Sand Face

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*Mitch Grassi's POV*

Oh that girl was weird. It started when we were kids, my parents took off to see the beach along with my sister and I. We ran at the sand, playing tag when I accidentally bumped in to some girl. I sat on my butt and she fell face flat on the sand, eating some of it in the process. She was about my age with H/L and H/C hair. This girl had E/C eyes, and don't get me wrong , they were beautiful.

Except they glaring at mine.

Sand was all over her cheeks. I stood up and  did like any other kid would do: I laughed. Next thing, she just punched me in the face. "SAND FACE!" I shouted an insult, and cried. The girl raised her fist when I saw our parents ran toward us and stopped her before she could knock me out. "What happened?" My mom asked. "Sand face here just punched me in the face!" The girl angrily pointed at me, spitting sand everywhere. "This flounder right here laughed at me when I tripped and got sand on my mouth!" 

Guess what? The trip was over and we went home, with an ice pack and a scar on my nose.

If you're asking why she called my Flounder, try researching it on Google. And believe me, she wasn't talking about the yellow fish from The Little Mermaid. 

Years had passed. It was our first day of school. Kirstie, Scott, and walked the hallway together. Standing beside my locker was a girl with familiar H/C hair and E/C eyes, although her skin turned paler and her hair grew longer. She seemed even taller now. 

It was sand face.

I walked to my locker until I was standing beside her. "Hey." I tried to sound casual, maybe we could be friends. She smiled, not recognizing me at all.  For a while, at least. "Hello! Um, you're not new are you?"

I shook my head.

"Can I ask a favor?" Gosh, she's pretty, how come I did not notice that before? "Can you uh, give me a tour? I honestly don't know where to go." I nodded, "Sure. I'm Mitch Grassi by the way." I held out my hand. "I'm Y/N, L/N. Nice to me- Is that a scar on your nose?"


Y/N touched the scar, and for a moment, I swear, her brows furrowed. I hoped she wasn't still angry about that sand incident. She looked in to my eyes, "Flounder?" I closed my eyes as she raised her hand, half expecting a punch or a slap. But instead, she opened a jar of cream and placed some on the scar. "This should help make that scar go away. You're that kid, aren't you?"

I nodded, too stunned by what's happening. 

"I'm so sorry about that, but sand isn't tasty you know? Maybe I just got royally pissed." We both cracked, which left Kirstie and Scott confused as hell. I almost forgot about them. "Um, Y/N. Let's have that tour later, we're going to our class! See you!" I waved and she did the same to me.

Y/N and I became friends. But we did not see each other often, mainly because Kirstie, Scott and I were busy with theatrical plays and choir, while Y/N became busy with the journalism club. But we still hang out occasionally, until i joined the Sing-Off, with Pentatonix.

That severed our connection totally. The IMs stopped, the texts, calls, etc. 

If you're thinking about it, I never forgot about her. Y/N's eyes seemed to cross in my mind a thousand times a day. The way her H/C hair shimmered in the sunlight. 

---------    ----------   ---------

"Mitch. MITCH!" Scott yelled in my ear. I got off in a trance. "Oh my gosh, Scott. I'm not deaf." I had to remember what we were doing.

Oh yeah, packing for the beach.

I grabbed my suit case, and got on my car. I thought about Y/N, though she never left my mind. Scott drove instead, because he insisted, and I was a little out of myself today. "Are you okay Mitch?" Scott asked. I could hear the genuine concern in his voice. "I don't know, I just- it's Y/N." He raised an eyebrow. I mean, guys, Scott HAS eyebrows. It's just- he's been gifted with invisible ones.

"Y/N? You mean the Editor-in-chief back at high school?" I nodded. "It disturbs me that I lost all connections with her since the Sing-Off." I admitted. Questions often popped in to my mind like: What does she look like now? Does she have a boyfriend? Husband? Or kids? Is she happy? Does she still remember me? Even without the scar?

"We'll find her. Have you checked on Social Media?" He asked. I brought out my phone, but I didn't open it. "Yup. No results." I turned to face the window. Despite the sun, the weather was still perfect. Wind blew on my face, messing my hair. But I didn't care. 

*Time skip*

After finally arriving at the resort, I immediately dropped my suitcase and took a stroll on the beach. It was peaceful, I have to give that. The ocean was shimmering and perfectly blue. Little waves rolled on my feet, this is heaven. 

Y/N, where are you?

I closed my eyes and inhaled the fresh air, when my peace was suddenly disrupted by a woman who bumped in to me and fell face flat in to the sand. Her friends stared at her in shock as I reached out my hand to help the poor woman up. She spit out some of the sand she ate, causing me to chuckle.

Big mistake.

She grabbed the collar of my shirt and raised her fist, "What did your just call me, Flou-" She paused in mid sentence like I had caught her off guard. The woman had bright E/C eyes. Her H/L H/C hair waved like the sea. But she seemed all too familiar...

"Y/N?" I faintly said.

Even she had somehow recognized me. "Flounder?" At the corner of my eye, I saw Scott standing, panic surged through his face. At an unexpected turn, Y/N punched me squarely in the face, leaving me with my butt on the sand. She wiped the sand on her cheeks, but instead of anger, I saw tears on her eyes. "How could you disappear just like that?!" She accusingly pointed at me. No one dared to come near us. 

I stood and crashed my lips to hers. 

"I'm sorry." I said after breaking the kiss.

Y/N smirked, tears were still at the corner of her eyes. "I've missed you, Flounder."

I placed one hand in her cheek, "I love you. Sand Face."

"I love you too, Flounder."


Well, that was shiz. I apologize. I got distracted by memes on Instragram.

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