Chapter 6

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  I got ready for bed and Cole sat on the couch with his head up staring at the ceiling."What's wrong Cole?"I was wondering why so I asked him why."I don't know I feel so weird my eyes are heavy, my legs feel weak. What's wrong with me Lucy?" He look like he was scared of this. I was about my hand on his head to see if he was running but I knew he wouldn't because his skin was ice cold when we first met. I gently put my hand on his head. I was speechless when one touch on his head felt warm and not ice cold. My mouth was open wide enough for Cole to see it. He looked a little worried while asking me;  

  "What's wrong Lucy." 

I snapped back to reality and focused on the symptoms for a bit. I was think of why those symptoms sound so familiar. I started to think that i have those when I feel tired and want to go to bed but he said that he can't sleep."Well I know this might sound crazy but I think you're getting tired and when I felt your head it was warm and not ice cold like when we first met."I told him worried that he might be sick and I don't think that our medicines will help him. I looked at him one more time to see his skin was turning a peach color like mine. He looked more like a human."I think I know what's wrong with you but I think I might be wrong."Trying to reassure him as he held his head between his hands between his legs. He looked at me with such a sad face on his face asking me what it was.

 "I think you're turning into a human being." 

When I told him that his head popped out from between that scared me for a second. His face was shocked and then he stood up pacing back and forth." Just remember I might be wrong. I'm not a genius. Just calm."My sentence was cut off by him looking at me with a speechless face." No, you're right I am turning into a human." He sat on the couch looking like a lost child."Why don't you just relax and lay down and close your eyes. I even bet you'll feel better in the morning and then we could see if there's anything to stop it okay." Trying to assure him. I searched for a blanket and spread on top of him and grabbed one of my pillows from the bed and put it behind his head. He was puzzled at first but it looks like the sleepless caught up to him. Cause he instantly fell asleep. His face looked like he was defenseless. I giggled then went to bed. It was hard at first but I closed my eyes.

  In the middle of the night I woke up to get a glass of water. I turned my head to where Cole was. He was still sleeping and snoring just a bit. I put the glass down in the sink and walked to bed. I felt a cold chill down my back like something bad was coming this way. As I walked to living room I felt a hand go over my mouth and another hand around my waist."Follow us and and be quiet and the boy will live and maybe after I am done with you I will let you live."   

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