Oh The Mistakes.

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Marks shift had ended, we were currently having a few drinks before we headed to a hotel for the night. I laugh lightly " Okay so i'm the 67 Chevy Camaro. I'll pay for the room because you payed for drinks" I smile and walk over to the car unlocking it I get in the drivers seat and start the car. Mark gets into the passenger seat and smiles. I start her up and drive to the hotel I park the car and get out and walking into the lobby. I order a room for a few days and pay. The guy hands me the key I walk back out. I smile and lead him to room 69. I giggle softly opening the door to the room I walk inside. Mark quietly follows shutting the door behind himself.

I bite my lip and take my jacket off. Before I know it I'm pinned against the wall passionately making out with Mark.

A few days have passed, it's currently 12:00 am and I'm back at the bar. I laugh and take a sip of my drink just as Sam, Dean and Bobby walk in. I don't notice and quietly look at the strong tasting liquor in my glass. I sighs softly. Dean walks over and sits beside me " Hey " he says sadly. I frown and look at him then rest my head on his shoulder " I'm sorry Dean " I look at the ground. Mark glares at Dean and walks over grabbing my arm " What the hell is this !?" He snaps. I groan not wanting to deal with this shit right now " I told you we were only a one time thing. Now let me go!" I try to break his grip. His face fills with anger as he slaps me across the face then throws me at Dean.

" Who do you think you are!? " Sam shouts, more pissed off then I've ever seen him. Dean sets me on a chair  and checks to see if I'm okay. Sam throws a punch at Mark but misses, Mark connects his fist with Sam's jaw. Tears stream down both my cheeks my sore cheeks.

While my parents were still alive we looked picture perfect...looked picture perfect. My father would get wasted and beat my mother. I lost respect for him when it first started. But I still loved him. He's my father. I don't have to like him but I've got to love him.

He picked my mother up by her long black hair " Fucking Slut " He growled slapping her hard with his free hand

My eyes go from soft, shocked and hurt to dark and what may look soulless. All emotions except Rage are out the window. I stand up Dean tries to stop me but I just keep going " Stand down Sam " He doesn't listen " I said stand down this is my fight!" I snap. Sam stops and moves out of the way. I walk over to Mark all happiness out of my eyes. They look dead.

I push Mark against the wall. He smirks " Kinky bitch" He wraps his arms around my waist. I headbutt him in the nose then knee him in the balls. He drops to his knees, I smash his face off my knee. He falls backwards I climb onto him silently slamming my fist into his face time after time. He growls lowly and pins me on my back, he punches me in the jaw. Then places his hands around my throat. I gasp for breath as my airway closes off. I panic grabbing a fork that wasn't to far away I stab him in the side. He hisses in pain and I kick him off of me. 

I get up panting heavily I regain my breath. Mark gets up pulling a knife out of his coat, he swings at my face with it. I dodge and swing catching him in the stomach. He doesn't even flinch, he just stabs me in the stomach. I yelp in pain pulling the knife out I shove it through his skull.

Falling backwards I hit the ground with a loud thud just as John walks into the bar. Sam,Dean and Bobby run over to me. Sam picks me up, Dean calls an ambulance. My eyes slowly close " No ! Y/N ! Wake up, don't fall asleep! Stay with us !" Dean shouts. I gently grab Deans hand and pass the fuck out.

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