The Hunt

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Another hour or so passes. Sam, Dean and I head to the hotel. Walking into the room I sigh, this was the only two bed room in the hotel. I crawl onto one of beds and pass out. The morning rolls around, John and Dean are talking. Sam is asleep beside me. I get out of bed walking to the bathroom after grabbing clothes I change then walk out of the bathroom and towards the door "Morning " Dean smiles, I grunt and go to walk outside but John stops me and hands me a coffee " Thanks " I mumble sitting down I take a large sip of the bitter sweet drink. I lay back on Deans bed yawning " Anything on the case?" I raise a brow looking at the two of them propping myself up on my elbows. John shakes his head " No, Dean and I are going to the Morgue though to check the bodies out " I smile and push myself further up Deans bed setting the coffee on the side table " Have fun, take pictures I'm going back to bed. Green Giant over there kept pushing me out of bed " I say sleepily getting under the covers.

A while passes. Sam is now awake and drinking his coffee, he slips and lands on his ass just as Dean and John open the door walking in. Jumping awake I grab the knife from under the pillow throwing it full force towards the door missing Dean and John by a hair. Everyone looks at me, I shrug " What? You startled me " Sam laughs loudly and slowly gets up I look at him weird " Okay" Time passes and it's 11:00pm

John grabs my shoulder and whispers something in my ear, I sigh " Fine just don't fuck it up" I grab my things and walk to John's room. I change and walk out to the Impala, John's in the Impala waiting. His lips part and jaw drops " Jesus.." I'm dressed in a short black tight dress with spiked heals my hair down and a bit of make up, I get in the Impala and look out of the window " You look beautiful Y/N " I blush softly " Thank you, you don't look bad yourself" I giggle. John pulls out of the parking lot and heads to a clubbing bar.

We find a club and park. We both walk into the club. I walk up to the bar area and order two beers. I smile and walk over to John handing him a beer. We slowly start dancing, drinking, laughing and smiling. I stop suddenly and cup his face I lean up and kiss him softly " I love you John Winchester, even though sometimes I want to choke you I still love you " He smiles softly and kisses me " I love you too Y/N and I'll do anything to make it up to you. I'm sorry" I smile " Come on, Drink and dance with me " I smile.

The night is still young, it's 12:30 am we've been grinding on each other and drinking for a half hour. John and I decided to go to the strip club where 4 women and 4 men and strippers were found in the alley way hearts ripped out, with claw marks down the body in a line going chick, guy, chick, guy etc. I walk in behind John, a bouncer grabs me " You're late head to the back and change your up next" John shrugs. I sigh and walk to the back where I strip down to my black lace bra and pantie set topped off with a garter belt and stockings.

One of the girls push me on stage just as Sam and Dean walk in. I start to panic they won't know it's me. The song Move Your Body by My Darkest Days comes on. Dean makes eye contact with me. I look away slowly swaying my hips,  Sam's jaw drops when he sees me. John doesn't notice I'm up there. I roll my eyes and walk around the pole starting off simple. I push myself up against the pole slowly letting myself down into a splits, arching my back off the pole I lift myself up and spin on the pole. After a few minutes the song ends, a bouncer grabs my shoulder and hands me my tips " Thank you" I smile.

I walk over to Sam, Dean and John. I smile and put my hands together " So while working I will talk to people about the victims. " The three of them stare at me, I slap there cheeks " Hello??" They all nod.

I turn to walk away, Sam grabs my wrist and hands me money " Lap dance" " Awe hell no Sammy "Dean Interrupts. John laughs and picks me up " Ha sorry boys " I squirm out of John's arms " I'd rather not make this awkward so I'm gonna go walk around and wait for the action to start " I giggle lightly walking off. The three guy's look at each other " Wait we all want" Sam begins " Son of a bitch not all of us can have her " Dean curses. John walks towards the bar chuckling to himself. I sigh walking around ignoring the random booty calls from intoxicated men. A male stripper walks out every gay/bi etc man and straight/bi/etc woman whistles and hoots at the guy. I smile softly having not been to a strip club in a long time I kind of loose myself and whistle at him tossing a 20 on stage. He smirks and pulls me up on stage

I shudder blushing lightly I bite my lip. He puts his hands on my hips and starts moving them to the fast beat of the song. I giggle as he slowly pulls his hands away I continue moving my hips, he chuckles softly moving his hands up my body. Sam and Dean stand at the back staring jaws dropped.

After the song ends The guy Everyone calls The Destroyer  and I get of stage. We both shake hands and laugh, John walks over with Sam and Dean. They look pissed " Y/N ! What do you think you're doing!?" Sam says all sassy like. I roll my eyes and laugh " I was having fun " I smile. John shakes his head and picks me up and throws me over his shoulder then starts walking. I struggle and try to get out of his hold " god damn it! Let me go !"  I wiggle out of his arms. I walk back stage and look around for my clothes... they're gone.

I sigh and walk over to Sam and Dean " so um someone stole my clothes." I look away embarrassed, Sam pulls off his flannel shirt putting it on me he kneels down and buttons it up before getting up " T-Thank you Sammy " I blush softly, Dean rolls his eyes. The Destroyer or in other name James walks to the back grabbing me a pair of shorts. He walks over handing me the shorts " Don't worry, they're clean. They're mine haven't worn them yet so take them" James laughs " awe thank you " I smile and put them on but they fall down. Dean pulls off his belt and puts it on me so the shorts Don't fall.

" Thank you Dean " I giggle. John rolls his eyes " John all my 'Things' are still in the Impala right?" John nods " Alright thank you " I stretch and walk out of the club taking a deep breath of the cold crisp air. I quietly walk to the Impala, opening the trunk I grab a few things when suddenly everything is dark. Cold.

A half hour passes and John starts worrying. He walks outside to see the trunk open he runs over to see the trunk empty, blood splatter on the ground and car. He follows a large blood trail to a tree with a bloody hand print on the tree. After a while of walking into the bushes the blood trail stops. John jogs back to the strip Club.

I groan loudly, slowly opening my eyes. I go to wipe the streaming blood off my face but can't do to my wrists being bound. I growl lowly looking over at a shady figure " Where the fuck am I ? Who the fuck are you? What the fuck are you !?" I roar loudly, the figure laughs and walks over to me. He leans in grabbing my jaw with one of his two large hands " I don't think you're in the place to be asking questions miss. You're attractive an all but I'm not stupid enough to tell everything "  I head but him in the nose, he snarls and scratches my cheek. I growl and look up at him " Fucking werewolf.." I grind my teeth, he chuckles darkly " Bing bing bing we have a winner "

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