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Song of the chapter: Ma Chérie, by, Palaye Royale ft. Kellin Quinn.

"No way!" I yell at Emerson as he finishes telling me the story of when he met Kellin Quinn and made a song with him. "I can't believe you met thee Kellin Quinn. He is like, part of one of my favorite bands."

"Yup. It was pretty cool," he tells me smiling and I shake my head in disbelief.

"That is so cool. I can't believe I haven't heard that song," I tell him as I make a mental note to download-i mean buy-that song later.

"What shall we do?" I ask a couple minutes later after I get over the fact that Emerson has met thee Kellin Quinn.

"I don't know, how about we go for a walk?" He says and I look at him as if he's crazy.

"You do know that walking is physical activity right?" I ask and he laughs.

"Oh come on, it's not that bad," he says and I sigh.

"Fine. But you have to carry me to the door," I tell him and he laughs as he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.

"I prefer this over walking," I tell Emerson and we both start laughing.

We make it downstairs to the boot room and Emerson takes me off his shoulder.

"Here you go your majesty," Emerson says with an over exaggerated bow and I laugh.

"Well thank you kind sir," I say with a smile and we both start laughing.

"Come on, let's walk," he says skipping out of the house like a ten year old girl.

"OK. Let's go princess," he gives me a confused look

"Why am I the princess?"

"Because I'm the queen. *duh*,"

"Then why aren't I the king?"

"I don't know. You tell me," and with that we start walking.

"Where shall we go?" I ask and Emerson think for a couple seconds.

"The park,"

"Ooh. Not cliche at all," I say with a laugh and we go into the direction of the park.



"What are we?" Emerson asks and I smile.

"We're us," I tell him and he grabs my hand.

"I'm glad we're us,"

"Yup, you big softie,"


"Race ya to the swings,"

I take off running as fast as I can and I see Emerson pass me.

I make it to the swings five seconds after he does and I glare at him.

"Let's swing," he says and we both sit down.

"Why did you ask me what we are?" I ask Emerson and he takes a long breath.

"I have something to tell you,"

"Yeah, what?" I ask looking at his face and he gives me a small smile.

"I'm, uh. Going on tour," he says quickly and my smile falters.

"Oh. For how long?"

"A couple of months,"

"Oh. When are you leaving?" I ask quietly.

"Two weeks,"


We sit quietly for a long time me taking in what he had said, and Emerson letting me take in what he had said.

"Kieran," Emerson says suddenly and I look at him.

"Yeah?" He stands up and I do as well.

"Kieran this is something that I have been wanting to ask you since I first sat next to you," he says grabbing my hands and I smile.

"Go on,"

"Kieran, will you be my girlfriend?"

Cute New Kid | Emerson Barett | Palaye RoyaleWhere stories live. Discover now