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Emerson POV

I walk through the doors at school and see Kieran standing by her locker alone. I walk up to her and she doesn't pay any attention to me.

"Kieran," I say. She doesn't answer me.

"Hey Kieran, You OK? You look a little pale," I tell her.

She looks up at me a little startled.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine," she says to me but I feel like she is lying.

OK, well do you want to hang out in the classroom with me?" I ask her hoping that she will say yes.

It looks like she almost says yes but then she thinks about it again.

"Uh, actually I told Colton I would meet her in the library this morning," she tells me and I feel my heart drop a little. "See you later,"

I watch her walk away then head to the classroom to hang out by myself.

I walk in to the classroom to see Mallory sitting at the desk she is usually at.

"Oh hey Emerson," she says when she sees me.

"Uh hey Mallory," I don't think Mallory is a bad person but last night she randomly came to my house asking if she could borrow my pre calc notes. So I said yes. But for some reason she kissed me and I think she took a photo of it. I hope Kieran doesn't see that. I really like her.

"Emerson you should sit down with us," Mallory says and I just nod my head as I sit in the seat beside her. For the next five to ten minutes they talk about random school gossip and I just nod my head but the whole time I am thinking about Kieran.

When the bell rings I see Kieran walk into the classroom and I try my best not to stare. I see her go sit by Colton then they start talking. I see the teacher walk in so I turn my attention to her instead of Kieran. Then I feel like someone is staring at me and it kinda freaks me out.

~time skip to lunch~

I walk out of the room I have ELA in and I feel someone come stand beside me and link my arm in theirs.

"Hello Emmy!" I hear a fake cheerful voice say and I look to the voice and see Mallory with a fake smile on her face.

I sigh, "hello Mallory."

"Hey you know your one friend, uh I think her name is Kieran she is not the uh, person you thought she was,"

"What do you mean?"

"Well for one, she hates me with all her guts and she obviously doesn't like you hanging out with me,"

I look at her and I am not suprised that Kieran does not like her, "why does she hate you so much."

"That's the thing, I don't know. But honestly I'm pretty sure she is just jelous of me,"

I scoff, "why would she be jelous of you." That earns a glare from her but she takes a breath and continues talking.

"Well for one I am popular and two, I am hanging out with you, but honestly let me tell you what she did to me,"

"What did she do?"

"Well it was 10th grade, and I had this boyfriend, he was so nice and good looking and just the sweetest guy ever. Then Kieran saw him and she takes him from me. He was the love of my life. Now she does anything to make my life miserable."

I take all this in for a couple seconds. Why didn't she tell me this. She doesn't seem like that type of person. But I guess I just don't know her.

"And the worst part is what happened last night after I left your house," I see her take a deep breath and I wish she would just say what Kieran did. "I was walking home... alone in the dark when I heard someone call my name, I walked towards the voice when I saw her. She told me that she was watching me and you. She threatened to hurt me if I hung out with you anymore. So I told her to leave me alone, then... then she got to my house before me and my window was broken by a rock. And attached to the rock was a piece of paper that said 'leave him alone,'" at this point she was crying and I was just standing in shock.

Did Kieran really do that? What is her problem!?!? I am alowed to hang out with whoever I want! She doesn't own me!

We started to walk to the class room for lunch and I followed behind Mallory trying to keep my anger in control. Mallory wiped her tears from her eyes as we walked into the classroom.

I start to follow Mallory to where she usually sits and I see Kieran talking to Cole then they look at me. All of a sudden I remember everything that Mallory said and I start to walk towards Kieran.

"Why would you do this Kieran?!?! I thought you were cool then I find out that you did this to Mallory! You know? I never would have pegged you as the jelous type! But here we are! Maybe we shouldn't be friends!" I yell at Kieran and I see her eyes glaze over. But I feel no sympathy for her.

"Whoa I didn't do anything. What are you talking about?!?" She says all of a sudden looking mad and it just fuels my rage.

"You know what?!? I also didn't peg you as the lieing type!" I yell and I start to walk away but something makes me turn back and I grab the water bottle that sits on her desk and I open it and pour the contents all over her head. I then set the water bottle back on the desk and start to walk away.

I don't know why I did it. I just did. As I sit back down and see Mallory, Weslee and Lexi trying not to laugh. I look back at Kieran and she has a confused look on her face.

Why is she acting like this?

A/N sorry I haven't updated in a while. 😔

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