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Song of the Chapter: Football Season is Over, by Bring Me The Horizon.

"Ughhh," I grumble to myself as I hear the song Football Season is Over by BMTH and I somehow manage to climb out of bed to shut it off before my mom hears it.

I walk into the bathroom across from my small square bedroom to have a shower.

I strip out of the pyjamas that I am wearing and step into the shower. I turn the water on full blast and just stand there letting the warm water wake me up.

I finish my shower and wrap a towel around myself then walk back to my room. I step into my room carefully shutting the door behind me. I grab a black Sleeping with Sirens shirt and a pair of red skinny jeans out of my closet.

I quickly slip those on and go to the bathroom to do my hair and makeup.

I straighten my long dark brown hair and put on black eyeliner and grey eyeshadow.

I go to the kitchen and eat an apple for breakfast. I have to leave for school in about ten minutes so I finish my breakfast and grab a twenty dollar bill from my mom's wallet -I hope she doesn't mind- and head out the door deciding it doesn't matter if I arrive early.

~time skip to school~

I walk into the school and immediately regret coming early, because I see my least favorite people in the school.

Mallory and her two minions Weslee and Lexi. They walk towards me and Mallory has an evil grin on her face.

"What do you want Mallory?" I ask when they stop in front of me blocking my locker.

"I want you to stay away from Emerson. He's mine," she tells me with a smile on her face. I can tell it's fake though.

"What uh no he's not. He hasn't even talked to you. And he most definitely does not like you, because you're like a... like a... a... a witch and he's actually nice," I tell her my voice slightly getting louder with each word.

"Oh really that's not what he said last night," she says then grabs her phone from her bra and shows me a photo of her and Emerson kissing. I look away.

She snickers, "that's what I thought," then she starts walking away but looks back over her shoulder, "you better not even talk to him."

With that she's off with Weslee and Lexi following her.

I stand in the middle of the hallway stunned.

Did Emerson really kiss Mallory? But I thought he liked me. I guess I was wrong because who actually would like me. I mean I'm fat and ugly and I look one of those orcs from The Lord Of The Rings.

All of a sudden my thoughts are interrupted by someone saying my name.

"Hey Kieran you OK? You look a little pale," I hear a familiar voice say and I look up to see Emerson staring at me.

"Oh yeah I'm fine," I lie to him because on the inside I feel terrible.

"OK, well do you want to hang out in the classroom with me?" He asks.

I almost say yes then remember what Mallory said, "uh I actually told Colton I would meet her in the library this morning." I tell him the start to walk away.

"See you later," I say without looking back at him and just leave him standing alone.

I start walking towards the library but when I am out of Emerson view I slip outside to the parking lot.

Outside I am greeted by the strong smell of smoke and five people that look around my age sharing a pack of cigarettes. I think I've seen them around the halls of school before.

I walk up to them and they all look at me.

"Hi," I say.

"Hello," says a tall girl with light skin and dyed red hair.

"Who are you?" Says a shortish guy with shaggy brown hair, who is kinda cute.

"Uh Kieran, And you guys are?" I ask the group.

"Well I'm Alexis the guy with the shaggy hair is Declan, the girl with short black hair is Carson, the dude with short blonde hair is Shawn and, the girl with the freakishly long hair is Sam," the tall girl-Alexis-tells me.

"Cool," I say then nod to the pack of cigarettes. "Can I have one?"

"Sure," says a guy says and I think his name is Declan. "Here," he says as he hands me one and a lighter.

"Hey thanks. Declan right?"

"Yup," he nods.

I light the cigarrette and I take a long drag and exhale the thick smoke. I cough a bit because I haven't had a cigarette in what must have been a few years but one couldn't hurt. Could it?

I take a few more large inhales from the cigarette then throw it on the ground. I use my foot to put it out.

Just then the bell rings.

I wave to the group, "well I should go to class, see you guys later maybe."

"Yeah I hope to see you soon," Declan says and he brushes his hair out of his face.

"Yeah you seem cool," a girl who I think is named Carson says.

"Yeah well you guys seem cool to. See ya," I take a deep breath then walk into the school and the smell of sweat and books hit me.

I scrunch up my nose then walk to my room I have Art in and see that Colton is already sitting down. I look around to see where Emerson is sitting and see that he is sitting beside Mallory. My heart sinks even more.

"Hi Cole," I say half heartedly.

"Hey Kier, what's on your mind?" She can always tell when something is wrong.

"Oh you know... Mikey Way," I tell her.

She laughs, "oh come on Kier. Tell me what's up."

"Look at Emerson," I tell her then the teacher walks in.

~time skip to lunch~

I walk out my pre calc class and grab my lunch from my bag. I head back to my homeroom and take a seat in the usual.

I am soon joined by Colton who looks mortified.

"You know what?" She asks me


"I totally thought Emerson liked you. But now he is hanging out with Mallory. She is like your worst enemy, doesn't he know that?"

I sigh, "yeah but that's not even bad. Do you know what she showed me this morning? She showed me a photo of them kissing, then she told me to stay away from him and I can't even talk to him. But I don't think I even would want to after what she showed me," I tell Cole as I feel my eyes start to mist over.

"Hey you know what Kieran? You don't need him because you have me," she tells me and I feel a bit better. Then Cole looks at the door and she frowns. "Speak of the devil and he comes,"

I look at the door to see what she is talking about and see Mallory and her minions walk in. I notice Mallorys eyes look a little red but I ignore that. She probably scrubbed a little to hard to get her makeup off before she got home. I laugh a little to myself at the thought then Emerson walks in behind them and my heart drops for like the tenth time today.

But suprisingly he walks towards me but his face almost looks angry and it confuses me.

"Why would you do that Kieran?!?! I thought you were cool then I find out that you do this to Mallory. You know I never would have pegged you as the jealous type. But here we are. Maybe we shouldn't be friends!" Emerson tells me and I sit there shocked. What did I do? I'm so confused.

"Woah I didn't do anything. What are you talking about?" I ask Emerson and he only seems to get even more mad.

"You know what?!?! I also didn't peg you as the lieing type," Emerson starts to walk away but he turns back and grabs the water bottle that sits on my desk and pours the contents all over me. I gasp, tears starting to fall from my eyes.

What did I do?

Cute New Kid | Emerson Barett | Palaye RoyaleWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt