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Song of the chapter: Life of the party by All Time Low.

"Kieran open up,"

I hear a voice say through my blanket and door making it all muffled.

"Go away!" I yell knowing that it is Colton since my parents won't be get home until late.

"Kieran you know it's not healthy just laying in your bed because of what Emerson did,"

"I know it's not healthy. But that's not gonna stop me," I tell her as I uncover my head and push the blanket off my body and slowly climb out of bed.

"Yes but Kieran if you don't open this door right now I swear I will..." before she can finish what she was gonna say I open the door quickly and Colton looks at me taking in my tangly hair and red eyes with my mascara running down my face.

"Oh Kieran you look terrible," she says as she hugs me and I feel a couple more tears fall.

I pull away from Colton and she gives me a look of sympathy.


"Yes Kieran?"

"Let's do something fun,"

"Really Kieran? You're hurting right now and I'm  not sure if that is the best idea,"

"Yes Cole, I seriously want to do this. I need to do this," it's true. I do need this. I need to get out. I give Colton the puppy eyes. "And Cole if you don't come with me, I'll just go alone."

I see a look of annoyance and defeat cross her face and she puts her hands on my shoulders and looks me in the eyes, "Kieran, I will never leave you and make you go have fun alone. Besides I need to loosen up as well,"

I look at Cole and give a huge smile, "well come on, let's get ready for a night of dancing, and I'll just tell my parents I'm spending the night at your place."

"Great because I got invited to a party tonight from a guy in my photography class and I think we should go,"

"Yeah, we should,"

I look at my self in the mirror and I look a lot better than I did an hour ago. I am wearing a knee length flowy strapless black dress with black flaps and light makeup. I walk out of the bathroom. When Cole sees me she gives a small gasp then comes and hugs me.

"Oh my gosh, Kieran you look so pretty,"

"Yeah so do you," I tell as I look at the outfit she had chosen.

She was wearing a mid thigh red dress with thick straps with black heels and red lipstick.

"Yes well, shall we go," Cole tells me as I grab some cash and my phone and we head out the door.

"Sure, whose party is it again?"

"I think his name is Declan Grey?"

We arrive at a big house a bit outside of town and see a lot of cars parked out side.

We get to the front door and I feel my stomach flip around from being nervous. I haven't been to a party in so long. It's kinda like smoking.

Cole must have noticed my hesitation because she quickly squeezes my hand and tells me to relax. Trust me. That's all I will be doing tonight.

She opens the door and I am hit by the smell of sweat, alchahol, and smoke.

We step into the hot house closing the door behind us and look at each other. This night would be anything but boring.

"And then she she..." I forget what I was gonna say and we all erupt into a fit of laughter and giggles.

I stumble away from the group not quite sure where I'm going but it's probably off to find another drink.

"Whoa there," I hear someone say as I almost fall to the floor but they catch me and I start to giggle again.

I look up at the guy and I see that he is pretty cute with his shaggy brown hair and blue eyes.

"Hi," I say then almost start to laugh again.

"What's so funny?" He asks with a smile and I can tell he is sober.

"I know you,"

"Oh do you?" He asks with a confused look as if he is trying to think of who I am but he is still smiling.

"Yes you gave me a cigarette,"

"Your right. I actually forgot about that?"

I almost reply to that but then I hear the song Throne by Bring Me The Horizon come on and I gasp, "Oh My Gosh Declan I looovve this song, we have to daaannce," I say kind of slurring because of my drunken state.

"OK whatever you say my dear," he says and we go into the living room and start dancing randomly with a bunch of random people, and anything after that is a blur.

"Uggh," I groan as I pry open my eyes and hold my head with my hands trying to make this huge head ache disappear. I then check out my saroundings trying to figure out where I am.

I am definitely in a bedroom. The walls are covered in many band posters and the floor is littered with monsters and dirty shirts. I know it's not mine or Cole's bedroom. That's all I can say.

I lay back down and cover myself with the blanket I was using. I hear a door open and peak out from the blanket. I see Declan walk in with a water bottle and a couple of pills.

I uncover my head and he sets the water and pills down on the nightstand and sits down on the bed beside me.

"I'm sorry about the mess," he says gesturing around the room.

So it's his room.

"Yeah and I'm sorry about sleeping in your bed," I say as I put my hand on my fore head willing the hangover to disappear but nothing happens. "Do you know why I'm here? Does Cole know I'm here?"

"Yeah no worries I told Colton you could stay here because you had passed out in the tub and I gave Colton a ride home because I had nothing to drink,"

I laugh a bit when he says I passed out in the tub but immediately regret it because it just makes my head hurt even more.

Declan must have noticed me cringe from the pain so he stands up from the bed and points at the water and pills then at me and walks out of the room.

I quickly swallow the pills chasing them down with water then lay back down once again covering my face with the thick blanket.

"Kieran, Kieran, can you hear me?" I hear a voice say as I lift the blanket off my face and see Declan looking down at me.

"Hi," I say looking back up at him.

"Um your friend is here looking for you,"

"My friend?" I ask then realize that he must be talking about Cole. "Oh OK I'll be right out then."

"K and there is a bathroom right in there," he says pointing at a door on the opposite side of the room.

"OK," I say and when he leaves I stand up and drink the rest of the water from my bottle and walk into the bathroom.

I look at myself in the mirror. I cringe a little at how terrible I look. I have dark circles around my eyes and my hair is sticking up in every direction.

"Ughhh," I say as I finger comb my hair and splash some water on my face trying to wake myself up.

I walk down the stairs to the sitting area of the house. I see beer cans and wrappers littering the floor everywhere.

"Hi Cole... oh shit," I say when I look up and see Sage. My sister.

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