravy. I smile and wash the potatoes then cut them into cubes throwing the cubes into a pot with water. After I'm done with the potatoes I mince 3 garlic cloves, chop some fresh parsley and a few other spices I toss them in an empty beer can with some lemon juice. I stick the can inside the chicken then season the outside lightly with salt, pepper,onion salt and a bit of melted butter. I walk outside cleaning off the BBQ I change the propane and turn it on. I bring out the chicken on a pan with the beer can still in it, I set it on in the BBQ closing the lid. I walk inside and turn on the potatoes and the corn on the cob.

I quietly sing not realizing it was a country song I always listen to country when I cook it's a habit. My father used to do it as well. I laugh softly and sit down with a beer taking a sip. Mia and Alex walk out of the guest room " Dinner is cooking " I smile. Alex just grunts Mia nods, I go back to singing American Kids by Kenny Chesney. I get up walking over to the counter grabbing my phone I walk towards the door grabbing the ax. I walk outside and continue singing I start chopping wood for a fire. John grumbles waking up he walks out of the room. Alex swallows hard as John glares over at him. Now sobered up he sighs " Where is she? " Mia points at the door " She's outside " John nods and walks outside

I gather up the wood I had cut and stack it against the side of the house I'm now singing Just a Kiss by Lady Antebellum "hey.." John speaks softly I turn off my music and turn around " Hey " I gently kiss him " Dinner should be done soon " I give a tight lipped smile and walk off to check the corn inside. My phone goes off I pick it up. It's Sam " Hello? Sammy whats up? Everything alright ?" I wait a few seconds " Okay Okay calm down Sammy. Put Dean in the backseat put a jacket or something under his head and drive up here to my cabin. " I tell him the address before he leaves. I call Bobby " Hey Uncle Bobby come to my cabin now. It's Dean.." I hang up then walk outside again walking over to John I hug him tightly " Sammy called he's on his way here. Dean was being Dean had one of his one night stands and um apparently she was a witch and didn't like that he was going to leave. He's in a comatose like state." John takes a deep breath " I also called Bobby he's also on his way" I gently kiss John and walk inside making up the two other guest rooms. One room has two single beds and the other has a Queen sized bed. I change the sheets then walk out of the room then walk outside turning off the BBQ I bring the chicken inside and mash the potatoes " the three of you should eat I'm going to keep preparing the house for more company stock the beer fridge with beer" Mia, Alex and John nod and make there plates. I walk outside grabbing wood for a fire I walk inside putting them in the fire place I start up a fire. Though it's summer it gets fucking cold at night

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